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How the vaccination situation is deteriorating the family, or at least the family barbecue

How the vaccination situation is deteriorating the family, or at least the family barbecue


You can’t see or feel it, but it’s causing a social division that overturns everything from school rules to traveling abroad to small stories on the backyard barbecue.

It is your COVID-19 vaccination status.

As more and more people emerge from isolation and blink their cheetos breadcrumbs in the sunlight, it turns out that socializing is a challenge, not just because most of us aren’t practicing.

This week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada has enough doses to fully vaccinate all eligible individuals in the country. This means that the vast majority of unvaccinated people will soon do so by choice, not because of a lack of vaccine.

In jurisdictions around the world working on ways to increase vaccination coverage, whether sticks or carrots, the problem is:

Protesters against the vaccine arrive and try to convince people not to be vaccinated in Toronto in May.

After all, as many medical professionals have pointed out, remaining unvaccinated will be most at risk in the event of a fourth wave. Still, public health exists to protect the entire community, not just those who register. vaccination.

So how are civil servants walking that line now that vaccinated people outnumber non-vaccinated people? What about your neighbors and family?

“They are the loudest and most complaining about pandemic restrictions and public health guidelines, but they don’t take the most important step to prevent all of this from happening. “He says of his growing frustration with people who haven’t rolled up their sleeves yet, who have been vaccinated with Paul Palathete, whose children are too young to get.

“I feel like those people are trying to keep our rest hostage and move forward.”

Parete, who lives in GTA, recently decided not to attend a family gathering with relatives, who he claims to be an anti-baker who disseminated false information about pandemics and vaccines.

It’s not a decision he takes lightly, he says, but it’s a decision he’s taking to protect his own family. Equally important, he is worried that this may be the beginning of a rift that lasts longer than the virus.

“Do we forgive this and move on? I don’t know, maybe? But I’ll never forget the position this family took during a public health disaster.”

It’s not just parete. Others talked about tense relationships with families, explosions at backyard gatherings, and even vaccination discussions that spurred the choice to abandon social events altogether.

NS Angus Reed research from last week We found that nearly half of those who were vaccinated said they were “likely” or “very unlikely” to meet in person who was not vaccinated.

Some say that emotions are distilled into complete hostility in various circles.

Anila Lee Yuen, CEO of Calgary’s Newcomer Center and co-chair of the Calgary COVID Care Table in Alberta, recently scrolled Facebook from her “kind and community-oriented” friends for medical reasons. It should be banned from the “rational society”.

She said she was surprised to see someone who knew she was kind-hearted, although some would take an extreme view of any problem.

It’s part of what she says and it’s about new patterns. I have heard that unvaccinated COVID-19 cases are called “Darwinism”. If they die, it’s worth it.

“At that point, I think we lost our sense of humanity,” she says. “When we worked hard to keep people safe during COVID, we lost what we were actually fighting for.”

Lee Yuan, who led the effort to reverse Spike’s COVID-19 cases in some of Calgary’s most devastated areas, is still convinced that lower vaccination rates are based solely on choice. It states that it is not. She claims that barriers such as transportation, language, and booking ability continue to hinder anyone who wants to get a shot.

“If you start talking about someone who hasn’t been vaccinated for some reason, or less than others, you can’t convince the same person to get vaccinated.”

When Lorie Carty’s friends recently met for lunch for the first time in over a year, she just said she couldn’t come instead of revealing the real reason. She wasn’t vaccinated yet and didn’t want to risk it. Exposure to the virus.

Retirees from Prince Edward County in southern Ontario often do not tell people that they have not yet been vaccinated.

She hears from other people who don’t have a shot yet that she’s worried about saying the same so they won’t be judged.

She knows that as soon as she says something, she says she doesn’t oppose the vaccine and many people label her as an anti-vaccine. She wants to spend more time before additional information is available to the public.

Now sandwiched between rocks and hard spots, she is worried about the risks posed by the virus as well as the risks posed by the vaccine. But what she can’t shake now is the permanence of the vaccine — “once it’s in my body, I can’t take it out.”

She was overwhelmed by what she saw as contradictory information about brand new vaccines and made several vaccination appointments just to cancel them.

“It’s not like I’m saying,’No, I never get it. I’m totally against it.” Before taking that step, there’s a little more science and the evidence behind it. I think I just want it. “

She added that she still feels the need to protect her neighbors and grandchildren. She mainly stays in rural homes and hasn’t returned to the gym she once taught since the pandemic began.

“I think people tend to get a little more emotionally involved because of the way it has influenced the world,” she says.

“I don’t understand it because it’s your body. Therefore, people need to respect your choices. Either way.”

In some parts of the world, getting a jab gives you privileges. Israel early adopted what they called the Green Pass. This allowed fully vaccinated people to eat indoors and go to the movies.

More recently, France has led the promotion of vaccinations in Europe, requiring healthcare workers to be vaccinated, sanctioned and fined until mid-September, while getting to or boarding malls. We issue a special vaccination pass. Trains and planes. This move prompted a surge in vaccination.

A person uses a pass verification app to check the health pass displayed on a smartphone in Anne Neville, eastern France, on July 22, 2021. French cinemas, museums and sports facilities have begun asking visitors to present evidence of COVID-19 vaccination or negative tests. Just as the country has developed a controversial vaccine passport system.

Even in the famous freedom-loving United States, some governments and health authorities have moved to demand it from their front-line workers.

But here in Canada, where vaccinations tend to be generally higher than south of the border, the government is largely reluctant to mandate vaccinations even for health care workers, and Pass is a controversial topic. It remains.

Manitoba was the first state to require people to provide vaccination documents, especially for eating in restaurants. Quite a scam — Other states are firmly opposed to this idea.

In Ontario, scientific advisers claimed to support vaccine certificates while the government rejected the idea, but school children will face different rules this fall depending on their vaccination status. .. Fully immunized students face little interruption when exposed to COVID-19, but unvaccinated peers are sent home.

However, experts say that future policy goals should still focus on unvaccinated, as many people are tired of public health measures.

In other words, some vaccinated people are beginning to rub against the idea of ​​wearing a mask despite being shot, but public health is still designed to protect vulnerable people. It is not necessarily the right to be vaccinated and resume normal life.

“When we think about public health ethics, we limit as much as possible if it may limit one’s freedom, whether it is the inability to be vaccinated or the freedom not to wear a mask. I want to do that in a lesser way, “says Andria Bianchi, an assistant professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

However, if vulnerable people are still at risk, strengthening measures can be defensive. “It’s a really delicate balance,” she says.

Colin Furness, an infection control epidemiologist and assistant professor at the University of Toronto, said measures should be taken to continue encouraging people to be vaccinated. But there is a big difference between mandating and encouraging it, he says.

“I’m categorically opposed to compulsory vaccination because I think it actually accomplishes the opposite, which creates a lot of hatred and anger and a lot of anti-vaxxer feelings,” he said. Says.

“But you make life more convenient. When you are vaccinated, when you are not, you do not make life more convenient. And you cause behavioral changes.”

Even though vaccinated and unvaccinated camps seem to be polarized, our destiny is still tied when it comes to viruses, he says.

He says that vaccines are not 100% effective and that there are always people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Meanwhile, UK data suggest that vaccinated older people and those with comorbidities may be slightly more susceptible to infections with delta mutants.

He should keep people still wearing masks and obey public health orders, just as Palete, a father with a child who is too young to be vaccinated, may remain unvaccinated. I agree that Selected vaccination.

“Whether people believe it or not, we all live with other people and depend on each other. You rely on your mechanic , You rely on your banker, you rely on your teacher, you rely on these people, “he says.

“And if you don’t care about their health, what are we doing?”





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