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New York leaders are potentially warning about COVID-related syndromes


COVID-19, Coronavirus

This scanning electron microscopy image causes SARS-CoV-2 (yellow) isolated from the patient (aka 2019-nCoV, COVID-19) emerging from the surface of cells (blue / pink) cultured in the laboratory Virus). Credit: NIAID-RML

Mayor Bill de Brascio of New York City expressed Sunday’s tremendous concern over an increasing number of cases of childhood syndrome that scientists suspect may be associated with COVID-19, statewide At least three people died.

The mayor said 38 cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory Discovered in New York City, nine more suspicious cases are pending confirmation.

Soon after, Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state health department was investigating 85 potential cases across the state, showing similarities with Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome.

One of the dead was a 5-year-old boy.

Others include elementary school children and adolescents, state health commissioner Howard Zucker said.

The children were not known to be pre-existing and lived in three different counties, Zucker said.

Cuomo said two more deaths are being investigated and, if confirmed, would result in five deaths across the state associated with the syndrome.

Symptoms of the disease include persistent fever, rash, There is also the possibility of vomiting and inflammation of the blood vessels and heart.

“Basically, the child’s body provokes a concentrated, almost overwhelming immune system reaction, which actually harms the body,” de Blasio said.

The mayor said that all children with related symptoms will be tested for COVID-19 and antibodies.

So far, 47% were positive in the city Eighty-one percent carry the antibody, indicating that most people had exposure to the rapidly spreading virus, the mayor said.

Although there were cases that may have occurred previously, Kuomo said he was not associated with the coronavirus because he had no respiratory symptoms.

Kawasaki’s disease is a mysterious disease that primarily affects children up to the age of 5, causing inflammation of the arterial wall, fever, peeling of the skin, and joint pain.

The UK’s National Health Service first alarmed last month warning of a small increase in children infected with coronaviruses. And atypical Kawasaki disease. “

Several cases have also been reported in France.

Most are horrifying, but they recover without serious problems.

Nursing home test

On Sunday, both the mayor and the governor also highlighted a study of remdesibir drug therapy, an antiviral drug that has been shown to reduce recovery time in COVID-19 patients.

US regulators have approved emergency use of the drug for severe infections, and Japan has also approved it last week.

In the first trial, patients treated with the drug had a reduced hospital stay of 15 to 11 days, according to Debrascio.

He demanded the Donald Trump administration to release more doses to New York, saying the city received 4000 but sought 39,000 in May.

Cuomo, meanwhile, has introduced new regulations for nursing homes, where coronaviruses are particularly damaging. Due to this, infection of all staff should be tested twice a week. Otherwise, you will lose your facility license.

And on May 15, as the Governor approached the date of extending statewide confinement, Cuomo said some areas of New York were likely ready to begin gradual deregulation. It was

However, relaxing such measures in New York City seemed far away. The 8.6 million city is the epicenter of the virus in the United States, which accounts for about a quarter of the more than 79,000 deaths in the United States.

of More than 14,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been reported, and more than 5,000 are believed to be caused by the infection.

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© 2020 AFP

New York leaders are warning about potential COVID-related syndromes (May 10, 2020)
Acquired on May 10, 2020

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