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What We Know About Masks, Students, COVID Spreads: Guides

What We Know About Masks, Students, COVID Spreads: Guides


Malta W. Aldrich / Chalk Beat

Communities across the country are discussing whether schools need masks.

In the fight for masking at school, everyone claims that science is on their side.

When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issues an executive order Banning the duty of masks at school, he Claim “Forced students to wear masks lacks well-founded scientific justification.” Recent New York Magazine piece Similar conclusions have been reached from many recent studies, explaining that the value of masking in schools is “at best, uncertain.”

But in reality more schools Mandatory All masks — Challenge Desantis, including the largest district in Florida.Authorities point out guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention And that American Pediatric Society, Increased number of COVID cases caused by the more contagious delta mutation, and comments from some prominent epidemiologists.

“Universal masking at school can save lives,” said two pediatric professors at Duke University. I have written At the New York Times this month.

Is it possible that 17 months after the pandemic, there is little conviction about something very fundamental? What does the evidence about school masks really say, especially for students?

Chalkbeat jumped into research. In short, existing school-focused studies, including those cited on both sides of the discussion, are severely limited. Few studies have clearly shown how masks affect the spread of COVID in schools.

At the same time, there is broader evidence collected in other settings that suggests that masks can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19. That seems to be driving health authorities to recommend classroom masking, with the general desire to minimize risk to children and communities when cases are increasing.

Here is a more detailed guide to what we know.

Yes, school and mask research is very limited.

In the times piece, Professor Duke cites a unique study showing that the spread of COVID is limited in many parts of North Carolina that employ universal masking. They say it is a compelling proof that masks work with outbreaks among children in situations where masks were not widespread. CDC Quote Similar evidence.

However, this type of study cannot prove that masking made a difference. This is because we are not comparing schools with masking requirements to schools without masking requirements. Point writer David Zweig emphasizes: New York Magazine..

Zweig is focusing on CDC instead study There was such a comparison group. The study, which he describes as “ambitious and groundbreaking,” surveyed 169 schools in Georgia, where schools requiring student masks had a 21 student COVID rate than non-obligatory schools. Found to be% lower. However, this difference was not statistically significant. In short, researchers couldn’t be sure it wasn’t just about luck.

“Open windows and ventilation of the outside air are quite likely to account for almost all of the mitigation effects in the classroom, and other” layered “interventions may have little or no contribution. There is, “Zweig concludes.

But in the end, this study isn’t very useful. What if additional precautions are taken for schools that do not have mask requirements, or if there are other differences between those schools or the communities in which they serve?

Researchers made few attempts to explain other factors, admitting in the treatise that their results “cannot be used to infer causality.” This is a serious limitation.

In fact, it’s not clear Any Among the most cited studies examining masks at school, the causes and consequences can be identified. “Not all the studies I’ve seen are rigorous enough to assess the actual effectiveness of masks in schools,” said Susan Hasig, an epidemiologist at the University of Tulane.

The CDC did not respond to requests for comment on evidence that government agencies trust to develop school masking guidance.

This study also has its limits, but masking generally has stronger scientific examples.

Some experts say that beyond school masking research, the basic logic of masking needs to be kept in mind.

COVID-19 is “mainly transmitted by inhalation of respiratory droplets that occur during coughing, sneezing, singing, talking, and breathing.” I will explain CDC. Therefore, the mask logic is simple. They can block particles, protect the wearer, and limit infection from individuals who carry the virus. Masking is especially important for illnesses such as COVID-19, which can infect an infected individual before they develop symptoms (and therefore realize that they should stay home).

Lab simulation Make sure the mask blocks many, but not all, of these droplets that may contain the virus.

“The bottom line is that you want to wear a mask when you go through a smoky building,” Hasig said. Similarly, “I don’t want to breathe air containing viruses.”

Another question is whether the mask works in the real world. The CDC says the answer is yes, pointing out at least 10 studies of COVID infections in the community.

for example, researcher In Thailand, interviews with people in close contact with infected individuals found that those who were wearing masks at the time were much less likely to test positive for the disease later.another paper It turns out that the COVID rate has dropped after Washington DC publicly mandated face masks.

Jeremy Howard, author review Masking research and research scientists at the University of San Francisco say that the benefits of masks are very likely to apply to schools. “For school masks, when you combine them all, the weight of the evidence is very strong,” he said.

Sarah Bode, a pediatrician in Columbus, Ohio, who helped draft AAP school recommendations, said the organization’s guidelines were driven by multiple lines of research on masking, including adult experience. rice field.

“Some of this takes all the different parts of them and uses all the evidence to make your best guidance,” she said. “We want to protect our children.” (Compared to adults, children are at a much lower risk of serious COVID outcomes, including hospitalization and death, but cases and hospitalization rates are Is rising With delta surge. )

Still, some experts are not convinced of the value of masking at school.they Point out Even studies that the CDC generally cites about masking may not be able to identify the cause and effect. They also wonder if the conclusions about adults really apply to children.

“The real answer to the question of whether it’s worth hiding a child is: No one has a clue. For the past year and a half, the scientific community has been unable to answer these questions.” I have written Vinay Prasad, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco.

Even supporters of masking at school admit that the evidence is not as robust as they would like, as there are no randomized experiments.

“It would be an ideal study,” said Mike Smith, a pediatric professor and epidemiologist at Duke University. “We must make a decision to weigh the risks and benefits without the gold standard randomized controlled trial data.”

The masking decision will ultimately weigh the trade-offs.

There is no doubt to mask May affect Teaching and learning. Students may have difficulty hearing the masked teacher’s voice, especially in classes where some students are studying remotely. Classes like bands and PE get more complicated. Some students with certain disabilities find masking particularly difficult.

“We had a kid with sensory problems, but the mask annoys it. I’ll explain why we’re doing it. To protect you, your family To protect our family. Told to choke beat.. “It was difficult to explain it all and, with everything in progress, trying to reach the scholar and his social and emotional needs.”

Because of these issues, some countries oppose recommending masking to all students in the school. “Overall, we believe it’s important to keep learning as unobtrusive as possible, so it’s important to balance potential harm and benefit.” Said Caroline McKelney, director of public health in New Zealand, recommended that she oppose the facial coverings needed at school. (The policy is currently sparking Discussion The Delta variant is there as it raises new concerns. )

However, forgetting the mask also carries educational risks.poll show Most parents support school mask obligations, especially some parents Color family When Immunodeficiency Child — If you don’t need a mask, you may resist sending the child back for direct instruction.

Pediatrician Bode states that there is little reason to think that masking at school will cause long-term harm to children, and that schools need to address students with specific needs that make masking inappropriate. ..

Ultimately, she argues that masks help keep schools open during delta surges, and the advantages of face-to-face schools outweigh the disadvantages of masking.

“Because of the COVID outbreak in your school, the social and emotional impact of staying at home in isolation with virtual learning is far greater,” Board said.

This article was first published on August 26, 2021. Chalk beat, National Education News Agency.





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