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Graph the effects of coronavirus pandemics on mental health


From lockdowns to unemployment to reinstatement, the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute digs deep into how the COVID-19 pandemic affects mental health.

Justin Martin at KERA talked to the president and CEO about the research at the institute Andy Keller..

Interview highlights:

The goal of project

Well, we focused on the research with the clearest links. So we knew that there were many negative consequences, so we wanted to get something done quickly.

Many knew that and wanted to get something specific.

Therefore, the most definitive survey we are aware of is the increase between unemployment and increased unemployment and death from depression and suicide, as well as death from poisoning and overdose. So these are the areas we focused on in this first report.

“Despair of illness”:

Well, I think the key is despair, and I think a lot is now conspiring to get us all to test our hopes. And, as you know, many of us are tested in a more resilient way. We get the support we need, but some of us are biologically addicted, depressed, and responsive.

Some of us have experienced past traumas in our lives that reduce our resilience. Not all traumas do it, but sometimes traumas can have that effect, so not all of us have the same resources. Some of us live in poverty. And unemployment may lead us to a much worse place. And all those factors are conspiring, and the illnesses associated with that despair tend to be depression, addiction, and some of the worst consequences.

So, although there are many bad consequences of depression and addiction, I think some of the worst consequences are mortality consequences and I’m very upset about these consequences.

These are diseases we know how to treat. And frankly, we didn’t do a very good job of treating before the pandemic.

Potential increase in suicide in Texas

These are preventable increases, which used to be less successful.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in adolescence and adolescence. It is the third leading cause of premature death. These are record rates. 3,800 Texas people died in suicide in 2018. This is the latest year with full data.

If these trends continue and existing unfavorable results are added to the stress of unemployment, you will basically see a 5% increase for every 5% increase-a 5% increase is a major recession in 2008 It’s comparable to what happened during that time — you’ll find that suicide kills an additional 300 Texas people. The numbers are slightly worse in the case of drug overdose.

But the scary thing for me is that I’m not talking about a 5% increase in unemployment. You may see a 20% increase. This is comparable to what happened during the Great Depression.

The big question is whether the unemployment rate will continue to rise. We would be better if that was what we bounce back to and the rate would come back soon. But I think there are many reasons to worry that it may not happen soon.


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