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Influenza vaccine for children


Parents are being encouraged to enroll their children for a free nasal spray flu vaccine this year, but how likely is it that your child will get the flu and experience serious complications? Where can I get the vaccine?

Influenza (influenza) is caused by the influenza virus. It spreads easily and infects both children and adults.

How likely is your child to get the flu?

Children are twice as likely to get the flu as adults and are more likely to have serious complications than adults. Children also carry the flu virus to their systems longer than adults.

What are the symptoms of influenza in children?

Symptoms of influenza in children include high temperatures (above 38 ° C), muscle aches, headaches, and extreme malaise.

Zoe Lonergan, 10 years old, from Firhouse, Dublin, is depicted at the launch of HSE's free nasal flu vaccine.
Zoe Lonergan, 10 years old, from Firhouse, Dublin, is depicted at the launch of HSE’s free nasal flu vaccine.

What complications can a child have with the flu?

Most children with the flu have mild symptoms. However, every winter, some children suffer from serious flu complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). This can result in hospitalizations that require intensive care. Children with chronic health are at increased risk of developing serious complications from the flu.

How likely is a child to have flu complications?

Between 2009 and 2019, about 5,000 children were hospitalized for influenza complications. Nearly 200 children had to be treated in the intensive care unit, and 41 children died.

What is a nasal spray vaccine?

Nasal spray The flu vaccine is given as a single spray to each nostril in the child’s nose. It is painless and is quickly absorbed. Your child may have a runny nose, sneeze, or blow his nose after vaccination.

Most children only need one vaccination each year. Some children aged 2 to 8 years with chronic health conditions, such as chronic heart and lung conditions, should be vaccinated twice every 4 weeks if they have never been vaccinated against the flu. It may be.

Who can get it?

The nasal spray flu vaccine is available for children aged 2 to 17 years.

how much does it cost?

You can use it for free.

When and where can I get it?

Your child can be vaccinated at your GP or pharmacy from October 2022 to mid-February.

Are there any side effects of the nasal flu vaccine?

There are some mild side effects associated with the nasal flu vaccine. These include runny nose or stuffy nose, headaches, loss of appetite, and muscle aches. Some children have a rise in body temperature after vaccination, but they are usually mild and heal spontaneously.

Does my child need to get the flu vaccine?

Dr. Apparna Kegan, a specialist in public health medicine and influenza leads at the National Immunology Department of HSE, said the best way to protect children from influenza and potential complications is to vaccinate them with influenza. I said there is.

“The nasal flu vaccine is a very safe and effective vaccine that helps the child’s immune system produce antibodies that fight the infection.

“If your child is vaccinated against the flu and comes into contact with the flu virus, these antibodies will help fight the flu and reduce the risk of getting sick or having to go to the hospital.”

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly recommends that all parents use the free flu vaccine.

“Children get the flu and are more likely to get a serious illness from the flu.

“The nasal flu vaccine helps protect your children, your friends, your family, and your colleagues and keeps us safer and healthier throughout the winter.”

“Influenza and other respiratory illnesses have a significant impact not only on our health system, but also on the general health and well-being of our population each winter. As we continue to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, The best way for all of us to work together to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our front-line healthcare professionals, and our health system is to be vaccinated. ”

Children should not be vaccinated if:

  • Showed a severe allergic reaction to either the previous influenza vaccine or its components
  • If you have severe asthma, or if you have asthma 3 days before vaccination, or if you need an inhaler more than usual
  • I’m taking a drug called salicylate that contains aspirin
  • Taken influenza antivirals within the last 48 hours
  • The immune system is significantly weakened due to certain medical conditions or treatments
  • Living with someone with a significantly weakened immune system-for example, someone who has to live in solar radiation for several months after a bone marrow transplant
  • It is in a state that means that CSF (the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord) is leaking.
  • Severe neutropenia (low level of white blood cell type)
  • Received combination therapy with checkpoint inhibitors used to treat cancer (eg, ipilumumab and nivolumab)
  • If your child has a cochlear implant, you will need the advice of a caregiver to see if your child can get the nasal flu vaccine.
  • If you are sick and have a high temperature, you may need to delay vaccination of your child.

For more information on the free nasal spray flu vaccine





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