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Covid-Hit People Must Take Care Of Kidney Health: Experts


People severely struck by fatal respiratory illness must also continue to check their kidney health as the second wave of Covid waves devastated India in the warning of the third wave. Top health experts advised on Friday. The latest AIIMS study confirms that the kidneys are most affected in severely ill Covid-19 deaths, with the exception of the lungs and liver. According to Dr. Amit K Devra, Senior Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Noida’s JP Hospital, blood hypoxia levels from pneumonia can cause ATN (tubular necrosis damage) in the kidneys.

“In severe cases, cytokine storms cause severe immune responses that lead to severe inflammation of multiple organs, including the kidneys, which can damage healthy kidneys,” Debra told IANS.

The complete effect of COVID-19 on the kidneys is not yet clear.

However, C John Sperati, a kidney health expert at Johns Hopkins Medicine, has shown how the new coronavirus affects kidney function as the disease progresses and then the person recovers.

The virus itself infects kidney cells. Kidney cells have receptors that allow new coronaviruses to attach to them, invade them, and make copies of themselves, which can damage their tissues.

“Similar receptors are found in lung and heart cells where the new coronavirus has been shown to cause injury,” Sperati, director of the Nephrology Fellowship Training Program, told Johns Hopkins’ website. Mentioned in the latest published update.

Another possibility is that kidney problems in coronavirus patients are due to abnormally low oxygen levels in the blood. This is the result of pneumonia, which is common in severe cases of the disease.

The kidneys are like filters that remove toxins, excess water, and waste products from the body.

“Covid-19 can form small blood clots in the bloodstream that can block the smallest blood vessels in the kidneys and impair their function,” Sperati said.

Some people suffering from severe cases of Covid-19 show signs of kidney damage, even those who did not have underlying kidney problems before being infected with the coronavirus.

Early reports indicate that up to 30% of patients admitted to Covid-19 in China and New York developed moderate or severe renal impairment.

In most cases, the injury is reversible and may or may not be reversible, according to Dr. Anuja Porwal, additional director of nephrology at Fortis Hospital.

“If you have underlying comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney stones, you are more likely to have kidney problems.

In addition, sometimes the drugs given to treat Covid can also affect the kidneys, “Powar told IANS.

Experts advised that if a patient was involved in the kidney during a Covid infection, he / she should definitely undergo a renal function test and follow up with a nephrologist on a regular basis for at least 3 months.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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