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COVID Vax exemption for pregnant healthcare workers?

COVID Vax exemption for pregnant healthcare workers?


The hospital had to consider the decision on whether to provide pregnant employees with an exemption (or temporary postponement) of the COVID-19 vaccine.

These decisions, which continue to be polarized for many pregnant women in the workforce, must be made when guidelines, legislation, and the demands of medical staff can all conflict.

In New York Lead prosecution Request the COVID-19 vaccine from all healthcare Guidance letter “Pregnancy alone is not a valid” health condition “that underlies a medical exemption,” New York State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD, wrote to a state medical facility on August 23.

In the weeks following the state’s revised restrictions on vaccination, at least one New York hospital reported being at risk. “pause” Certain clinical services due to staff shortages due to the refusal of vaccinations by health care workers.

However, outside of New York, many hospitals continue to exempt employees from pregnancy tax until further notice. They are left to navigate the laws available, CDC Recommendations It encourages pregnant and wishing to become pregnant with COVID-19 vaccination, a regional threat to the pandemic, and the potential exacerbation of their staff shortage.

The Biden administration has not yet released details on where pregnancy falls on the list of medical exemptions.Employer must obey Current lawAccording to Title VII, amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, pregnant workers are “like other workers with similar work abilities or abilities. Must be treated by. “

At the same time, the EEOC also said, “Employees who have not been vaccinated for pregnancy will be coordinated to continue working (under Title VII) if the employer makes changes or exceptions to other employees. You have the right to receive it. “

Hospitals now need to offer employees the option to seek a vaccine exemption if they are experiencing a pregnancy-related medical condition or disability, as are employees with other medical conditions or disabilities. However, some hospitals have decided that pregnancy itself counts as a valid medical reason to avoid or postpone vaccination, despite opposition to legal views.

In Yale medicine, with the approval of a doctor, healthcare professionals at various stages of pregnancy are eligible to postpone the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Richard Martinero, MD, an expert in infectious diseases and pediatrics at Yale University Today’s MedPage That is, other than those who are currently pregnant, those who are trying to become pregnant or breastfeeding have the option of seeking a postponement.

According to Martinero, less than 1% of Yale medical workers are seeking tax exemptions under this policy.In Connecticut, he said vaccine hesitation was not. Almost as strong Like any other part of the country.

“We are quite happy with where we are and will stick to our current policies,” Martinero said of their pregnancy exemption rules. “It’s part of our lively debate, as we continually ensure that doctors and local physicians are aware of the latest guidelines.”

The deadline for vaccination at Yale University is September 30th. After that, those who are exempt should be inspected weekly. Martinero added that testing at one of Yale University’s COVID-19 testing sites is free for staff, regardless of vaccination status.

Michael Leonardi, MD, a maternal and fetal medicine physician specializing in high-risk pregnancies at OSF Healthcare in Illinois, reiterated the belief that concerns about staff shortages could affect exemption policies.

“The medical system does not exist in isolation and they need to be staffed in hospitals before federal orders,” Leonardi said. Today’s MedPage.. “Therefore, if they are already understaffed, it affects how hard they can push the staff. If you are in an area with a lot of vaccine hesitation, there are steeper hills to climb than you. Yes. Re-in areas like Vermont that accepted the vaccination. “

OSF allows employees to seek tax exemption for pregnancy. However, according to Leonardi, those who are about to become pregnant cannot become pregnant. Unlike other hospital systems where employees can apply for a vaccine exemption using the approval of an individual physician, OSF pregnant health care workers seeking an exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine only apply through the Occupational Health and Safety Department. I can do it.

“I think it was wise because doctors could avoid injecting their own prejudices or writing notes to patients without trying to advise them about ACOG. [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] And AAP [American Academy of Pediatrics] CDC Recommendations. “

Leonardi hopes that OSF’s pregnancy exemption policy can be changed to follow a more stringent model like New York, saying that at OSF, those who are postponed are logically and financially required for the weekly COVID-19 test. He added that he was responsible.

At the departmental level, members of hospital staff are finding unique ways to not assist employees seeking tax exemption due to pregnancy.

Dara Berry, MSN and CNM, head of the Indiana University School of Medicine’s team of nurses and midwives, said: “We can provide a document showing that you are pregnant, and then it is up to them to decide what the facility will do with it.”

Berry said her department is currently looking at an unprecedented number of COVID-positive pregnant patients. Caring for a healthy woman who had to be ventilated for COVID and had to give birth very prematurely could have contributed to staff’s willingness to be vaccinated despite their pregnancy status. There is sex.

“We have a woman who gave birth to a baby and is on the lung transplant list because of her illness,” Berry said. “Therefore, if science and organization recommendations aren’t enough, seeing what it can do will be enough motivation to help people make that decision,” Berry said. Today’s MedPage..

Berry takes a different view on the topic of losing staff due to a stricter exemption policy.

“One of the real things that influences and maintains staffing is improving immunization rates,” says Berry. “Increasing vaccination rates reduces hospitalizations for serious illnesses and reduces strain and stress on systems and staff.”

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    Kara Grant In February 2021, he joined MedPage Today’s Enterprise & Investigative Reporting team. She is in charge of psychiatry, mental health and medical education. follow




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