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Stress can increase the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease


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Experts say that constant stress can disrupt some biological processes in the brain.Getty Images
  • Researchers say that chronic stress may be one of the factors involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • They say that constant stress can affect the brain’s immune system in ways that can lead to symptoms of dementia.
  • According to experts, people can reduce stress by exercising, developing good sleep habits, and giving them time to relax.

Chronic stress can contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s a new decision made by Australian researchers Research..

Researchers say that the association between stress and Alzheimer’s disease may be due to a reaction in a part of the body called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a pathway in the brain that causes the stress response. It states that there is.

“What we know is that chronic stress affects many biological pathways in our body. It affects exposure to chronic stress and the body’s response to such stress. There is a close interaction with the giving pathway. ” David Gross, PhD, Senior Author of Research and Associate Professor at Curtin University in Perth, Australia.

“Genetic mutations in these pathways can affect the behavior of the brain’s immune system and cause dysfunctional reactions. In the brain, this leads to chronic disruption of normal brain processes. , Subsequent neurodegeneration, and ultimately increased risk of dementia, “gross said. statement..

Both dysregulation of HPA and elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol are common in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Experts state that these high levels of cortisol may be involved in neurodegeneration.

“For cortisol, we don’t know if chicken or the egg comes first. Like most of the complex degenerative diseases in the human body, there is a feedback loop where high levels of cortisol and neurodegeneration supply each other. There is a possibility.” Dr. Ryan Townley, An assistant professor of neurology at the University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Center, told Healthline.

“Alzheimer’s disease puts excessive stress on the brain. In the early stages, there is hyperexcitement in the initial setting of the condition,” he explained. “Weight loss often occurs before dementia, but much of it is muscle mass. Some people in the field are more systemic than we are currently aware of, and the whole body. I suspect that a typical stress response may be part of this. “

Alzheimer’s disease It is the most common form of dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease affects almost 6 million Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), That number is expected to grow to 14 million by 2060.

The cause of Alzheimer’s disease remains unknown, but researchers believe that a number of environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors can play a role. Increasingly, chronic stress is recognized as a risk factor.

“Stress alone may not cause Alzheimer’s disease, but if someone already has Alzheimer’s disease, it can be one of the factors that determine whether the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease appear earlier or later. Patients with high levels of stress are less able to cope with pathological changes in Alzheimer’s disease, and their symptoms may be more pronounced than those without high levels of stress. ” Dr. Irina Skyler Scott, A clinical assistant professor of neurology and neuroscience at Stanford University in California, told Healthline.

She says that people should not assume that having high levels of stress means they develop Alzheimer’s disease.

“People who hear about this study should not assume that stress alone causes Alzheimer’s disease. There is no evidence to support it. Fortunately, they can reduce high levels of stress. Best of all, it’s one of the factors associated with brain health and can be addressed directly, “says Skylar-Scott.

Townley says there are steps people can take to reduce stress levels and therefore are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

He advises people to exercise, try breathing exercises, schedule relaxation times, improve sleep habits, make time for leisure activities, and laugh more often.

“Many of our diets, sleep habits, and stress response habits are changeable and should be our focus,” he said.

“If we further promote the importance of diet, sleep apnea check and treatment, exercise, mindfulness training, and active treatment of chronic health conditions (hypertension, diabetes, depression), it will have a big impact. I’ll give you a risk reduction, “Townley said.





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