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COVID-19: Quebec Health Department recommends a third vaccination for immunodeficiency


Quebec recommends a third dose COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Vaccines for people with a weak immune system, on dialysis, or who have been vaccinated not approved in Canada were announced on Monday.

The recommendations are based on advice from the state’s immune committee and are in the midst of the rise of delta variants, the Ministry of Health said in a news release. This measure is intended for people with immunodeficiency, such as those receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

“Such recommendations have already been applied in some countries, especially France and the United States,” the ministry said. Ontario announced in early August that it would allow “highest-risk” people to receive a third vaccination to provide stronger protection against highly contagious delta mutants. The Northwest Territories also states that it will provide caregivers with a third dose.

Anyone who is eligible for a third dose can immediately receive a single dose at a walk-in vaccination clinic throughout Quebec, as long as four weeks have passed since the second dose. The ministry said the Pfizer-BioNTech or Modern RNA vaccine was preferred as the third dose compared to other vaccines approved for use in Canada for COVID-19.

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Quebec does not recommend a third dose to care patients.

read more: Quebec reported 386 new COVID-19 cases with slightly reduced hospitalization

Residents of long-term care said that another shot was not needed because many of them had recently received a second dose and the circulating levels of the new coronavirus within the long-term network were low.

People who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, which has not been approved for use in Canada, are also eligible for a third dose, the agency said. “This dose may allow a strong immune response for effective protection from COVID-19.”

Meanwhile, a smartphone application running Quebec’s vaccine passport (called VaxiCode) was available for download on Google Play for Android devices on Monday, Health Minister Christian Duvet said at a press conference in Saint-Jerome, northwestern Montreal. Said in. This application will be available on Apple devices starting August 25th.

“We asked both Google and Apple companies to make requests at the same time, but it’s their responsibility to do their own reviews,” Dubé said. “It’s amazing that Google took more time (for), but I hope they do the right job, and we’re not surprised.”

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Quebec’s vaccination passport system will begin on Wednesday and you will need your passport to visit certain non-essential facilities such as bars, gyms, clubs and restaurants.

Last week, news that vaccination information from a prominent politician had been stolen forced the government to protect its vaccine passport system. Radio-Canada also reported on a hacker who was able to create fake evidence of vaccination accepted by a smartphone application that businesses would need to download to check the vaccination status of their clients.

The Ministry of Health said the vaccine passport was still being tested prior to its wider launch on Wednesday. “If improvement is needed, it will be improved,” he said on Friday.

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Supporting Elderly People in Quebec with COVID-19 Vaccine Passport

Supporting Elderly People in Quebec with COVID-19 Vaccine Passport

Quebec reported 386 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, with no more deaths from the new coronavirus. According to health officials, hospitalizations decreased by one to 125, 37 were listed in the intensive care unit and increased by one.

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Duvet said the numbers may seem encouraging, but authorities will continue to monitor the situation until the school year resumes and the summer vacation is over. To that end, health officials have ordered students to wear medical-grade masks in classes in the state’s populous areas.

“We have taken enough steps to say that it is important to bring our children back to school, but at the same time, let’s go through September and be in control of things,” Duvet said. Told.

The state said it had given another 19,602 vaccinations on Sunday. Approximately 86.9% of Quebec people over the age of 12 receive at least one dose, and 80.3% are considered to be properly vaccinated.

© 2021 The Canadian Press





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