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CDC Panel unanimously supports Pfizer vaccine after FDA approval

CDC Panel unanimously supports Pfizer vaccine after FDA approval
CDC Panel unanimously supports Pfizer vaccine after FDA approval


August 31, 2021-CDC’s independent panel of experts investigated the potential benefits and risks of Pfizer COVID-19. vaccination And unanimously voted to recommend shots to all Americans over the age of 16.

All 14 members of the advisory board Immunity Practice (ACIP) voted “yes” and vaccination For Americans over 16 years old. The FDA fully approved it last week.

Inoculation will continue to be available to teens aged 12 to 15 years under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, approved the recommendation later on Monday. ..

After reviewing the evidence behind the vaccine, panel member Dr. Saralong, a professor of pediatrics at Drexel University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, cannot recall another case where panelists have so much data on which to base their recommendations. Said.

“This vaccine deserves the trust of Americans,” she said.

Doctors across the country are using vaccines in line with ACIP recommendations. Their approval usually means that private and government insurers will bear the cost of the shot. For the COVID-19 vaccine, the government has already taken up the tab.

Some surprises

The panel’s independent review of vaccine efficacy from nine studies was of little surprise.

They found that the Pfizer vaccine prevented symptomatic COVID infections with a probability of approximately 90% to 92% for the first 4 months after the second injection. Protection against hospitalization and death was even higher.

According to a pooled estimate of five studies, the vaccine was about 89% effective in preventing asymptomatic COVID infection.

The data included in the review was updated only until March 13th of this year, but the impact of further weakening of immunity and Delta variant..

In making their recommendations, the panel got the latest information on vaccine safety. The vaccine has been in use in the United States for about nine months now.

Percentage of serious allergic reactions called AnaphylaxisAccording to a review of the ACIP evidence, about 5 cases were resolved for every 1 million shots given.

Case Myocarditis When Pericarditis, Serious inflammation The proportion of the heart after vaccination was more common than expected to occur naturally in the general population after vaccination with Pfizer, but the risk remains very rare, mainly under the age of 30. It rose in men.

Of the 17 million second doses of Pfizer vaccine given in the United States, there are 327 confirmed cases of myocarditis reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for people under the age of 30. The average length of hospital stay for patients with myocardial inflammation is 1-2 days.

So far, no one in the United States has been diagnosed with myocarditis after vaccination.

In addition, the risk of myocarditis after vaccination Dwarfed by Risk of myocarditis after COVID infection. The risk of myocarditis after COVID infection was 6 to 34 times higher than the risk after mRNA vaccination.

Approximately 11% of vaccinated people experience a serious reaction to the injection, placebo group. A serious reaction was defined as pain. Swelling or redness of the injection site that interferes with activity; Need to visit a hospital or ER due to pain; Tissue necrosis or skin shedding; High fever; vomiting Needs hydration.Persistent diarrhea; severe headache; or myalgia / severe Joint pain..

“Safe and effective”

After listening to a presentation about the condition of Pandemic In the United States, some panel members were upset by being beaten by 38% of qualified Americans who had not yet been fully vaccinated.

“We are doing a terrible job of vaccination of Americans. The message that vaccines are safe and effective,” said Pablo Sanchez, MD, a pediatrician at the National Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. I have to make a call. “

Medscape Medical News

© 2021 WebMD, LLC. all rights reserved.





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