Vaccine boosters: how to get them, qualified people, number of people who drank jabs
Millions of people received the Covid booster vaccine as Britain headed for the winter months.
The latest NHS figures show that more than 3 million double-jab people in the UK made their third shot four weeks after the deployment began.
A total of 3.1 million boosters have been given, and two out of every five people over the age of 50 are eligible for the booster vaccine.
More than one-third of qualified health care workers also received booster vaccines, health services said.
On Monday, the Downing Street said the NHS will offer “one shot” to children aged 12 to 15 as winter approaches, as well as “as much as possible” to contact people who are eligible for a third or booster jab. I said I’m going.
The campaign began after data from the Public Health England (PHE) suggested that the protection provided by the vaccine against severe illness would gradually diminish over time.
Boosters are provided to the elderly and are vulnerable as additional protection if the vaccine’s efficacy diminishes months after the second dose.
A single dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is additionally offered to children aged 12 to 15 years, hoping to protect more populations and prevent more viral mutations as winter approaches.
The NHS officially launched a booster campaign in September.
Deployment began in the United Kingdom, soon followed by Scotland and Wales, and Northern Ireland began deploying booster shots at long-term care facilities.
The government has vowed to escalate a third jab message to speed up the campaign.
“We will continue to strengthen communication so that qualified people can come forward and receive the protection they need,” the Prime Minister’s official spokesperson said on Monday.
In speculation that walk-in centers could be used to increase infections in children under the age of 15, a spokesman said: The approach that has been used for influenza and HPV jabs.
“We work very closely with the school and continue to consider programs from the ages of 12 to 15.”
A spokeswoman said the program “was carried out at an unusual scale and pace, so it is correct to continue the review.”
Why do you need a booster jab?
The NHS encourages people over the age of 50 to get both flu shots and booster shots to get the best chance of getting sick.
Experts fear that the effectiveness of the vaccine will decline over time, leaving the most vulnerable people at risk of becoming infected with severe cases of Covid.
The worldwide spread of the highly contagious delta mutant has raised concerns that the virus will circulate rapidly in winter as people spend more time indoors.
Health services have launched a promotional campaign in recent weeks to encourage people to shoot both flu shots and covid boosters before winter.
Ministers hope that booster shots will help prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed during the colder months when hospitals have historically tended to be under pressure.
Covid Vaccine Booster: How does it work and who gets it first?
What is the Covid Booster Campaign?
What is the Covid Booster Campaign?
The UK NHS officially launched the Coronavirus Booster Campaign on Thursday, September 16th. This will result in millions of eligible people offering a third Covid vaccine.
The campaign began after data from the Public Health England (PHE) suggested that the protection provided by the vaccine against severe Covid would gradually diminish over time.
Therefore, a third jab prevents it from becoming less effective months after the second dose.
Who gets the Covid booster first?
Who gets the Covid booster first?
Among the first people to receive Covid boosters are long-term care facility residents, people over the age of 80, and front-line healthcare and social welfare workers.
This program will be deployed in the same priority groups as the first phase of the vaccination program.
Covid-19 Booster Vaccine Priority:
1. Residents of long-term care facilities for the elderly and their caregivers
2. People over 80 and frontline medical and social welfare workers
3. People aged 75-79
4. People aged 70-74 and those who are considered “clinically very vulnerable”
5. People aged 65-69
6. People aged 16-64 years with underlying health at high risk of serious illness or death-considered “clinically vulnerable”
7. People aged 60-64
8. People aged 55-59
9. People aged 50-54
How long do I have to wait after the last vaccination?
How long do I have to wait after the last vaccination?
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) advises that booster vaccinations be given at least 6 months after the second vaccination.
How do I book a Booster Jab? How will you be notified?
How do I book a Booster Jab? How will you be notified?
NHS England said it will contact you when qualified via phone or text from the GP-led site, or through the National Booking Service, which will begin issuing invitations on Monday, September 20th. increase.
Which vaccine will you use?
Which vaccine will you use?
People will receive half of the Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, regardless of which vaccine they have already received in the first two doses.
However, JCVI advises on the “preference” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, regardless of which vaccine brand someone received in the first two doses.
Does the deployment apply to the entire UK?
Does the deployment apply to the entire UK?
The third jab is offered to people in all countries of the UK.
Wales launched its own Covid vaccine booster campaign in September, followed immediately by Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) described the 2 Jab Vaccine Program as follows:
“From a precautionary standpoint, JCVI believes it is desirable to balance and maintain a high level of protection for vulnerable adults during the winter.”
The government also wants to avoid further blockades after a penalized one-year limit.
Downing Street refused to rule out further closures if Britain’s position deteriorated in the winter.
But former vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi said he hopes the booster vaccine will provide Britain with adequate protection against another wave of serious illness and death and avoid further blockades.
Who is the target of booster shots?
According to the NHS England, booster jabs are for everyone over the age of 50, front-line medical and social welfare workers, and those aged 16-49 who are at high risk of the virus and in underlying health. It is a person.
Elderly people and clinically vulnerable people are prioritized for shots.
This means that the person who had the first shot about 6 months ago is at the top of the queue.
The priority list follows the same order as the first dose queue.
How to Book a Booster Jab
NHS England said it would contact people when qualified, either by phone or text from a GP-led site, or via the National Health Service for vaccines.
The rollout is timed so that people are called to book about 6 months after the second dose.
GP Sara Jarvis Told ITV News Invitations will be issued individually when eligible.
She states: “You are invited to the flu vaccine by your practice, or by your local, primary care network, or national program to combine the Covid booster and the flu vaccine, but get them. When invited “
Then you can book the appointment here Or by calling 119.
Which vaccine will Booster Shot be?
It may differ from the type received on the first and second doses.
JCVI shows the “preference” of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines.
However, you may be given one half shot of Moderna.
“If you can’t provide an mRNA vaccine because of allergies or other reasons, you can consider the (Oxford) AstraZeneca vaccine for those who have previously been vaccinated,” JCVI added.
Should I also be vaccinated against the flu?
The NHS is campaigning for people seeking both booster shots and annual flu shots, but the Health Service emphasizes that if the GP does not have inventory, it is not necessary to give both at the same time. I have.
To ensure that everyone has the vaccine they need this winter, people are encouraged to accept each shot when offered, even if it is scheduled separately.
Dr. Jarvis said:
“But if it’s offered separately, pick it up, don’t delay one, to get the other.”
Do other countries offer booster jabs?
Booster jab drives in some countries have proven to be controversial.
Some key political and scientific figures have accused Britain of storing valuable vaccines while developing countries struggle to meet demand.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging countries to direct their stockpiled jabs to developing countries to ensure global security against viruses.
WHO suggested that the UK should donate more jab supplies internationally, rather than focusing on booster shots to vaccinate 12 to 15 years old.
Do you need a booster jab every year?
JCVI states that booster shot recommendations apply to the current stage of the pandemic, and the group does not suggest that rollouts will be repeated over the long term.
Professor Jonathan Vantam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer in the United Kingdom, states that the recommendations are “made-to-order” and currently only apply this winter.
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