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Health Authority-Williams Lake Tribune

A subtype of the COVID-19 variant is becoming predominant in Saskatchewan and is widespread throughout western Canada, but health officials say it is not considered a variant of concern.

The AY.25.1 subtype is likely to have occurred in the mutated Midwestern United States, said Dr. Jessica Minion, a medical microbiologist at the Saskatchewan Department of Health, who presented information to a health authorities meeting last week.

In Saskatchewan, AY-25.1 and another subtype, AY.27, have largely replaced the original delta variant. AY-25.1 is also spread across states in Alberta and British Columbia.

Health officials in western Canada have stated that subtypes are less contagious.

“There is no evidence that it causes a more serious illness, circumventing vaccine protection and significantly different from the circulating delta mutant,” said Dr. Dina Hinsho, director of health care in Alberta, at COVID-19. Stated. briefing.

“When a virus replicates, these sub-strains can evolve because genetics can change slightly, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they behave differently from their parent strain. No, that’s the case for this particular subline. “

Dr. Sakib Shahab, Saskatchewan’s Chief Health Officer, said the general public should not read this subtype too much.

“What we see is what every jurisdiction sees,” says Shahab.

“If there is a tendency to be concerned, we will make it public.”

Minion, a member of the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, said the Delta variant has diverged into new evolutionary trees around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom and Asia.

“These evolutionary trees are still deltas and we call them AY-various numbers,” Minion said.

“The presence of these different AY strains does not necessarily mean a biological difference when we determine that it is a new strain. What we are saying is that the virus code is stable. It’s just that there is a new sequence and it’s accumulated to be significantly different from the previous one. “

Saskatchewan monitors substrains as required by the International Health Regulations, but health officials reiterate that it is normal biology.

“The virus does not remain static, especially COVID, which is given trillions of evolutionary and mutational opportunities every day,” Minion said.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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