This is what happens to your body during extreme heat
Christina Maxouris, CNN
The· Unprecedented Heat waves that are part of the scorching heat of North America to not give up not yet.
More than 50 million people were alerted to heat on Wednesday in the western and northeastern United States, but hot weather continues in parts of western Canada.
Litton, British Columbia reached 121 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday, setting a Canadian heat record for the third consecutive day. Spokane, Washington recorded the hottest day ever on Tuesday at 109 degrees Celsius. On the other side of the coast, Boston, Massachusetts was tied, and Hartford, Connecticut broke daily records, surpassing 99 degrees.
The· Humid heat is dangerous — According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of more than 700 Americans died from heat-related causes each year between 2004 and 2018. report. According to the report, about 90% of these deaths occurred between May and September.
And experts say Climate change Making a heat wave More general and more powerful.
Here’s what you need to be aware of, and how to stay safe, what happens to your body in extreme heat.
What happens to your body
Your body is usually used in a specific temperature range, usually between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit. According to Dr. Judith Linden, Executive Vice President of Emergency Medical Care at the Boston Medical Center, when the brain senses a change (lower or higher), it tries to help the body get cold or hot.
“There are several ways (the brain) try to cool the body. One of the most common ways we think of is to sweat,” Linden said. “The pores open, the body sweats, the sweat evaporates, and it cools the body.”
The second way to cool your body is to dilate your blood vessels to increase your heart rate. This distributes heat and blood to the surface of the body, releasing excess heat.
When exposed to high temperatures, it becomes difficult for the body to stay cold.And if your environment is hot And It is damp and sweat does not evaporate easily. This will increase your body temperature even higher. Mayo Clinic.
“The higher the humidity, the lower the temperature required for extreme heat,” says Linden.
High body temperature can damage the brain and other important organs. CDC To tell. They can also lead to some heat-related illnesses.
Types of heat-related illnesses
Mild fever-related illnesses, including Hot cramps, According to Linden, it’s the most common. Febrile seizures can occur in people who sweat, including during exercise. Excessive sweating can exhaust all of your body’s salt and water, usually causing muscle soreness or cramps in your abdomen, arms, or legs. CDC.
A Heat rash You can also develop. This is an inflammation of the skin caused by excessive sweating in hot and humid weather and is most common in young children, CDC says. It is usually a red cluster of acne or blisters that tends to be in places such as the neck, upper chest, or wrinkles on the elbows.
When your body begins to exceed its ability to cool itself, you can develop what is known as Heat exhaustion.
“In this case, you will see excessive sweating because your body is really trying to catch up with that extra heat. You may feel light-headed and dizzy. Often nausea, headaches. Often, the skin looks pale and clumsy, and the pulse is fast, “says Linden.
“This is the last attempt to cool the body before it actually returns.”
Heat stroke Is the most serious heat-related illness and can be fatal if left untreated.
“That’s where your body’s temperature rises above 104 to 105 degrees Celsius, and this is where your mechanism is starting to fail,” Linden said.
According to the CDC, signs of warning include very high body temperature, red and dry skin, fast pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of consciousness.
The hallmarks of heat stroke are confusion and excitement, Linden said.
“So when someone is confused and upset in the heat, it’s a heat stroke until it’s proved otherwise. Call 911 for that or ask him for help right away. You need to be free from the heat. “
Who is the most risky
Elderly people and people with chronic medical conditions are at increased risk of severe heat-related illnesses.
Elderly people and people with chronic medical conditions are less likely to sense and respond to changes in body temperature and may be taking medications that exacerbate the effects of heat. CDC Said.
“Even very young people are less likely to recognize a fever-related illness and are less likely to get out of the fever if they start to overheat,” Linden said.
She added that student athletes and pets are also at high risk.
“In this weather, don’t leave your child or pet in the car for a minute,” Linden added.
How to stay safe
When your community is facing extreme heat, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself and others safe.
First, pay attention to the symptoms of heat exhaustion and other illnesses.
“If someone starts to feel dizzy, dizzy, nausea, or headache, it’s time to act immediately,” Linden said. “That means freeing them from the heat and putting them in a cool environment.”
Watering and hydrating people who may be experiencing symptoms can help cool the body. If someone is starting to lose consciousness, or if you have nausea or vomiting, call 911.
“If you see someone with some kind of confusion, it’s an immediate danger signal,” Linden added.
According to Linden, avoid outdoor activities when it’s hot outside, especially during the hours from 11am to 3pm. If you need to go out, wear light-colored clothing, cover your head, and drink plenty of water.
Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water — it can be a sign of dehydration. Linden recommends drinking at least one glass (or more) of water per hour.
“If you start to feel light-headed, dizzy, sweating, or a fast pulse, get out of the heat right away,” Linden said.
According to the air conditioner, or try to find a place in your area where you can go to keep cool Just spending a few hours in a shopping mall or public library can help.
Fans can help when you’re at home, but don’t rely on them as your only cooling method-it may feel more comfortable, but they prevent heat-related illnesses Does not help.
“If you’re in a super-hot room, is it useful if you have fans? No. If you have fans and you can cloud yourself … I think fans will help,” says Linden. .. “Fans are not absolutely certain.”
Finally, make sure you’re checking out your neighbors, parents, friends, especially older people who live alone or may be isolated, Linden says.
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