General types, other types, statistics
according to National Cancer InstituteAbout one in eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer somewhere in their lives. It is less common in men, and 1 in 800 men can develop it in their lifetime.
Your breast is made up of lobules and tubes surrounded by fat and connective tissue. The glandular lobules produce milk and are transported through the ducts to the nipple.
breast cancer It occurs when normal cells in the lobules, tubes, or other breast tissue are damaged and grow out of control. Abnormal cells grow rapidly and accumulate, forming clumps called tumors.
If the tumor grows but does not spread to nearby breast tissue, it is Benign Not considered cancer. Malignant tumors spread and invade surrounding tissues and are considered cancerous.
There are different types of breast cancer because it can start in the lobules, tubes, or other tissues.
Breast cancer can be classified in several ways. In most cases, it is categorized by where it originated and whether it moved from that location.
An easily identifiable feature of breast cancer is the type of cells in which it is formed.
Another important feature of breast cancer is whether it invades surrounding tissues or stays where it was originally formed.
The combination of these classifications gives the type of breast cancer a descriptive name, as outlined below.
Breast cancer symptoms can vary widely, and some types of breast cancer may not show any noticeable symptoms.
The lump may be too small to be felt, or it may cause changes in the breast or surroundings. In these cases, cancer cells are often first detected by screening techniques such as: Mammogram..
If you have symptoms, you may have the following:
- NS mass Or thickening of the breast tissue that can be felt with the fingers
- Breast swelling Or it will change to the size and shape of your chest
- Changes in breast skin, etc. dimple, Redness, or skin irritation
- Nipples Bend inward Or nipple pain
- Underarm lump
- Nipple discharge other than breast milk
It is important to be familiar with what your breasts usually look and feel. This allows you to notice changes and immediately follow up with your healthcare professional if they look or feel different.
Non-invasive breast cancer begins and stays in the cells of the ducts or lobules. Also called “insitu” which means “original place”.
There are two types of non-invasive breast cancer.
- Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
- Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
Let’s take a closer look at each type.
DCIS is often curable. It’s usually Breast mass removal, followed by Radiation therapy Or and Mastectomy..
If the cancer is hormone receptor positive, Tamoxifen Or an aromatase inhibitor for 5 years after surgery (for postmenopausal patients). This treatment is thought to reduce the risk of DCIS recurrence or invasive cancer that occurs in either breast.
Treatment with LCIS requires close follow-up by a physician due to the high risk of developing invasive breast cancer. Your LCIS may not require treatment, or your doctor may recommend removing it with a breast-conserving surgery such as an excisional biopsy.
Invasive breast cancer It also occurs in the cells of the tubes and lobules, but does not remain in its original location. Instead, it spreads and invades surrounding tissue. Another name is “infiltration”.
There are two types of invasive breast cancer.
- Invasive (invasive) ductal carcinoma (IDC)
- Invasive (invasive) lobular carcinoma (ILC)
Breast cancer is usually further classified based on the surface proteins found in cancer cells.
When breast cancer tissue is removed from your body, it is tested for these proteins. Cancer cells are then subtyped based on the presence or absence of surface proteins. Knowing the subtypes can help your doctor determine the best course of treatment for your cancer.
Let’s look at the three most common subtypes of breast cancer.
Hormone receptor positive
This subtype includes estrogen and / or progesterone receptors. “ER-positive” tumors have estrogen receptors and “PR-positive” tumors have progesterone receptors. This subtype often requires hormones that correspond to its receptors in order to grow.
Treatment with anti-estrogen or anti-progesterone Hormone therapy It can block the growth of tumors and kill cancer cells. In the absence of receptors, it is called a “hormone receptor negative” tumor.
HER2 positive
This subtype has an extra copy of the HER2 gene, which causes it to overproduce a growth hormone called HER2. This hormone allows cancer to grow faster.
Treatment usually includes drugs that can slow the production of this hormone and kill cancer cells.
Triple negative
Cancers that do not have ER, PR, or HER2 receptors are “Triple negative“.
It’s more common in women who have BRCA1 Because of the genetic mutation, if your cancer is triple-negative, your doctor recommends that you be tested for this mutation.
About 10 to 15 percent The rate of invasive breast cancer is triple negative.
The less common types of breast cancer are often named by how they are observed under a microscope. Let’s take a closer look at some of the less common types.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)
Inflammatory breast cancer Explain about 1-5 percent Of all breast cancer. This is a fast-growing, aggressive type of breast cancer that presents with symptoms different from most other types of breast cancer. IBC is often mistaken for other conditions because it does not exist as a lump.
Some of the most common symptoms of IBC are:
- NS swelling, Warm, red chest
- Thickened breast skin or pit
- Breasts that feel bigger or heavier than normal
- Pain or tenderness in the breast or surrounding area
- itch On or around the chest
- NS Inverted nipple
Symptoms of IBC are caused by obstruction of the lymphatic system in the breast. These symptoms usually tend to develop rapidly within 3 to 6 months.
Paget’s disease of the breast
Paget’s disease Account only
Paget’s disease is a rare cancer that begins in the ducts and spreads to the skin and areola of the nipple and the skin around the nipple.according to National Cancer Institute, This type of breast cancer is usually associated with DCIS or an invasive tumor in the breast.
Symptoms of Paget’s disease are often initially mistaken for skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. However, the symptoms do not respond to topical treatment.
The typical symptoms of Paget’s disease are:
- Redness, exfoliation or crusting around the nipple and areola
- Itching and itching around the nipple
- Thickened skin on or near the nipple
- Flattened nipples
- Bloody or yellowish Nipple secretions
Phyllodes tumor of the breast
NS Phyllodes tumor Is a very rare type of breast cancer
About 75 percent In many cases, phyllodes tumors are not cancerous and usually do not spread beyond the breast. However, they can grow rapidly and some can be considered “boundaries”. In other words, it has properties that can lead to cancer at a later stage.
Phyllodes tumors form in the connective tissue of the breast. The most common symptoms are:
- Smooth lumps in or around the breast
- A lump that grows rapidly and stretches the skin
- Breast skin that looks red and feels warm
Tubular cancer of the breast
Tubular cancer A subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). This type of breast cancer is named because the tubular structure that can be seen under a microscope makes up the tumor. Tumors are usually small (about 1 cm or less) and tend to grow slowly.
Tubular cancer is rare and
Because these tumors are small, they are most often detected on regular mammograms. They tend to have a good prognosis and low grade.
Mucinous (colloidal) cancer of the breast
Mucinous cancerIs also known as colloidal cancer and is a rare form of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).About 2 percent While up to 7% of breast cancers have some components of mucinous cancer cells, the largest of breast cancers are “pure” mucinous cancers.
In this type of cancer, the tumor is made up of abnormal cells that appear to “float” in a pool of mucus when viewed under a microscope.
This is a less aggressive type of cancer that is less likely to spread to the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes than other types of IDCs.
Mucinous cancer tends to be more common in postmenopausal women, with an average age of about 60-70 years at diagnosis.
Breast cancer
Breast medulla cancer is another rare subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma in situ (IDC).It explains around
Tumors are usually soft, fleshy masses rather than lumps of breast tissue. The mass most often occurs in the middle of the breast and is most common in women. BRCA1 mutation..
These cancer cells often have an aggressive appearance, but they do not grow rapidly and usually do not spread to the lymph nodes. This makes it easier to treat than other types of breast cancer.
Treatment of breast cancer depends on many factors, including:
The possible treatment options for breast cancer are:
- Breast mass removal. this Breast-conserving surgery It is usually used for smaller, less invasive tumors. It only involves removing the tumor and some surrounding tissue.
- Mastectomy. With Mastectomy, The entire breast is removed. The type of mastectomy depends on the invasiveness of the cancer.
- Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy It is often used to destroy cancer cells that remain in the breast or surrounding tissues after the cancer has been surgically removed.
- chemical treatment. chemical treatment Drugs are often used to destroy cancer cells that have spread to remote parts of the body.
- Hormone therapy. Anti-estrogens and anti-progesterone therapies can be used to slow the growth of hormone receptor-positive tumors.
- Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy It is a method of stimulating the immune system so that cancer cells can be recognized and attacked. This is a growing area of ​​research that continues to find new ways to treat cancer.
- Other targeted therapies. For HER2-positive breast cancer, some types of targeted therapies may detect and destroy growth-promoting proteins on the surface of cancer cells. This may help slow the growth of HER2-positive tumors.
generally Breast self-examination, When Mammogram Useful for early detection of breast cancer. Finding breast cancer that hasn’t spread yet gives you the best chance of staying healthy and cancer-free for years.
according to American Cancer SocietyOn average, if treated before breast cancer spreads, there is a 99% chance of survival in 5 years compared to people who do not have breast cancer.
Other steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer include:
- Limit alcohol to no more than one glass daily.
- Maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.
- Keep moving your body.
- Breastfeed if possible.
- Avoid hormone therapy for postmenopausal symptoms.
- Avoid breast augmentation surgery.
- Talk to your doctor about medications and surgical treatments to reduce your chances of getting breast cancer at high risk.
There are many types of breast cancer. Some types of breast cancer occur in the milk-producing lobules of the breast, while others occur in the cells that line the ducts. Some tumors are benign and non-invasive, while others are malignant and may infiltrate nearby breast tissue.
Breast cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drugs, and hormone therapy. However, if breast cancer is detected early by self-examination of the breast or regular mammograms, the need for treatment is reduced.
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