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Ministers Anandasangaree, Hajdu, Vandal and Ien issue statement on Red Dress Day 2024

Ministers Anandasangaree, Hajdu, Vandal and Ien issue statement on Red Dress Day 2024


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The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Crisis Line is a national, toll-free, 24/7 crisis call line providing support to anyone who needs emotional help related to the women, girls, girls crisis , to the two spirits and to the missing and murdered indigenous people. people of different genders. For assistance, call 1-844-413-6649.

Trauma-informed support is also available to all those affected by the ongoing crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, girls, two-spirits and gender diverse people. Health and Culture Support Program for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The program funds access to cultural support (eg, elders, knowledge keepers and traditional healers), emotional support (eg, community-based health workers, peer supporters) and registered mental health counselors (eg, eg, psychologists and social workers).

Ottawa, Ontario (May 5, 2024) Algonquin Traditional Territory

Today, the Honorable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown and Indigenous Relations; the Honorable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor; the Honorable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs; and the honorable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth; issued the following statement:

Since the year Mtis artist Jaime Black began The REDress project in 2010, red dresses hanging in public spaces have become a visual reminder of every Indigenous woman, girl, two-spirit, and gender-diverse person in Canada who has disappeared or been murdered.

Today, on Dress Red Day, we honor every First Nation, Inuit and Mtis life lost to this crisis and reaffirm our efforts to bring home the missing. Ahead of Wear Red Day, the governments of Canada and Manitoba announced a partnership to co-develop a pilot red-wear alert system with Indigenous partners. This was made possible by the $1.3 million investment included in Budget 2024. Alert systems can help ensure that when a woman, girl, bisexual or intersex person goes missing, they are found.

We stand united in affirming our unwavering commitment to addressing this national crisis and working collectively toward a safe, violence-free future for all women, girls, and two-spirited and gender-diverse people. We also recognize that it means supporting grassroots, Indigenous-led and community-driven change through housing, shelters, policing and infrastructure initiatives, such as the Inuvialuit Family Wellbeing Center which provides shelter for Indigenous women and families in Inuvik , Indigenous Victim and Family Liaison Program that helps individuals and family members navigate culturally appropriate health and wellness supports, and new rural public transit studies to better connect communities undertaken by Nahanni Butte First Nation, Yellowknives Dene Hay River Mtis First Nation and Government.

The work to end the national crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, girls, two-spirits and gender diverse people is ongoing and much more remains to be done. The federal government is committed to learning from Indigenous partners in a way that respects our shared priorities. We will continue to use Federal Street, National Action Plan, the National Inquiry calls for justice and the National Action Plan to end gender-based violence to pave the way forward for our work. Today, as we honor these lives, we continue our efforts to dismantle the systems that put Indigenous people at risk and create transformative change that will ensure that every woman, girl, soul and gender diverse person in Canada has a future without fear and violence, where their rights are protected and respected.




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