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“People get sick and can never recover”: NH’s constant struggle for COVID long-haul carriers

“People get sick and can never recover”: NH’s constant struggle for COVID long-haul carriers


If Heidi Heath was responsible for measuring COVID-19 tolls, she wouldn’t just count cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. She will share the story of “long haul” like herself.

This story was originally published in breaking news in New Hampshire.

“Keeping people alive is not the only measure of success,” said Heath, 38, an executor. running. “People get sick and never recover.”

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Heath is worried that she is one of them and is afraid of others, given that about 40% of qualified granite citizens have not yet been fully vaccinated. “One of the really difficult things about this is to take into account the reality that I live in the world as a chronically ill person,” said another who had asthma but before COVID-19. Heath, who had no serious health problems, said. “Don’t assume this can’t happen to you.”

An estimated 10-30% of COVID-19 patients develop “long COVID” symptoms. It is defined as a symptom that lasts more than 12 weeks after an acute illness. The most common is fatigue, especially after mild exercise. Cough or shortness of breath; Difficulty in thinking and concentrating; Depression and anxiety; Myalgia; Rapid heart rate and palpitation; and headache.

Nurse practitioner and infectious disease specialist Christina Martin gives an 18-year-old patient Dartmouth Hitchcock Post-Acute COVID Syndrome Clinic, The only program in the state for people living on the long COVID-19. The clinic has received approximately 300 referrals from New Hampshire and neighboring states. After evaluating the patient, the treatment team matches the patient with a medical professional based on the patient’s symptoms. For some, it’s a cardiologist. For others, they are occupational therapists or neurologists. However, although the symptoms are known, they are never cured because the illness remains poorly understood.

Most studies focus on unvaccinated individuals, accounting for nearly 98% of COVID-19 cases. However, Early research A small percentage of vaccinated people who develop “breakthrough” cases show that long-term COVID-19 symptoms can also develop. Still, medical professionals say that the best protection against long-term COVID-19 is vaccination and continuous masking.

“I think most of my work is to verify that what they are experiencing is genuine,” Martin said. “And in it, we can help them through either physical or mental support. They say,” I feel better talking to you. I think this is real. I feel like, I’m not crazy. “I think it really helps in itself. “

Like Heath, Concord’s Kisurin Eisling was infected with COVID-19 in March 2020, before the vaccine was available. And like Heath, she struggled to find a healthcare provider who perceived her prolonged shortness of breath, malaise, and weakness as a sign of long COVID-19. She joined thousands of other early long-haul carriers and joined an online support group.She was one of about 3,000 members Long COVID Support Group Last year on Facebook. Nearly 43,000 people are attending today.

“I joked with my friend who had a COVID a week ago that we are crowdsourcing medical care,” she said. “Doctors don’t believe us. Let’s study this as much as we can as an amateur.”

Aisling said many of her symptoms still bother her and she spends about 70 percent of her “bad days.” As a jewelry designer, Aisling can avoid those bad days. “My customers don’t care if I’m working at 2am or 2pm,” she said.

Not only did she avoid hospitalization, but she is fortunate to have already learned to live with severe and prolonged pain as a survivor of brain tumors and patients with migraine headaches. “I’m used to being in a body that doesn’t work properly,” she said.

Aisling sympathizes with people who are hesitant to vaccinate for fear of side effects. “Yes, but that’s not much worse than actually having a COVID,” she said.

Monnie Claymond of the New Market has just begun work at the University of New Hampshire with a graduate degree in integrated biology and biobiology. She is grateful for the university’s indoor mask policy and test protocol.

Raymond, 30, and her husband were infected with COVID-19 before and after Thanksgiving, but her extreme fatigue and body aches were prolonged. Her symptoms are now much less severe, but can be caused by stress, a cold, or eating or drinking certain things.

But she wonders how long. Raymond has an existing autoimmune disorder. “My greatest fear is that this catalyzes another disorder or illness,” she said.

Breaking news in New Hampshire Is part of the States Newsroom, a network of news stations supported by grants and 501c (3) a coalition of donors as a public charity. New Hampshire Bulletin maintains editorial independence. For questions, please contact the editor Dana Wormald: [email protected] breaking news in New Hampshire Facebook When twitter..




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