Physicians say the focus will be on reducing the risk of infection
It’s a sequel.
Update: Johns Hopkins University aggregates more than 1.4 million cases of coronavirus in the United States, with more than 85,000 deaths in the United States, according to Hopkins. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released six “decision trees” on Thursday to help companies, communities, schools, camps, daycare and public transport decide when it’s safe to restart. On Thursday, the US advises them to look for new nasty new syndromes that may be associated with COVID-19 infections, reducing the risk of infection from trying to eliminate coronavirus altogether when the country resumes Seems to be changing the strategy, said Dr. Leana Wen, a health professional ER doctor and former Baltimore health commissioner, moved to reduce social distance and harm in almost every state. Did. “There used to be a strategy. The strategy was to reduce the number of infections while building the ability to test, track, and isolate,” she said Thursday night at the CNN Global Town Hall on Coronavirus. It was “We know that it works, but it resumes before those features are introduced, which in essence says it’s too difficult. We can’t get there. And We are switching to a new phase. “New strategies include ways to slow the spread of the virus to keep us away from it, avoiding unwanted gatherings, change the ventilation system, and increase the time outdoors. . and she said the state is more number of patients PGlmcmFtZSBpZD0iaHR2LWNvdmlkLW1hcCIgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL2NvdmlkLTE5LWFzc2V0cy5odHZ0b29scy51cy9pbmRleC5odG1sIiBzY3JvbGw9Im5vIiBzdHlsZT0iYm9yZGVyOm5vbmU7Ij48L2lmcmFtZT4 = was reported as to remove the stay is down in some of the state – in the limits of at home, take a few weeks to learn the impact on health But so far, the Coronau reported daily The number of new cases of Rus is generally declining in about 20 states.On Thursday, testing remains a major concern, with reopening and relaxation of social distance restrictions, and health professionals still lag behind the US. Not everyone testing for positivity needs treatment, but the test identifies and tracks most cases, Dr. Richard said Besser, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “If there is a case, another outbreak in the community could start and get out of control,” he said. Maria Van Kerkov, the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 compliant technology leader, has successfully contained the virus in South Korea and Singapore by curbing infections and preventing crossing between lockdown and unlock restrictions. I am doing it. Coronaviruses will continue to spread for at least another 18 months to 2 years, until approximately 70% of the population is infected, experts say. With deaths in the United States increasing for previously declared dangerous drugs, finding vaccines and treatments for the virus remains a top priority. The National Institutes of Health has launched a new study for people with mild cases of coronavirus that use drugs that were once declared dangerous by both the NIH and the Food and Drug Administration in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin. It warns against the use of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and is limited to clinical trials. The FDA recommends that this combination be used only outside the hospital, as this combination causes heart rhythm problems. In addition, some studies have shown that this combination does not work for patients with coronavirus, but the NIH has revealed that 2,000 people infected with coronavirus will be tested in combination at home. Study participants must have fever, cough, and / or shortness of breath, added the first person to enroll in San Diego. said. “People living with HIV, pregnant and lactating women are also eligible to participate in this study.” Whistleblower Rick Bright said on Thursday when the coronavirus vaccine became available. Warned that there are no plans to produce it and distribute it fairly. Unless the Prime Minister acts decisively, the country could face “the darkest winter of modern history,” he told a panel in Congress. There is no (vaccine plan) yet, and that is a big concern. When asked if he should worry about the legislators, he replied “absolutely”. Bright, a vaccine expert heading the Department of Health and Welfare’s biodefense agency, said the country needed a plan to establish a supply chain to produce tens of millions of dollars. Dosage of vaccines and distribute and distribute them fairly. He said previous experience with antiviral drugs that have been shown to benefit COVID-19 patients has given him less confidence in distribution. Hospital pharmacies have reported problems with limited supplies. The White House has launched what is called “Operation Warp Speed” to produce, distribute and manage vaccines as soon as they are available. The CDC has obtained additional guidance from federal authorities. The CDC has released a “decision tree” to help determine when it’s safe for a workplace, community, school, daycare, camp, or public transport to resume. Step-by-step guidance to advise employers to encourage enhanced social distances, hand washing and cleaning Before they make decisions, they do not provide detailed advice on when schools or businesses can be safely opened. Just ask. Its purpose is to assist employers in making reinstatement decisions, but consult with state and local health authorities to identify the unique needs and circumstances of the community, the tree of work, differences in schools, restaurants, etc. Includes small adjustments to explain. Doctor CDC warned of childhood illnesses associated with COVID-19 also advised on Thursday that thousands of doctors across the country were looking for a nasty new syndrome that could be associated with COVID-19 infections To do. This syndrome, called the Multiple Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) in children, is found in children throughout Europe and in at least 18 states, and first in Washington DC, the case is believed to be Kawasaki disease. It was Kawasaki disease is a rare inflammatory condition usually associated with the major arteries and heart. But there are too many cases for it to be Kawasaki, and doctors have agreed that it is a different inflammatory syndrome. Many, but not all, current COVID-19 infection, or of children that have been determined to be positive for any of the past infection.W2lmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZDJjbXZicTdzeHgzM2ouY2xvdWRmcm9udC5uZXQvZW1haWwvcHJvZF9jb3JvbmF2aXJ1c19pZnJhbWVfYXJ0aWNsZS5odG1sIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjQxNCIgc3R5bGU9IndpZHRoOjEwMCU7Ym9yZGVyOm5vbmU7b3ZlcmZsb3c6aGlkZGVuIiBzY3JvbGxpbmc9Im5vIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgYWxsb3dUcmFuc3BhcmVuY3k9InRydWUiXVsvaWZyYW1lXQ ==
It’s a sequel.
- According to the United States, more than 1.4 million cases of coronavirus have been reported in the United States. Johns Hopkins University Tally..
- According to Hopkins, there are more than 85,000 deaths in the United States.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published six “decision trees” on Thursday to help companies, communities, schools, camps, daycare and public transport decide when it’s safe to restart.
- Also issued CDC Health advisory On Thursday, I advised thousands of doctors nationwide to look for a nasty new syndrome that might be associated with COVID-19 infections.
The US appears to be changing its strategy from trying to eliminate coronavirus altogether to reducing the risk of infection as the country reopens, medical experts say.
Dr. Leana Wen, an ER doctor and a former health commissioner in Baltimore, has moved to reduce harm in almost every state that reduces social distance.
“We previously had a strategy that was to reduce the number of infections and at the same time build the ability to test, track, and isolate,” she said Thursday night at CNN on the coronavirus. Said at Global Town Hall.
“I know it works, but I’ll restart these features before they’re introduced, which is essentially saying it’s too difficult. I can’t get there. New Switch to phase again. “
The new strategies include ways to slow the spread of the virus, including social distances, avoiding unnecessary gatherings, changing ventilation systems, and increasing time outdoors, she said.
The number of cases reported has declined in some states
As the state lifts home restrictions, it will take weeks to learn about health effects.
However, according to an analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University on Thursday, the number of new coronavirus cases reported daily so far has generally been declining in about 24 states so far.
Also, medical experts warn that testing is still a major concern, with resumption and relaxation of social distance restrictions, and the US is still behind.
Not all people who test positive need treatment, but testing ensures that most cases are identified and followed, Dr. Richard Besser, former acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Says.
“In all cases, there can be another outbreak of sparks in an out-of-control community,” he said.
Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 compliant technology leader, said appropriate steps can be taken to curb the infection and avoid going between lockdown and unlock restrictions. ..
She added that South Korea and Singapore successfully contained the virus as it quickly identified it, began tracking contacts, and fought against the opportunity for the virus to reappear.
Experts say that the coronavirus will continue to spread for at least another 18 months to 2 years until about 70% of the population is infected.
Testing of drugs declared at risk begins
Finding viral vaccines and treatments remains a top priority as the number of deaths increases in the United States.
The National Institutes of Health has begun a new trial for people with mild coronavirus cases who use drugs that were once declared dangerous.
Both the NIH and the Food and Drug Administration have cautioned that the use of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin should be warned and limited to clinical trials only.
The FDA recommends that this combination be used only in a hospital environment, as this combination causes heart rhythm issues. In addition, some studies have shown that this combination does not help patients with coronavirus.
However, the NIH said it would enroll 2,000 people infected with the coronavirus and try the drug combination at home. Study participants must have a fever, cough, and / or shortness of breath, added the first person to enroll in San Diego.
“Participants are randomly assigned to receive short-term treatment with either hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin or the corresponding placebo,” he said. “People living with HIV, pregnant and lactating women are also eligible to participate in this study.”
Whistleblower Rick Bright warned Thursday that when the coronavirus vaccine became available, the United States had no plans to produce it and distribute it fairly. Unless the leaders act decisively, the country could face a “darkest winter in modern history,” he told a panel of parliaments.
Bright claims that he was exiled from a high-level scientific post after warning the Trump administration to prepare for a pandemic.
“We don’t have a (vaccine plan) yet, but that’s a big concern,” Bright said. Asked if he should worry about the legislator, he answered “absolutely”.
Bright, a vaccination expert at the Ministry of Health and Human Services who heads the Biological Defense Agency, said there needs to be a plan to establish a supply chain that produces tens of millions of vaccines and to distribute and distribute them fairly. He said previous experience with antiviral drugs that have been shown to benefit COVID-19 patients has given him less confidence in distribution. Hospital pharmacies have reported problems with limited supplies.
The White House is launching what is known as “manipulated warp speed” to ensure that vaccines are produced, distributed and administered as soon as they are available.
CDC sets “decision tree” when restarted
Places considering reopening the door after weeks of restrictions have received additional guidance from federal authorities.
CDC has released “Decision Tree” to help workplace,community, school, Day care, camps, and public transportation determine when it’s safe to restart.
The six documents posted on the website on Thursday provide step-by-step guidance to advise employers to encourage social distances, hand washing, and enhanced cleaning.
There is no detailed advice on when it is safe for schools or businesses to open. Just ask a question before making a decision.
Its purpose is to assist employers in making reinstatement decisions, but it is still important to check with state and local health authorities to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the community. I am writing a tree.
For example, it includes small adjustments to accommodate the differences between schools and restaurants.
Doctor warns about childhood illnesses associated with COVID-19
Also issued CDC Health advisory On Thursday, I advised thousands of doctors nationwide to look for a nasty new syndrome that could be associated with a COVID-19 infection.
This syndrome, called Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C), is found in children throughout Europe and in at least 18 states, and also in Washington, D.C.
Initially, the case was thought to be Kawasaki disease. It is a rare inflammatory disease that usually involves the major arteries and heart. However, there were too many cases to be Kawasaki, and doctors agreed that it was a different inflammatory syndrome. Many, but not all, children tested positive for either current COVID-19 infections or past infections.
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