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Single Diabetes: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment


Solitary diabetes is a rare type of diabetes caused by a change or mutation in a single gene. Unlike type 1 or type 2 diabetes, genetic testing is often required for an accurate diagnosis.

In single-genotype diabetes, insulin production is reduced. This raises glucose (blood sugar) levels. However, not all cases of monogenic diabetes require insulin treatment.

There are two main forms of monogenic diabetes.

  • Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus (NDM) Occurs in newborns and infants
  • Maturity onset diabetes (MODY) More common than NDM and occurs in adolescents and young adults

Single genotype diabetes Diabetes mellitus, Different from the polygene types 1 and 2. Solitary diabetes results from mutations or changes in a single gene. The polygene form results from mutations in multiple genes.

All cases of diabetes are required Insulin treatmentAlthough diabetes and monogenic diabetes do not necessarily require insulin. People with solitary diabetes are more likely to need insulin treatment as they get older.

Solitary diabetes is caused by a change or mutation in a single gene. The solitary type of diabetes is often inherited from a single parent, called the “autosomal dominant” gene. Mutations and changes can occur naturally, which means they are not inherited.

Some types of monogenic diabetes may be temporary, but it can also be a lifelong condition.

The symptoms of monogenic diabetes depend on what kind it is.Know how to recognize the possibilities MODY symptoms Also NDMEspecially for young children, it helps to receive timely and appropriate treatment.

Blood glucose and genetic tests are used to diagnose monogenic diabetes such as MODY and NDM. Genetic testing can be done with blood or saliva samples. DNA is examined for genetic changes that cause monogenic diabetes.

NS National Institute of Health It explains that genetic testing for monogenic diabetes is recommended if:

  • Diabetes is diagnosed 6 months before birth
  • Diabetes is diagnosed in children and young adults, especially those with a family history of diabetes or who do not have the typical characteristics of type 1 or type 2.
  • Has stable, mild fasting hyperglycemia, especially without obesity

There is At least 14 different genes More related to MODY and much more has been discovered and studied. The type of gene detected may indicate the severity or mildness of MODY.

Tests are most commonly used to detect the following genes:

  • HNF1A gene (MODY 3)
  • Glucokinase gene or GCK (MODY 2)
  • HNF4A gene (MODY 1)
  • HNF1B gene (MODY 5)

People with MODY can use other clinical tests in addition to genetic testing.Around Overview of 2020 MODY’s clinical screening approaches include:

  • Testing for antibodies against type 1 diabetes, such as anti-GAD antibodies and zinc transporter antibodies (low in MODY patients)
  • Checking C-peptide levels (indicating whether the body makes insulin)

If a newborn or baby begins to show symptoms of diabetes, it is advisable to test for monogenic diabetes. Type 1 diabetes rarely occurs in babies, and type 2 diabetes can affect older children rather than babies. NDM can be overlooked or misdiagnosed without genetic testing.

Treatment depends on the genetic mutation that causes monogenic diabetes and the severity of the condition or type.

Some forms of monogenic diabetes can be managed with diet and exercise, while others require insulin. Treatment with oral medications called sulfonylureas may also be required. Sulfonyl ureas are oral medications that help the body release more insulin into the blood.

Contact your doctor if you notice symptoms of diabetes or monogenic diabetes in your baby, child, or teenager. This is especially true if you have a family history of diabetes or monogenic diabetes.

Talk to your doctor about risk factors and what to look out for. You may be referred to a pediatric endocrinologist who is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating hormonal problems in adolescents, including diabetes.

Solitary diabetes is a type of diabetes that is caused by a single gene mutation rather than multiple. Solitary diabetes may be managed differently than the more common multigenotypes 1 and 2 and does not necessarily require insulin treatment.

Although solitary diabetes can be treated, accurate diagnosis is essential for proper treatment. Knowing your family’s history of diabetes and conducting a genetic test can confirm the existence of this condition. Knowing the symptoms to watch out for, especially in infants and young adults, can also help identify and treat monogenic diabetes as soon as possible.

Research on this rare type of diabetes is underway. Your healthcare team will work with you to find the best plan for your subtype of monogenic diabetes.





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