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It's art and entertainment: a composition of sculptures and a musical

It's art and entertainment: a composition of sculptures and a musical


CD bringing you the latest arts and entertainment news from across the Canberra region. This week's highlights include a design competition, a theatrical feat and a musical favorite coming to town.

Sculpt the future of the NGA garden

One of Canberra's best outdoor art displays is getting a makeover with the announcement of a $60 million revitalization for the National Gallery of Australia's sculpture garden.

The Gallery is calling on all architects and visionaries to share their ideas in the two-stage sculpture garden design competition. They hope to see innovative designs that incorporate a public venue to experience artistic, educational, cultural and social events while honoring the original design of the gardens.

Open to all design teams, the NGA encourages multidisciplinary partnerships between Australian and international teams. They say applicants are encouraged to include a landscape architect, Australian First Nations practitioner, artist, architect and botanist or horticulturist in the team.

The garden plans will be judged by a jury of art and design experts who will anonymously decide on a shortlist to progress to the second stage. The shortlist will be announced in June, with those selected invited to further develop their designs before the winning design is announced in October.

The successful candidate will lead the major redevelopment of the three-hectare garden surrounding the Gallery, as the future design will bring the garden into the 21st century. NGA Director Dr Nick Mitzevich says the original design was never fully completed and the garden has not seen significant investment for many years and the NGA is eager to see what will happen.

Established in 1981 and loved by locals and visitors alike, the Sculpture Garden features works by leading Australian and international artists surrounded by native plants that thrive in the local climate. Wildlife resilience, sustainability, accessibility and the integration of National First Principles are vital necessities in the design of future gardens.

Registrations close at 12 p.m. on May 29;

NMA Fellows Go Abroad

A unique opportunity has been granted to six Indigenous cultural workers through the National Museum of Australia's Encounters Scholarship Program for 2024.

Hailing from Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory, the group which includes a historian, curator, cultural heritage practitioner, artist and program coordinator will learn from experts in leading cultural institutions.

By visiting institutions in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, fellows will have the opportunity to explore First Nations museum collections and the role they play in revealing the past and shaping of the future.

In its third iteration, the scholarship program aims to help develop skills in a range of activities and skills relevant to careers in the cultural sector. Working alongside museum, gallery and cultural specialists, fellows will receive hands-on, behind-the-scenes training in areas such as collections research, preservation, planning, storytelling, educational programs, design and project management.

The 12-week program began this month with an orientation session at the NMA. Next, the fellows will travel to New Zealand's Papa Tongarewa Museum in Wellington to focus on First Nations-led work and cultural programs. Fellows will then visit the UK's leading cultural and collecting institutions to conduct research, participate in workshops, undertake individual placements and build networks.

The Encounter Scholarship Program is made possible thanks to the generosity of Supporting Partners and the Australian Government.

Theater prepares young adults for work

Inclusive theater company Rebus Theatre, in consultation with Skills Canberra, has developed an innovative plug-and-play program for young adults with neurodivergence or intellectual disability.

Scheduled to launch later this year, Expressive Pathways is open to people ages 17 to 24 with neurodivergence or intellectual disabilities who are looking to enter the workforce. The program draws on the playfulness of theater to teach real-world skills and offers the opportunity for industry placements at the Canberra Theater Centre.

Lasting one year, the program sees a certified trainer and accessor, as well as the director of Rebus Theater, guide participants in acquiring fundamental workplace skills.

In a supportive and expressive environment, participants learn through hands-on activities that help them improve their communication skills. Immersive role-playing activities simulate job interviews and work scenarios in preparation for real-world challenges. Placement in frontline roles at CTC is an essential part of the program and helps pave the way to potential employment opportunities.

This initiative highlights our ongoing commitment to inclusiveness, providing valuable opportunities for participants to gain hands-on experience and contribute to our vibrant theater community, fostering a welcoming environment for all, says Alex Budd, Director of the Canberra Theater Centre.

Receiving funding from the ACT Adult Community Education Grants program, the program launches on July 23 and then runs over four 9-week terms.

Expressions of interest are open until May 13;

Song, dance and And all that come to Canberra

Murder, greed, corruption, exploitation, adultery, betrayal and undoubtedly a good time are coming to Canberra as Chicago the musical, Broadway's longest-running musical, comes to the Canberra Theater Center from September 7.

In what will be the first professional production of Chicago which will be performed on a stage in Canberra, audiences are invited to witness the story of Roxie Hart. A housewife and nightclub dancer who murders her partner, Roxie is desperate to avoid conviction and goes to great lengths to deceive the media, her cellmates and her husband.

A talented program, Chicago stars Anthony Warlow as shrewd criminal lawyer Billy Flynn, Zo Ventoura as his rival cellmate Velma Kelly, Peter Rowsthorn as Roxie's gullible husband, Amos Hart and Asabi Goodman as by Matron Mama Morton. Our damsel who creates her own distress, Lucy Maunder takes on the enormous role of Roxie Hart.

The show is sure to dazzle audiences with impeccable sets and costumes, dance numbers like we've never seen on our stage before, a hint of burlesque and a display of incredible vocal ranges.

Pre-sale tickets are now available for Chicago the musical at the Canberra Theater Center from September 7 to 22;

Support local arts at the Hub-Athon

As part of its first fundraising project of the year, ACT Hub presents a theatrical feat of endurance in the 12-hour Hub-Athon on Saturday April 27.

A collective of independent theater companies, ACT Hub is embarking on a massive half-day of continuous play readings, demonstrating their dedication to independent theater production. From noon to midnight, 25 actors will perform seven plays to demonstrate their commitment to the creative stamina required in independent theater making.

With a goal of telling stories that matter, ACT Hub is in its third year of producing honest and thought-provoking productions. The Hub is deeply committed to being the home of independent theater in the ACT, now and in the future, with the help of the local community.

Throughout the 12 hours, the Canberra community is invited to watch the action online or live and make a donation to support live theater in Canberra. Donations made via Hub-Athon will contribute to a more sustainable future for ACT Hub through varied revenue streams, enable the hub to deliver new programs and invest in the long-term sustainability of the Hub through the purchase of its own technical equipment.

The 12-hour Hub-Athon at ACT Hub, Saturday April 27, from 12 p.m. to midnight;

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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