Deer in four states were tested positive for COVID antibodies: USDA study
- A USDA study showed that 40% of deer tested in four states in 2021 were positive for COVID antibodies.
- According to the USDA, none of the deer in this study showed clinical symptoms of the virus.
- USDA did not conclude how the deer was exposed. “It may have been exposed through humans, the environment, other deer, or other animal species.”
White-tailed deer found in the backyard are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a USDA study.
NS studyAlthough not yet peer-reviewed, it showed that 40% of deer tested in four states in 2021 were antibody-positive. This means that at some point they were exposed to the virus. A positive test does not necessarily indicate that the deer had a lively infection.
The findings raise questions about whether deer are infected with the virus and how deer-human interactions affect spread.
“At this point, there is no direct cause of concern, but there is legitimacy for precautions. Socially from potentially infected animals, just as socially away from potentially infected people. We also need to think about moving away from it, “says Peter Rabinowitz. A doctor who specializes in zoonotic diseases and co-directs the University of Washington’s Pandemic Countermeasures Alliance told USA TODAY on Wednesday.
“This definitely justifies continuous surveillance, so we need to look at more deer populations in more places … how deer infect and how much virus they actually shed. Will it infect other deer and pose a risk to humans? “He said.
Deer have been studied in Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania. NS USDA Animal and Plant Quarantine Service Testing of 481 deer between January 2020 and March 2021 found that 33% were positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibody. The percentage was highest in Michigan, with 67% of 113 samples positive and 7% of 101 samples positive in Illinois.
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Looking only at the samples tested between January and March this year, 40% of the 152 samples were positive. Officials said white-tailed deer tests in four states could not be extrapolated to the entire US deer population, and none of the deer in the study showed clinical manifestations of the virus.
The USDA said studies on how deer were exposed were inconclusive. “They may have been exposed through humans, the environment, other deer, or other animal species,” the USDA said.
But one of the key factors is that over time, deer have come into more contact with humans, Rabinowitz said. Because of the place where people live, the deer is approaching the house and in contact with the leaves near the dwelling.
There were previously known transmissions between humans and animals, including animals in the zoo. Cultured mink, The virus spread and mutated within the population, and in some cases re-infected humans.
Since white-tailed deer have receptors similar to those found in humans, researchers already knew that they could be infected, so it’s not surprising that deer show exposure in the wild.
Of concern is the possibility of the virus inhabiting “animal reservoirs”, where the virus spreads and mutates among new hosts, in this case deer, and does not cause disease to the host, but is recovering. He said the population could be re-infected. Causes illness.
“The combination of widespread human transmission by SARS-CoV-2 and human-wildlife interactions can have spillover effects between humans and animals,” USDA said.
There are about 30 million white-tailed deer around the mainland United States, which can be found in most states.
According to the USDA, people who interact with deer through activities such as hunting and harvesting meat do not have to worry about COVID-19 being generated from these activities, but they are basic when processing animals. You need to pay attention to hygiene.
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Thomas DeLiberto, Assistant Director, USDA National Wildlife Research Center, Detroit Free Press The risk to humans from deer is considered to be very low.
“It’s a pathogen adapted to humans. In its current form, it likes to be in humans, and the greatest risk to humans is infection from other infected people,” said DeLiberto.
Rabinowitz, who is also responsible for the University of Washington’s One Health Research Center, said the study demonstrates the importance of studying the relationship between humans, animals, and the environment for viruses such as the coronavirus.
“We must be aware that the pathogens of these zoonotic diseases are moving between humans, animals and the environment. We need to better understand their relationships to prevent worse outbreaks. There is, “he said.
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