Vaccine myths and disinformation keep COVID vaccinations low
US surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Thursday that false information about the COVID-19 pandemic poses “an imminent and insidious threat to our health.”
He blamed the spread of what he called a “general myth” by those who refused to vaccinate. Nevada health officials said cases of unvaccinated people have caused a recent surge in infections in the state.
Mercy’s office has also published a document showing how to counter false information about the COVID-19 vaccine. find it Here..
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has addressed some of the myths prevailing primarily through social media channels and published facts that people need to know to combat vaccine concerns.
Myth 1. When you get the COVID-19 vaccine, you may become magnetic.
CDC: Vaccination does not make you magnetic, including the vaccination site on your arm. The COVID-19 vaccine does not contain ingredients that can generate electromagnetic fields at the injection site. All COVID-19 vaccines are metal free.Learn more about material A vaccine that is approved for use in the United States.
Myth 2. COVID-19 vaccine can cause problems if you want a baby.
CDC: If you are currently pregnant or want to become pregnant in the future, you will get it when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. Currently, there is no evidence that vaccination causes problems with pregnancy, including placental development. In addition, there is no evidence that female or male childbirth problems are a side effect of vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine.
Myth 3. Vaccines will change your DNA.
CDC: Vaccines do not modify or interact with DNA. Both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines provide cells with instructions (genetic material) to initiate the construction of defenses against the virus that causes COVID-19. However, the substance never enters the nucleus of the cell. The nucleus of a cell is where our DNA is held.Learn more about mRNA and Viral vector COVID19 vaccine.
Myth 4. When you get the COVID-19 vaccine, the virus test will be positive for COVID-19.
CDC: None of the approved and recommended COVID-19 vaccines test positive. Virus testing, Used to check if you are currently infected. If the body responds immune to the target vaccination, some tests may be positive. Antibody test.. Antibody tests show that you have been infected before and may have some protection.For more information Possibility of COVID-19 disease after vaccination..
Myth 5. Vaccines can get sick with COVID-19.
CDC: No licensed US COVID-19 vaccine Contains live viruses. This means that the vaccine cannot make you sick. Vaccines teach our immune system how to recognize and fight viruses.
Myth 6. Being close to a person who has been vaccinated with COVID-19 can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle.
CDC: The menstrual cycle is not affected by being close to the person who received the COVID-19 vaccine. The cycle can be affected by stress, sleep disorders, and dietary and exercise changes.
Myth 7. The COVID-19 vaccine, which is licensed for use in the United States, releases or releases some of its constituents.
CDC: Vaccine excretion is a term used to describe the release or release of vaccine components inside or outside the body. Some believe that the live virus can be removed from the vaccinated person. Vaccine shedding occurs only if the vaccine contains an attenuated version of the virus. Vaccines approved for use in the United States do not contain live viruses.
Myth 8. If you are already infected with COVID-19, you do not need to be vaccinated.
It is true that when you recover from COVID-19, your body produces antibodies that provide some protection against getting it again. 90 days is an estimate of immunity length Natural infections can be long, but can lastSaid Dr. David Weismiller, a professor of family and community medicine at UNLV School of Medicine. However, vaccines are still needed to enhance protection.
Jennifer Sizemore, a spokesman for the Southern Nevada Health District, said this was one of the most common misconceptions the authorities heard. “This is not the case. People infected with COVID-19 are still at risk of reinfection, and vaccination provides the best and most effective protection for those who have recovered from the virus,” she added. ..
Myth 9. The COVID-19 vaccine causes a COVID-19 mutant.
The COVID-19 virus itself, not the vaccine, produces the mutant. The CDC states that the virus is constantly changing and genetic variation can lead to the emergence of new variants. Learn more about variants.
Myth 10. I am young and healthy and do not need a vaccine.
According to the CDC and other public health experts, being young and healthy does not guarantee immunity to the disease, especially for the more contagious delta mutants that spread to southern Nevada and the United States. Anyone infected with the virus can develop long-term debilitating symptoms such as prolonged shortness of breath, brain fog, malaise, and loss of smell and taste. Some young people, including those who are perfectly healthy, died of COVID-19.
You need to get the vaccine. Find your option here. For test options, Go here..
Find the latest data about Nevada Coronavirus Count here.
Read more about vaccine safety On the CDC site..
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Rhonda Prast is the editor of the Review-Journal research and projects.To reach her [email protected].. Review-Journal staff writer Mary Hines contributed to this report.
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