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Dukes Drop Marathon matchup with App State, 4-3, in Sun Belt tournament

Dukes Drop Marathon matchup with App State, 4-3, in Sun Belt tournament


ROME, Ga. No. No. 10 James Madison claimed three singles courts in straight sets, but No. 7 App State rallied for the doubles point, winning two of three singles battles in three sets to earn a 4-3 victory against the Dukes in the second on Thursday afternoon . round of the Sun Belt Conference Women's Tennis Championship at the Rome Tennis Center.

The Mountaineers improved to 13-9 on the year and advance to Friday's SBC quarterfinals against No. 2 Marshall, while the Dukes saw their season end at 8-13.

In the sixth all-time meeting between the teams, this was App's first win against JMU and avenged a 5-2 loss to the Dukes in March.

JMU posted victories in senior singles Cate Broerman and juniors Hope Moulin And Alexandra Prudent while the doubles of Daria Munteanu And Ines Oliveira claimed the top doubles field.

App State fended off a match point on court two doubles while trailing 5-3 and rallied to win the doubles point with a 7-1 tiebreaker victory. After JMU took a 3-2 lead, the Mountaineers tied the score on court five with a come-from-behind win from Naledi Manyube and earned the deciding point in a three-set triumph from Taya Powell on court two.


  • JMU took the early doubles advantage with a solid win on court one as Munteanu and Oliveira fended off Savannah Dada-Mascoll and Ellie Murphy 6-3. It was a close 4-3 match before the JMU duo broke App's serve and served out the win.
  • App tied things up on court three, as Manyube and Maggie Pate overcame a 3-2 deficit to put four games in a row behind them. Matko River and Moulin.
  • JMU came within a point of winning a doubles match on court two and led 5-3 at deuce point, but Powell and Olwyn Ryan-Bovey held off match point and forced a tiebreak with the App duo of Broerman and Prudente with 7-6 would beat. (1).

Play singles

  • JMU took opening sets on courts three through six, while App stayed strong on the top two courts.
  • JMU made it 1-1 on court four, while Moulin won a pair of love-40 games in the second set and walked away with a 6-2, 6-1 victory against Pate.
  • Shortly afterwards, in a battle between All-Sun Belt competitors in singles, Dada-Mascoll stopped Munteanu and pulled away on court one. 6-3, 6-3 victory.
  • The match was tied again, this time at 2-2, as Broerman capped her collegiate career with a dominant victory on court three, defeating Ryan-Bovey 6-1, 6-3.
  • Prudente gave JMU its first lead of the afternoon on court six as she dug deep to earn a 6-3, 6-4 win over Murphy, earning her first career postseason victory.
  • After falling a set behind, App's Manyube pulled away in the second set and used the momentum to upend Matko, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1, leveling the chess match at three apiece became.
  • In the final battle on court two, Oliveira dropped a 6-0 set in the first before fighting back to win the second set tightly. Oliveira fell behind 5-1 in the third and avoided four match points before Powell finished the job for the Mountaineers with a 6-0, 4-6, 6-3 win.




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