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What is it like to have an OCD during a pandemic?


Tim Hiller has had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) since the age of seven. For him, the coronavirus is one of the most difficult times in the constant struggle with mental health.

From a childhood, Hiller was obsessed with everyday matters, and many of us never think again.

Tim Hiller (Included)

“I had these endless thoughts that would never disappear, and you just whirl,” he said. “I was awake all night because I was worried about the sun rising and the sun damaging my eyes.”

For Hiller, everyday life can be difficult at best, but when the pandemic overturned his life, his ability to manage his OCD was even more difficult.

“I was told to work from home within two days, but I was very worried about it. Setting up myself was very stressful.” The right table, the right I was wondering if the chair was connected or not. If I use the system we are using to connect to the internet I am in the sun but if I damage my back What happens?”

“To most people, these things are pretty straightforward, but everything seemed really difficult because I’m an anxious person.”

SANE Karen Fletcher, Clinical Director, Coronavirus pandemic It was especially challenging for people living with OCD or anxiety disorders, as the kind of coercion people are trying to overcome is actively encouraged, such as by handwashing.

“OCD isn’t just over-thinking, it’s obsessive, recurring and resisting thoughts, bothersome and undesirable,” Ms. Flector told

“Obsessiveness is an obsessive behavior, something you have to do to relieve anxiety, hand washing and cleanliness are very common symptoms.

Not all people with OCD experience anxiety around bacteria, but handwashing and cleaning are common. (CarAdvice)

“Of course, they’re realistic and necessary at the moment, but keep rational beliefs, especially if your strategy to work out or deal with them isn’t immediately available, especially because you’re isolated. Is much harder. “

In the process of isolation, Hiller found that he was increasingly struggling to manage OCD.

“If you encounter a new situation and you have new symptoms that you might have to deal with, it’s always a risk of OCD. Some of the OCD got worse and I started to worry about what pops up every day.”

Under normal circumstances, Hiller will catch up with his friends at a local golf club, but instead he will be more isolated than ever.

“If the OCD stress is added to the situation, there is usually nothing really to help ease the difficulty.

Hiller found himself more isolated because he was afraid to leave home. (9)

“Although I had a nice walk, I found that I was always inside myself, but I was really worried, so I was hiding in my shell at home, not keeping good daily routines, anxious. It was burned out. “

Many Australians are looking forward to visiting friends, going shopping, having dinner at a restaurant, or returning to the office, but the prospect that the restrictions will be relaxed is Hiller. Is a completely new and overwhelming challenge for us. ..

“For me, I like to know what’s going on and make plans, but it’s locked at the moment and waiting for the news and it’s completely out of control. With this, anxiety is increasing.

“I can think of:” How do you know if you have it, how do you know if you are safe. Who can you interact with safely? Go there. Must it be a little too close? “

Coronavirus victoria
People will be exercising on Albert Park Lake in Melbourne on Saturday, April 18, 2020. (AAP image / Michael Dodge)

Hiller’s experience reminds us that while a pandemic may have dramatically changed our daily lives, people’s daily struggles are ongoing and will continue to do so after the blockade ends. Give me

“This current situation for many people may have really heightened the present symptoms and added some more. But when things return to normal, people still have a high level of anxiety. Let’s … the crisis only magnifies what is already happening, “Hiller said.

“It’s not catching so much of the coronavirus. It’s hard for us to worry about, think about, and care about it. It’s another thing to worry about on the long list. Once created, the virus keeps dropping OCDs. “

Ms. Fletcher said she hopes governments and the workplace will continue to recognize the importance of mental health support as they transition to a post-pandemic life.

“We may regain freedom, but stress will continue for quite some time-eg financial stress.”

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