7,505 new COVID-19 cases, 118 additional virus deaths in the last 2 days – The Oakland Press
Michigan public health officials reported 7,505 new COVID-19 cases and 118 additional virus deaths over the past two days on Friday.
The total number of cases over the two days has brought the total number of confirmed cases and deaths in the state to 1,104,634 and 21,862 since the outbreak of the pandemic.
According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), these totals represent test data collected on Thursday and Friday. MDHHS publishes new cases, deaths, and vaccinations every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and new outbreak-related data every Monday.
Of the 118 reported deaths, 69 were identified during a review of important records. Over the past two days, the state has recorded an average of 3,752 cases per 100,000 people per day, up 5.5% from 3,554 cases per 100,000 people per day from October 19th to 20th.
In the last four days, the counties with the highest number of cases were Kent with 1,306, Wayne (excluding Detroit) with 1,273, Auckland with 1,268, and McCorm with 1,56. In the city of Detroit, 564 cases are increasing.
The state’s average 7-day COVID-19 case count and test-positive rate remain high due to the prevalence of delta mutations among unvaccinated residents, including children.
MDHHS has flattened or increased case rates in all age groups, with the highest case rates in children aged 10 to 19 years (647.9 cases per 100,000 population per day) and cases in residents over 80 years of age. It reports that the rate is increasing fastest (21% increase). Compared to last week).
The average 7-day case rate in Michigan is 281 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per day. The state remains in the high-community infection category, defined by the CDC to average at least 100 new cases per 100,000 population per day over a 7-day period.
According to the CDCThe average 7-day case rate in Michigan is the eighth highest in the country. The states with the lowest average 7-day case rates are California, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia, with an average of less than 100 cases per 100,000 population per day.
The state’s 7-day average positive test rate continues to average 8-10%. The CDC also reports that 78% of all counties in the United States have high levels of community infection. All 83 counties in Michigan still have high infection rates.
In the last seven days, Oakland County averaged 201 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per day, down 8% from the last seven days, according to the CDC. The average 7-day case rate in Wayne County was 191 cases per 100,000 residents per day, an increase of 0.7% from the last 7 days, and the 7-day case rate in Macomb County decreased by 10% from the last 7 days. There were 247 cases per 100,000 people per day. residents.
Throughout the state, there are more than 2,000 Michigan hospitalized with confirmed positive COVID-19, most of which are in southeastern Michigan, accounting for 80% of the state’s beds.
MDHHS reports that the proportion of hospital beds among individuals with COVID-19 has increased from 9.3% last week to 10.2%. This percentage has increased for 13 weeks. Until October 18, COVID-19 hospitalized an average of 252 times a day, 10 times less than last week. Patients over the age of 50 have the highest hospitalization rates for COVID-19.
MDHHS showed that the number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit leveled off from last week, the number of emergency department visits increased by 5.1% compared to last week, and the number of new hospitalizations leveled off in most age groups. I am reporting that there is. Until last week. The largest weekly increase in new hospitalizations was between the ages of 50 and 59 (up 19% from last week).
The 7-day average of new cases per day for children aged 10 to 19 years is 648 cases per day. This is by far the highest case rate of all age groups, an increase of 12% compared to last week.
This week, Michigan hospitals average about 26 children under the age of 18 per day, with more than 50% of children admitted with COVID-19 having no reports of underlying illness. Every day, more than 450 children under the age of 12 are infected with COVID-19. This is 25 more children per day than last week.
This week, the average 7-day pediatric case rate, including children under 12 years of age, increased from 305.6 cases per day last week to 325.7 cases per day.
According to the CDC, Oakland County hospitals have increased the number of new COVID-19 hospitalizations by 4% compared to the past seven days, with 230 patients. Wayne County hospitals saw a 0.8% increase in new COVID-19 hospitalizations compared to the last 7 days, for a total of 234 patients. Meanwhile, hospitals in Macomb County saw a 11% reduction in new COVID-19 hospitalizations. There have been 69 patients in the last 7 days.
Vaccination rate
The state vaccination rate for residents aged 16 and over is 68.4%, with more than 5.5 million residents receiving at least one vaccination. The vaccination rate for residents over the age of 12 is 63.5%.
Vaccination rates include 41.6% for 12-15 years, 48.9% for 16-19 years, 47% for 20-29 years, and 57.3% for 30-39 years.
The vaccination rate for the elderly is 60.8% for those aged 40-49, 71.2% for those aged 50-64, 85.3% for those aged 65-74, and 81.8% for Michigan over 75.
Over 430,000 boosters and third doses have been given throughout the state, most of them to Michigan over the age of 50.
Breakthrough case
Between January 1st and October 12th, MDHHS reported 39,685 breakthrough cases. This accounts for less than 1% of fully vaccinated people. These are people who have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 at least 14 days after being completely vaccinated.
Of these groundbreaking cases, 1,448 were hospitalized and 625 died (549 were 65 years or older).
New MDHHS data show that between January 15 and October 12, 93.1% of all new cases across the state were among fully unvaccinated people (573,856). Of which, 534,171). Of the 15,597 Michigans admitted with COVID-19 during this period, 14,049 or 90.7% were not fully vaccinated.
In addition, 90.5% of all COVID-19 deaths during this period (5,924 out of 6,549) were among those who were not fully vaccinated.
Between September 13 and October 12, all new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths reported throughout the state accounted for 10%, 15%, and 20% of the Michigan fully vaccinated population. I did.
On Monday, MDHHS reported 101 new kindergarten-to-high school outbreaks and clusters, including 858 cases.
MDHHS recently revised the definition of school-related outbreaks and school-related clusters to facilitate consistent reporting across states.
School-related outbreaks depend on the relevance of exposure when epidemiologically relevant to the school environment or school-approved extracurricular activities. School-related clusters describe cases where no clear exposure link has been established, but epidemiological associations with cases outside the school setting are likely to be unknown.
From now on, MDHHS will report clusters and outbreaks as a total every Monday.
Currently, 60% of Michigan public school students in more than 220 school districts are required to wear face masks indoors at the behest of 10 community health departments, including Kalamazoo, Kent, and Ottawa (K-6). I have. Benzie-Leelanau, Health Department Northwest, Oakland, and Wayne (K-12); Genecy, Ingham, Washtenaw (preK-12).
MDHHS continues to report that school districts with less mask rules have a higher case rate and a faster increase in cases than school districts to which mask rules apply.
As of October 1, an informal survey of the local health sector identified 104 schools whose study time was directly affected by COVID-19, including closed schools, closed classrooms, and student quarantine. I was touched.
Booster / 3rd dose
On Thursday, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said a boost to both Moderna and Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine and which vaccine type people had previously received. Not that extra dose.
Moderna boosters are offered at half the dose of the original two shots.
Earlier this week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved such an expansion of the country’s booster campaign, which was also approved by the CDC Advisory Board on Thursday.
Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, MDHHS Chief Medical Executive, said the vaccines available were well-stocked and “requested all eligible Michiganers to obtain booster doses as soon as possible.” I added.
For those who have previously been vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, all Americans aged 65 and over, individuals aged 18 and over living in long-term care facilities, and individuals aged 18-64 at high risk will receive an additional vaccination. Is possible. Severe COVID-19 with underlying medical condition, and work increases risk of virus exposure and infection, including healthcare workers, first responders, education staff, food and agricultural workers, manufacturing workers, corrections 18- 64-year-old individual workers, postal service workers, public transportation workers, and grocery store workers.
Pfizer and Modana booster doses are only available to eligible Americans at least 6 months after the second dose. The list of eligible third dose recipients may be updated in the future.
For those who have previously received a single dose of the J & J vaccine, all Americans over the age of 18 will have access to a second booster at least two months after the first dose.
The CDC panel did not explicitly recommend acquiring a brand different from the original, but left the option open, just saying that some kind of booster was recommended. In addition, some advisors said J & J recipients want to receive competitor boosters, and preliminary data from ongoing government research suggesting a significant boost in virus-fighting antibodies with that combination. Was quoted.
Dr. Helen Kape Talbot, CDC Advisor at Vanderbilt University, said, “We are in a different place than before the pandemic” when people had to take whatever shots were offered due to supply constraints. Said.
Michigander must bring a COVID-19 vaccine card or immune record when obtaining booster doses. Immunization records are available online. Michigan Immune Portal (Https:// For many residents, it can be downloaded and printed.
The majority of the approximately 190 million Americans who have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 receive the Pfizer or Moderna option, but only approximately 15 million J & J recipients.
On Wednesday, the White House announced plans to distribute and administer the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 5 to 11 years after the FDA and CDC approve an emergency use authorization. The FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biopharmaceutical Advisory Board will meet on October 26 to consider granting an emergency use authorization.
Later this year, Pfizer and its partner, BioNTech of Germany, will submit the first COVID-19 vaccine data to the FDA to consider an emergency use authorization for children aged 6 months to 4 years.
Last week, pharmaceutical company Merck asked U.S. regulators to approve a home pill to treat mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19, adding an entirely new and easy-to-use weapon to the global arsenal against pandemics. I requested. If approved by the FDA, it will be the first pill shown to treat the disease. All other FDA-assisted treatments for COVID-19 require IV or injection.
In August, Pfizer and Modana booster use was urgently used for immunocompromised Americans and patients age 65 and older at least 4 weeks after the double-dose series, including organ transplants, active cancer, and HIV patients. I was given permission. People at high risk of serious illness.
-The Associated Press contributed to this report
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