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Latest Coronavirus Update: Governments say it can’t spread in cases of mild symptoms and no fever | India News


New Delhi: India records biggest day jump COVID-19 The third case to date has so far violated the 5,000 mark by reporting 5,376 new cases from across the country. However, 135 deaths on Wednesday were below the 146 recorded on the previous day. The cumulative number of cases in the country has increased to 1,12,359, and the virus has so far killed 3,435 people.
Here we will look at the latest updates on outbreaks of coronaviruses from India and around the world—
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Without mild symptoms and no fever, infection cannot spread: Government
Cases of Covid-19 asymptomatic, mild or moderate, and without fever before discharge from the hospital spread the infection, the Ministry of Health said and found evidence to support it. I chose
This comment has received concern over the recent revision of the government’s emission policy. The Ministry of Health recently said that mild and moderate cases of Covid-19 need not be tested before discharge.
Domestic flights reopening from Monday, reservations start today
Domestic flights will gradually begin to be emptied two days after Monday (May 25), just two months after being suspended as part of a national blockade imposed to check the spread of coronaviruses. .. Reservations start from Thursday. However, scheduled international flights, which were suspended on March 22, will land for the time being. The airport aims to contactlessly enter flyers when air services are resumed.
5,376 new highs a day nationwide
India has recorded the largest daily jump in the Covid-19 case to date and recorded a third violation on the 5,000 mark by reporting 5,376 new cases from across the country on Wednesday. The worrying trend is that daily numbers have been reported for up to four days over the last five days alone. This shows that immigrants returned to their home countries, many of which had the virus, causing an unusual spike in fresh cases. By contrast, by the end of last week, on average, daily figures peaked once every three days. However, 135 deaths on Wednesday were below the 146 recorded on the previous day. The cumulative number of cases in the country has increased to 1,12,359, and the virus has so far killed 3,435 people.
Delhi recorded over 500 Covid-19 cases for two consecutive days
Delhi reported more than 500 Covid-19 cases on Wednesday for two consecutive days, with more than 534 positive for the disease. This is Covid-19’s best daily aggregate in the capital. The total number of Covid-19 cases in the state is now over 11,000, at 11,088. The death toll has reached 176 and 10 Covid-19 deaths have been confirmed by the Death Audit Board in the last 24 hours.
Without mild symptoms and no fever, infection cannot spread: Government
Cases of Covid-19 asymptomatic, mild or moderate, and without fever before discharge from the hospital spread the infection, the Ministry of Health said and found evidence to support it. I chose
This comment has received concern over the recent revision of the government’s emission policy. The Ministry of Health recently said that mild and moderate cases of Covid-19 need not be tested before discharge.
Coronavirus has more than 5 million worldwide cases, increasing infections in South America
Global cases of coronavirus exceeded 5 million on Wednesday, and Latin America has overtaken the United States and Europe in the past week, reporting the majority of new daily cases worldwide.
This represents a new stage in the spread of the virus, first peaking in China in February, before a major outbreak continued in Europe and the United States.
Latin America accounted for about one-third of the 91,000 cases reported earlier this week. Europe and the US account for over 20% each.
Important details of Covid-19
Coronavirus Pandemic: Complete CoverageLockdown 4.0: What’s allowed and what’s not allowed in the three zonesIt’s Time to Mask and Stay Safe: Join TOI’s #MaskIndia CampaignMHA Guidelines for House SeparationTrust the newspaper for your daily confirmed newsC Trump says hina’s incompetence led to “genocide”
“Some of the Wako of China have issued a statement blaming everyone other than China for the virus, which has now killed hundreds of thousands of people. The dope was” Chinese incompetence, “and Explain that there is nothing else that has made a worldwide killing! “Trump tweeted on Tuesday in response to Chinese officials waiving responsibility for the spread of the virus.


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