Experts consider the benefits of children wearing masks at school
The school year is approaching and that’s all there is to discuss masks, but here in New York, it’s a debate that can go back and forth for hours, but at school you need to wear a face mask.
Will the requirements change soon? The Covid Delta variant is still a big concern, so it’s probably not. Our new governor, Kathy Hokul, has called on state health authorities to demand universal mask obligations in both public and private schools. However, many parents are, of course, concerned about their children wearing masks all day at school.
How important is it to wear a mask at school? What are the benefits?We chatted with for insights into wearing masks Samantha, MD, Pediatrician at White Plains Hospital Physician Associates in Armonk, NY, on why wearing a mask is important.
How important is it for students to wear a mask now that school is back full-time?
Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, the CDC is universal by all students (aged 2+), staff, teachers, and school visitors from kindergarten to high school, regardless of vaccination status. Indoor masking is recommended. The most effective protection against all COVID strains, including the delta mutant, is vaccination. However, more than 50% of children returning to school do so without benefiting from the COVID-19 vaccine. This is happening for three reasons. First, children under the age of 12 are not currently eligible for the vaccine. Second, there is a percentage of students who meet vaccination eligibility but choose not to be vaccinated. And third, there are other students who meet the age criteria for the vaccine but are not eligible for the vaccine due to other health problems. For this reason, it is imperative that all students, and anyone in contact with them, wear the correct mask.
Do you need two masks?
At this time, the CDC recommends wearing a 2-3 layer face mask that fits snugly on the face. In February 2021, the CDC research It suggests that if the mask has only one layer, overlaying a cloth mask on top of the surgical mask (double masking) may provide additional protection from potentially infectious particles. However, if the mask already has multiple layers and it fits tightly, there is no need to double the mask, and if the face is too high, the mask will be uncomfortable to wear and your eyesight will be impaired. It may decrease.
The mask is protected only when worn by children. Due to the variety of child face sizes, cloth masks, especially those with adjustable ear straps and nose cinch, have been shown to fit better than paper masks. Studies have shown that tight weaving of cotton fabrics can filter particles surprisingly well and can improve performance even under humid conditions such as those that occur during breathing. Make sure the cloth mask is thick enough not to show through, and if possible, add a filter to add a protective layer.
Does the mask interfere with language development for children with special needs or with language delays? Do you have any tips for parents?
If your child has special needs or speech delays, it is worth discussing with a pediatrician based on your child. For those parents, it may be worth discussing with the child’s school (for example, to ensure that the teacher wears a transparent mask and provides the necessary mask breaks). Sometimes you can do it at home. Younger children naturally take visual clues based on a person’s mouth and how it is transformed into overall emotions and moods. Having everyone in the mask can help the child move from reading the mouth to reading the eyes. You can practice while playing a game by wearing a mask at home. Can you guess if I’m laughing? panic? Do you laugh with just my eyes?
It can be difficult to hear what others say under the mask. Especially if they have a naturally soft tone. It is important to understand how loud your child can hear clearly. You can model the teacher’s voice to determine if you can understand the normal level, or if a few notches larger is best. You can then convey this concern to your school and your child’s teacher.
Take as many opportunities as possible to arrange gatherings with other children and relatives outside so that you can benefit from full facial visualization as much as possible when you are not at school.
Are there any tips to keep in mind when children return to the classroom, which can sometimes get hot, if they feel overheated and overwhelmed by face masks?
Practice in homes of different climates to find the most comfortable mask for your child to wear for extended periods of time. Know your child’s schedule and let them know when they can expect a mask break during the day. If possible, try to limit the amount of time you wear the mask by taking it to school on very hot days. Take a break in the mask in a safe environment and tell the children to insist on their own if the mask gets too hot or panics. Children are usually very elastic and get used to wearing masks very quickly in all climates and situations.
This story first appeared
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