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Ige warns that new restrictions may be needed due to the proliferation of COVID cases


As Hawaii reported a record number of COVID-19 cases, Governor David Ige called it a “warning” reminder that the pandemic wasn’t over, and the state would limit it if the hospital was overwhelmed. He warned that he might need to consider imposing.

On Friday, the state announced 622 cases, the highest number of infections per day since the pandemic began last year. Authorities emphasized that this number includes a backlog of cases due to delays in lab reports earlier this week.

However, despite previous underestimations, Hawaii’s average daily number of cases over the past three days was over 300, with a seven-day positive rate of 5.1%, said Dr. Libby Char, director of the Ministry of Health. Said at a joint press conference. Ise.

“This trend is clearly higher than it was a week or two ago, which is what we are most concerned about,” she said, with 25% of recent cases being children. I added that.

Governor David Ige before the surge of COVID-19 test press conferences. September 1, 2020
Governor David Ige says he has returned to obscuring and limiting the rally. Corey Lamb / Civil Beat

Despite the surge in incidents, authorities have announced that there will be no major changes to COVID-19 safety restrictions, but warned that they could change if the situation worsens.

“When I believe there are more patients in the hospital than they can handle, we will take certain actions to limit movement again if necessary,” Ige did not elaborate. Said to.

The Hawaii Emergency Management Department reported that hospitals across the state have about 60% ICU bed capacity and hundreds of ventilators are still available.

Hilton Racel, president of the Hawaii Healthcare Association, warned that the numbers did not accurately reflect the hospital’s capacity, as it did not take into account staff shortages.

Of the approximately 3,000 beds licensed throughout the state, Raethel said it has only approximately 2,000 staff.

“We are very worried because the hospitals are full anyway,” said Racel. “That is, there is plenty of ventilator capacity, but that’s not a problem. And there’s also ICU capacity. We’re starting to encounter staffing.”

Char said that as people continue to refuse vaccination, cases will continue to grow, noting that most hospitalizations are unvaccinated patients.

NS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces new research Fully immunized people who have caught the delta mutant have shown that they can infect the coronavirus as easily as unvaccinated people.

However, Char said the number of people vaccinated in Hawaii is relatively small.

“If fully vaccinated, we’ve seen about 6 out of 10,000 people infected,” Char said. She added that for unvaccinated people, that number would increase to about 300.

Mayor Rick Blangiardi said Honolulu is at a crossroads and is currently “seriously considering” mandating vaccines for city officials.

“Our city promises to be a model for responsible citizenship and aloha and will take the lead in stopping the spread of viruses and variants for the islands and inhabitants,” Branjardi said in a press release. I mentioned in.

Ige also said it is continuing discussions on whether to implement vaccine obligations on state workers. Until then, he said he would limit his public meetings and outings and encourage the community to follow suit.

“The surge in COVID cases is awakening hospital managers and myself at night,” said Ige. “And the best way to move forward is for people to be vaccinated.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Racel said health care workers were exhausted and burned out a year and a half later at the forefront of the pandemic. “Are we losing some people? Yes, yes,” he said.




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