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Increasing COVID cases in all but two states in the United States


As the number of COVID-19 cases increases across the United States, only two states have not reported an increase in infection rates, but the five states with the highest spikes have lower vaccination rates.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the average number of confirmed infections per day increased from 11,300 on June 23 to 23,600 on Monday. Maine and South Dakota are the only two states that have not reported an increase in the last two weeks.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Reported that 55.6% of all Americans were vaccinated at least once, with national average vaccination rates in five states where the number of cases per person increased the most in two weeks. Was below. Missouri is 45.9%. Arkansas is 43 percent. Nevada is 50.9%. Louisiana is 39.2%. Utah is 49.5 percent.

The increase in infection is due to the rapidly spreading delta variants, slow vaccination rates, and the July 4 rally.

See below for a detailed report from the Associated Press.

COVID-19 vaccine
Only two states have not reported an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases per capita in the last two weeks. Vials of the COVID-19 vaccine will be found at Chicago pharmacies on December 18, 2020.
Scott Olson / Getty Images

Dr. Bill Powderley, co-director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said: In St. Louis.

At the same time, while some parts of the country face deep vaccine resistance, the highly contagious variants of the coronavirus first detected in India account for an increasingly large proportion of infections.

Despite the recent surge, cases in the United States are far from peaking at 250,000 per day in January. Also, after exceeding 3,400 during the winter, the average number of deaths is less than 260 per day. This shows how vaccines can effectively prevent serious illness and death in infected individuals.

Still, in the rise, health officials such as Los Angeles County and St. Louis are begging even immunized people to resume wearing masks in public.

Meanwhile, the Mississippi Health Department, which died last nationwide from vaccination, has begun blocking posts on COVID-19. Facebook Page for “increased false alarms” about viruses and vaccines.

Department officials also recommend that people over the age of 65 and those with chronic underlying illness stay away from large indoor rallies, as hospitalizations have increased by 150% in the last three weeks.

But in many states, tired of months of restrictions, there may be no political will.

In Michigan, Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer is facing a move to abolish legislation that set key restrictions in the early stages of the pandemic.

And Alabama’s Republican Governor Kay Ivy opposed the idea that the state might need to re-impose precautions as vaccinations are delayed and hospitalizations increase.

“Alabama is open. Vaccines are readily available. Vaccines are recommended. The state of emergency and health orders have expired. We are moving forward,” she said. Said on social media.

Dr. James Roller, leader of the Global Health Security Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, said it would be helpful to bring back masks and limit meetings. But he admitted that most of the high virus outbreaks are “exactly the regions of the country where you don’t want to do these things.”

Roller warned that what’s happening in the UK is a preview of what’s going on in the US

“The explanation from the region of the world where the delta mutant has settled and became the predominant virus is a picture of an ICU full of 30 years old. It’s what a critical care physician explains and it’s coming to the United States. “He said. ..

“I don’t think people have any clues about attacking us,” he added.

President Joe Biden We are putting Starpower behind the government’s efforts to vaccinate young people. 18-year-old actress and singer-songwriter Olivia Rodrigo will meet Biden and the doctor. Anthony Forch on Wednesday.

The administration has succeeded in immunizing older Americans, but younger adults have shown less urgency to fire.

Eric Frederick, chief administrative officer of Mercy Hospital Springfield, said some have listened to the call in Missouri, at least after a few weeks of begging. He tweeted that the number of people immunized at the vaccine clinic surged from 150 to 250 every day.

“It gives me hope,” he said.

California bar
Cases of COVID-19 have doubled in the last three weeks due to the rapidly prevailing Delta variant and delayed vaccination rates in some states. On Wednesday, July 7, 2021, file photo patrons will enjoy a cocktail at the Tiki-Ti bar in Los Angeles.
Damian Dovarganes, File / AP Photo




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