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Vaccinations have increased slightly as the worst COVID surges in Oregon.

Vaccinations have increased slightly as the worst COVID surges in Oregon.


Recording settings Coronavirus epidemic and hospitalizationLittle has been done to convince a significant number of unvaccinated Oregons to seek COVID-19 vaccination, but some residents of the most affected areas are now firing. ..

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the state averaged about 4,400 new vaccinations a week until August 14, more than double the average daily number of about 2,000 from July 15. became.

However, according to federal data, Oregon vaccination numbers have fallen again recently. And, despite these early slight increases, the amount of people signing up for shots remains only a fraction of the levels seen this spring when enthusiastic Oregons were fighting for reservations. Yes, vaccination peaked at about 27,000 new people per day.

State officials have been promoting the vaccine as safe and effective since December, and continue to support vaccination as the best way to avoid severe COVID-19 during record summer surges.

However, more than 1.1 million Oregons over the age of 12 being shot remain unvaccinated, state data show. And Oregon has at least 12 weeks to reach the state’s goal of at least partially vaccination for 80% of adults, and at least 37 for some black, indigenous, and color community people. It’s a week away.

State officials in recent weeks have been proud of the modest increase in vaccination, especially in some of the counties that are currently hit hardest by the coronavirus.

Only 57.9% of adults in Jackson County receive at least one dose, well below the state-wide average of 70.8%. However, Jackson County’s rate rose 2.1 percentage points last week. This is one of the biggest profits Oregon has recorded.

Adjacent Josephine County, where only 51.6% of adults are vaccinated at least partially, recorded the largest Weekly Shonen Jump across the state – 2.4 percent points. Low-vaccinated Douglas, Umatira, and Union counties all rose by more than 2 percentage points last week.

Rob Kaui, a spokesman for the Oregon Department of Health, said he believes that increased vaccination indicates that some Oregon citizens are responding to the risks posed by the delta mutant. .. In general, the counties with the highest case rates have the lowest vaccination rates.

“We see a little more growth as the case rate rises. We know that vaccination is the best way to stay safe in the face of delta variants and there is room for growth. This is a promising sign, especially in many counties with low vaccination rates and high case rates, “Kaui said.

“We’re seeing counties with low vaccination rates starting to speed up, which is a good sign,” Kaui said.

Multnomah County ranks third in the state, with 76.4% of adults being vaccinated at least partially.

Martha Adam took her first shot at the Arbor Lodge Vaccination Clinic in Portland on Tuesday. Adam said he wanted to protect himself from the severe symptoms associated with the delta variant. She also knew she was leaving for $ 150, so she was vaccinated and brought another person.

On July 13, Multnomah County began offering Visa gift cards to anyone over the age of 12 who received the COVID-19 vaccine on the county health department’s site. The county is giving $ 100 to those who receive the first dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine and $ 50 to the second dose. A single vaccination with Johnson & Johnson costs $ 150 at a time. Also, anyone who brings a vaccinated friend or family member will be charged an additional $ 50, limited to eight people.

Ryan Linskey, COVID-19 Logistics Supervisor of the County Health Department, said the gift card incentive program is “one of the bigger ones” to drive vaccination in Multnomah County, along with concerns about delta variants.

“When you look at your participation in the community, I think it serves that purpose as a whole,” he said of the gift card incentive program. He added that the supply of gift cards was limited and on a “first come, first served” basis, but there was no specific timeline for when they would run out.

Under-vaccinated Josephine County offers much less $ 25 to residents over the age of 12 for each dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine through the health sector.

Dr. Bob Danenhoffer, public health manager at Douglas County, said the county worked with local partners to give small incentives such as food, shaved ice, and trade fair rides, but no money. Only 48.9% of adults in the county are vaccinated at least partially.

“In general, I don’t think incentives are particularly useful,” he said. “When I asked those who got the incentive, almost everyone was grateful for the incentive, but the incentive played no role in the vaccination decision. With the recent increase in vaccinations, It is difficult to analyze the effects of incentives. “

Returning to Portland, Megan Bingen said he had been waiting until he was vaccinated at the Arbor Lodge Clinic this week because doctors hadn’t cleaned her up before the end of the allergic season to avoid an allergic reaction.

Bingen said he was infected with the coronavirus in October and has since recovered from chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and chronic pain requiring physiotherapy.

She secures a gift card, avoids a second infection, and in the worst case, in the worst case, Don’t wait until the hospital bed is unavailable In case she gets infected with a virus or has an allergic reaction.

Scott Grimslud said he was suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and had a newborn grandson, so he went to the clinic to get his first vaccination.

The North Portland home was so isolated that I didn’t feel the need for vaccination before. He often sees only his neighbors and his son’s family.

But “I didn’t want to miss a chance,” Grimslud said, as so many cases were driven by the highly contagious Delta variant. “I have been hospitalized several times for pneumonia, which is worse than pneumonia.”

To those who have not been vaccinated, Grimthrud said. Because the house always has the best odds. “

–Ardeshir Tabrizian;[email protected]503-221-8067; @ardytabrizian




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