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Should You Avoid Your Daily Aspirin Regimen?Here’s what you need to know

Should You Avoid Your Daily Aspirin Regimen?Here’s what you need to know


  • Based on new evidence, the US Preventive Medicine Committee says that daily low-dose aspirin in people over the age of 60 has no net benefit due to the high risk of bleeding.
  • Evidence now suggests that the “net benefit” of aspirin use is small for people aged 40-59 years who are at 10% or more risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) for 10 years or more.
  • According to experts, some groups, including those with heart disease and those who have had stents, angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass grafting, may benefit from aspirin.

US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Releases New Draft Recommendations On October 12, some groups stopped recommending the use of aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Many people take low dose tablets daily to help prevent Heart attack or stroke. However, new evidence has found that taking aspirin daily may increase the risk of certain complications.

According to the USPSTF, the evidence now suggests that the “net benefit” of aspirin use is small for people aged 40-59 years who are at risk of 10% or more of 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The Task Force also concluded that there is no benefit to starting the use of aspirin to prevent CVD events in adults over the age of 60.

Some groups still recommend taking aspirin daily.

“These recommendations do not apply to people who have had a heart attack or stroke, or who have a stent in an artery,” said Donald M. Lloyd Jones, Volunteer President of the American Heart Association (AHA). The doctor said: statement..

“These patients need to continue taking aspirin as prescribed by their doctor,” he continued. “But in adults without known cardiovascular disease, we continue to encourage clinicians to be highly selective when prescribing aspirin.”

“Bleeding is a major concern for patients over the age of 60 who are at risk of heart disease when newly placed in the daily baby aspirin regimen.” Dr. Robert GlatterAn emergency doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York told Healthline.

A serious concern for older patients taking long-term baby aspirin regimens is the risk of brain bleeding from a head injury experienced in a fall, Glatter said.

Dr. Guy L. Mints“Aspirin definitely has a role to play,” said the director of cardiovascular health and lipids at Sandra Bathhart Hospital in Manhasset, NY.

He has heart disease, stents, angioplasty, coronary bypass surgery, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and Transient ischemic attack (“Mini Stroke”) may benefit from aspirin.

He also warned that patients receiving aspirin therapy should first consult their doctor before discontinuing.

“Aspirin also has anti-inflammatory properties, c reactive protein, A marker of inflammation, “Mints said. “A 1988 doctor’s health survey showed that aspirin reduced heart attacks.”

The USPSTF concluded that the use of aspirin in patients without heart disease was associated with potentially dangerous bleeding, but Mintz said there were other ways to reduce the risk.

“Today, there are very effective treatments that significantly reduce the chances of a heart attack,” he said.

According to Mintz, this includes:

  • A powerful cholesterol-lowering drug
  • New diabetes treatments reduce heart death, reduce heart failure, improve kidney function and blood sugar levels
  • Effective drugs to lower blood pressure and blood pressure goals below previous guidelines

“we have [also] Recognizing obesity and insulin resistance as inflammatory conditions that contribute to cardiovascular disease [have] It’s also an effective treatment for these states, “he added.

According to Mints, major heart risk factors include a family history of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and obesity.

He said patients should talk to their doctors to consider their cardiovascular risk.

Mints advised people with heart risk factors to measure their heart risk profile.

“Each patient between the ages of 40 and 70 without heart disease should use ACC / AHA cardiac risk to measure cardiovascular risk for 10 years. calculator, This poses a 10-year cardiac risk and helps identify treatment routes, “Mints said.

Based on new evidence, the USPSTF states that daily low-dose aspirin in people over the age of 60 has no net benefit due to the increased risk of bleeding.

The Task Force also consults a doctor before taking aspirin daily, as people aged 40-59 years who are at least 10% risk of experiencing their first cardiovascular event within 10 years experience only a small net benefit. Said you need to. According to experts, these guidelines only mention aspirin, not other anticoagulants, and anyone currently using aspirin should stop before talking to a medical professional. Not.





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