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A certified worker who can opt out of the Covid vaccine by saying that he is medically exempt


On the eve of the deadline for the caregiver to get the first jab, health Caregivers have issued guidance that they can prove themselves to be exempt from medical care.Exemptions include terminal illness, learning disabilities, autism, or allergies to vaccines.

The tax exemption is temporary, but basically caregivers can self-declare that they do not need to have a jab.

How on earth Care home Make sure the claim is unclear. Tax exemption continues until the “NHS Covid Pass System” is launched-date TBC.

A DHSC letter on temporary medical exemptions that care home staff can use to opt out of Covid vaccination. credit: ITV News

On the one hand, this may reduce pressure Care home staffing crisis-Probably because more caregivers can get out of the jab and don’t have to leave before the November 11 Double Bucks deadline.

This also applies to pregnant caregivers.

In early September, ITV News UK editor Paul Brand reported on a caregiver who had to look brave despite facing the worst staffing crisis in history.

On the other hand, this involves a relatively limited group of care staff (if everyone is honest with self-certification) and probably adds to the complexity of the care home where it is necessary to ensure that the staff are actually exempt. They give, which may help.The care department suspects that this is basically an attempt by the government to earn time.

The DHSC was aware of the serious staffing crisis in this sector and gave it three months to learn that compulsory vaccination would make the situation worse.Currently, all caregivers need to sign this form in order to be exempt from the vaccine.

Caregivers are exempt from the Covid vaccine simply by signing this form. credit: ITV News

Providing false information “may result in disciplinary action.”

However, it is not yet clear who actually checks how.

Covid-19 vaccine prepared for health and social care workers at the Newcastle Life Science Center International Life Center. credit: PA

This is only a temporary exemption for a minimum of 12 weeks before the new system is introduced.

In response to the latest government guidance, the GMB Union said: [compulsory vaccination] It could cause a major spill in a sector that is already facing a 170,000 staffed black hole. Well, in the 11th hour, they cheated it. It is timid, incompetent and inhumane. “

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said: They care. ““Temporarily, people who meet the medical tax exemption standard can self-certify until they introduce a new system. This will allow people with medical exemption to continue working in the care facility. increase.”

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