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World Health Organization Approves World’s First Malaria Vaccine | SmartNews

World Health Organization Approves World’s First Malaria Vaccine | SmartNews


Healthcare workers vaccinated children against malaria in Kenya. The child is embraced by a laughing mother.

In 2019 alone, malaria killed 400,000 people, most of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa. Children under the age of 5 are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of malaria, and most deaths occur within this age group.
Joseph Smell / Associated Press

On October 6, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it would recommend a breakthrough vaccine for children in countries with high malaria infection rates. Called RTS, S or Mosquirix, the drug is the world’s first human parasite vaccine and can save tens of thousands of lives each year, Apoorva Mandavilli reports. New York Times..

Health Organization recommendations follow successful pilot programs in three African countries that have vaccinated 800,000 children since 2019. The results of the program showed that the vaccine was safe and effective in remote rural areas. insider..

“Using this vaccine in addition to existing tools to prevent malaria can save the lives of tens of thousands of young people each year,” said WHO Director Tedros Adanom Gebreyes. I mentioned at the press conference.

malaria Is sent via a parasite called, Plasmodium falciparum, Carried only by infected women Anopheles mosquito. Illness can hit a person multiple times. Even if the disease does not result in death, continued reinfection can weaken and alter the immune system, leaving individuals more vulnerable to other diseases and pathogens. New York Times.. Children under the age of 5 are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of malaria, and most deaths occur within this age group.Helen Brunswell reports that repeated infections can affect a child’s development. STAT news..

In 2019 alone, malaria killed 400,000 people, most of them live in sub-Saharan Africa, and children under the age of five account for 279,000 deaths in total. STAT Report. In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria is the leading cause of childhood illness and death. On average, more than 260,000 children under the age of five die of the disease each year. WHO statement..

The malaria vaccine was first manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 1987 and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and PATH, a global health group based in Seattle. Guardians Reported by Lizzy Davies. Thirty years after production, the vaccine reduces the risk of developing malaria by 40%. Its efficacy rate is not a high vaccine against other diseases, but it is still very effective when combined with other malaria prophylaxis methods.

In an interview, WHO scientific adviser David Schellenberg said, “It may sound less, but we’re talking about a 40% reduction in severe malaria. Unfortunately, we get proper treatment. But the mortality rate is high. ” With the BBC.

The vaccine isn’t perfect, New England Journal of Medicine When used in combination with other prophylactic treatments last month, it is more effective at treating serious illness, hospitalization, and death than using a single method alone, especially during periods of high malaria infection. I found that it can be prevented. New York Times Report.

based on Clinical data, Mosquirix prevents 4/10 cases of mild to moderate malaria and 3/10 cases of severe life-threatening malaria for at least 4 years after vaccination. insider Report.

The vaccine is given 4 times. Scientists have expressed concern about the utility of providing a four-dose regimen in the real world, especially in rural environments, as the vaccine requires four shots to be effective. STAT Report.

Researchers in the pilot study administered all four doses to recipients in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi. The first three doses were given to the child within the first month of life. Many children received the first dose either 5 or 6 months after birth, followed by two other doses at monthly intervals. insider Report. The children were then given the final dose around their second birthday.Community demand for vaccines is strong and they have reached many children, says Tedros. insider..

Next, Global Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) Determine if a malaria vaccine is a worthwhile investment The New York Times. If the board approves the vaccine, they will buy the vaccine for the countries that need it.

“It’s been a long way, and it’s very exciting to be able to say it in the end. [the vaccine] Soon, along with other malaria interventions, it will be available to more children across Africa, “said Ashleigh Barty, Head of Malaria Vaccine Development at PATH. STAT..





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