The study provides clues about persistent COVID-19 symptoms in children approaching a new school year
A few months after the onset of COVID-19, many continue to suffer from debilitating symptoms such as fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, depression, and “brain fog.” It appears long after the infection has subsided and affects people who have had only mild seizures.
This condition, commonly referred to as “long COVID-19,” has been studied primarily in adults, but remains a mystery to many doctors and scientists studying patient cases.
A further mystery is how common this condition is in children infected with the virus and how it manifests itself in their bodies. There are no tests to confirm long COVID-19, and younger children may not be able to explain what they are feeling, challenging the doctor’s efforts to properly diagnose them. ..
A new school year is imminent as coronavirus cases surge across the country and patients under the age of 12 remain exempt from COVID-19 vaccination, primarily among unvaccinated young people. , This is a puzzle of further concern. ..
A new analysis of data from nearly 7,000 children who tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced symptoms, which is now part of the UK’s ZOE COVID Symptomatology Study, could calm some parents’ fears. There is sex.
Less than 1 in 20 children (4.4%) have coronavirus symptoms for more than 4 weeks and 1 in 50 (1.8%) have more than 8 weeks, according to a study published Tuesday at The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. I experienced symptoms. Almost all children have fully recovered.
The illness lasted an average of 5 days for children aged 5-11 and 7 days for children aged 12-17. The most common symptoms reported were headache, malaise, sore throat, and loss of smell. The children who participated in the study did not experience the serious neurological symptoms that some adult long-haul carriers feel, such as seizures, anxiety, and poor concentration.
By comparison, the same study found that about 1 in 7 adults experienced COVID-19 symptoms for more than 4 weeks.
“Other studies have shown that many children infected with the coronavirus show no symptoms at all,” Emmadunkan, a senior author of the study who is a professor of clinical endocrinology at King’s College London, said in a statement. “But our study confirms that although few people have a long duration of COVID-19 illness, these children also usually recover over time.”
As of July 29, nearly 4.2 million children were infected with the coronavirus, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Approximately 72,000 cases were reported in children last week, a “significant increase” from the previous week when approximately 39,000 cases were added.
Although 14.3% of all coronavirus infections in the country are children, in the week leading up to July 29, 19% of weekly reported cases were children.
“It’s expensive, and given the fact that we are currently vaccinated, the virus is more susceptible to delta variants, which means that more unvaccinated people are infected,” he said. Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, head of the department, told CNN about the pediatric illness at Stanford School of Medicine. “Our sense is that parents should obviously be vaccinated against themselves, as children cannot be vaccinated, and if their children are 12 years or older, they should be vaccinated as well. “
Even when infected with the more dangerous delta mutant, children still appear to be safe from severe COVID-19. “But more about the long-term effects of a pandemic on children, such as how the virus can harm the long-term physical health of infected children and their emotional and mental health effects. There is an urgent need to collect data on the virus, “said the pediatric group.
On the other hand, some studies showed children’s tendency to be more worried about long COVID-19.
A study in April found that 42% of about 100 children infected in Italy showed at least one coronavirus symptom two months after a positive test. After four months, that number dropped to 27%.
A UK non-peer-review study of approximately 4,700 children estimated that 4.6% of children infected with the coronavirus had symptoms that lasted more than four weeks. Girls in chronic health, teenagers, and children had an increased incidence of long-term COVID-19.
More studies from Russia show persistent symptoms months after a quarter of children were released from the hospital for COVID-19, and of COVID-19 with long-term aging and allergic illness. I found it to increase the risk.
Experts are trying to figure out why adults have been suffering from symptoms for months since their first diagnosis, but they find it much more difficult to find the cause in children due to biological differences between children and adults. Says.
For example, CT scans of some adults with long COVID-19 may show significant physical changes in the heart and blood clots, Dr. Alicia Johnston, director of the Boston Children’s Hospital’s long COVID clinic, told STAT. Told. On the other hand, children “generally have normal white blood cell counts, normal inflammatory markers, normal respiratory function tests, normal EKG, normal x-rays, normal echocardiography. Still, there is a clear impairment. . “
In a March post on the blog Elemental, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist working on viral infections and vaccines at Yale University in Connecticut, suggested three potential mechanisms behind this condition.
One possibility is that long-haul carriers have “permanent virus storage”, such as storage boxes for coronavirus particles that keep the host sick. Iwasaki wrote that “viral ghosts” (fragments of viruses such as genetic information and proteins) may be another cause that can “stimulate the immune system” even after the infection has been cleared. I have.
Alternatively, the coronavirus somehow persuades the body to turn itself on, as in most autoimmune diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and aggressively attacks its own defenses. ..
“Many studies have supported all three of these mechanisms,” Iwasaki writes. “People with long COVIDs will have varying degrees of all three mechanisms. Therefore, long COVIDs are made up of multiple types of illness.”
A story by Katie Camero and Miami Herald.
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