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Coronavirus: Does mouthwash really protect you from the virus?


Scientist Called for urgent research Implement whether it is effective in reducing the spread of mouthwash Coronavirus..

The call comes after a team of researchers from Cardiff University Led Investigation The importance of the throat and salivary glands in the replication of the rat COVID-19..

The team said their study showed that mouthwash could disrupt the outermost layer or “envelope” of the virus, preventing it from replicating in the mouth and throat during the early stages of infection. ..

But how seriously should we take this claim? Here is everything you need to know.

Does Mouthwash Kill Coronavirus?

Scientists are calling for urgent research to test the effectiveness of mouthwash in trials, but there is currently no clinical evidence that it will succeed.

February, who (WHO) In response to the claim that mouthwash protects mouthwash from infection, State“There is no evidence to use mouthwash to protect against new coronavirus infections.

“Some brand mouthwashes can eliminate certain microbes from saliva in the mouth for a few minutes

“But this does not mean that you will be protected from 2019-nCoV infection.”

Why do scientists claim that mouthwash is effective?

Researchers at Cardiff University School of Medicine, along with scholars at Nottingham University, University of Colorado, University of Ottawa, University of Barcelona, ​​and University of Cambridge’s Babelaham Institute, claim the mouthwash. May damage coronavirus membranes Reduce the infection rate.

The lead author of the study, Professor Valery O’Donnell, said in vitro experiments and limited clinical studies contained sufficient known virucidal components to effectively target lipids of similar envelope viruses. That has been shown.

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However, the authors stressed that it still remains unclear whether this applies to coronaviruses, and concluded that people should continue to follow government health guidance.

“A review of our literature suggests that research is needed as an urgent matter to determine potential use for this new virus,” O’Donnell explained.

“This is an under-research area of ​​major clinical need, and we hope that research projects can be brought together quickly to further evaluate this.”

What can I do to protect myself from the coronavirus?

the government advice What are the best ways to protect yourself from Covid-19?

This includes staying at home as much as possible, working at home if possible, limiting contact with others, and 2 meters away from others when you go out and wash your hands regularly. It is included.

The guidelines also advise wearing face covers in enclosed spaces, such as when using public transport or shopping.

NHS advice Covid-19 includes covering your mouth and nose with tissue or sleeves (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze, and washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds when you go out and get home. included.

People who have a high temperature or a new persistent cough are asked to stay home for 7 days and avoid going to the GP operating room, pharmacy, or hospital.


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