COVID-19 surge in hospitalization reaches capacity for three maine hospitals
Central Maine Healthcare has 152 beds in three hospitals: Lewiston, Bridgton and Ramford. But none of them opened on Tuesday afternoon.
Maine has exceeded the record of COVID-19 hospitalization several times in the past week, with 298 cases recorded. report According to Nirav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine on Tuesday. That number peaked at 207 during the surge last winter.
It is driving several hospitals in Maine to the COVID-19 pandemic peak for all patients. Most people in the hospital are not infected with COVID-19, but the misery that can exacerbate professionals as holidays approach and cold weather begins, coupled with record virus hospitalizations and labor shortages. Create a new situation and get more people inside.
On Tuesday, all 17 critical care beds at Lewiston’s Central Maine Medical Center were full, as were all 116 beds. The other two hospitals in the system did not have beds available, but Cyr said the system continues to treat all patients entering the room. Flagship Hospital treated 22 COVID-19 patients on Sunday, and 9 received intensive care.
The main medical center in Portland, the largest hospital in Maine, had 37 coronavirus patients on Tuesday and 93 patients across the relevant Maine Health system, including the Memorial Hospital in North Conway, New Hampshire. Dr. Dora Mills, Chief Health Improvement Officer at Maine Health, states that these have been the most COVID-19 hospitalizations since the pandemic began.
However, as the number of coronavirus patients increases, so does the number of mainners hospitalized for other health factors. According to Mills, this seemed to be the result of delayed care due to the pandemic, but it is clear that the unhealthy behavioral changes brought about by the pandemic play an important role as the fall continues. Became.
People have Obtained With weight Drank More alcohol during the pandemic.Tobacco sales gain It’s been 20 years.More and more patients are overdose of drugs, heart disease, and Psychiatric problems, Mills said.
Mills compared it to the indirect health effects observed from the following crises: Hurricane KatrinaA new hospitalization, indirectly due to a pandemic and staff shortage, called the COVID-19 hospitalization, has blamed the healthcare sector. Nursing home to help drive patients out of the hospital — As the three crises facing the healthcare system.
“I know there is a lot of focus on more than 296 hospitalizations with COVID,” Mills said. “It’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
Like other hospitals in Maine, Maine Medical Centers are increasingly required to treat patients in corridors. At the Northern Light Eastern Main Medical Center in Bangor, spokesman Tricia Denham said 380 of the 411 inpatient beds were occupied on Monday. She said the numbers are snapshots and hospitals rarely use all 411 beds at once for private accommodation.
Denham used a total of 54 of the 58 ICU beds and had four off-limits “to allow staff to meet the needs of patient acuity.” According to Denham, 380 inpatients are high for hospitals, but not the peak since the pandemic began.
At Augusta’s Main General Medical Center, 185 of the 198 inpatient beds were filmed on Monday, hospital spokesman Joy McKenna said. She said all 16 critical care beds in the hospital were full. If the number of COVID-19 patients continues to grow, the hospital is planning a surge, McKenna said.
Medical staff want the best, but fear the worst as a result of the aftermath of tens of thousands of maine rallies during Thanksgiving and the consequences of Maine’s out-of-state trip for vacations. increase.
Stephen Michaud, President of the Main Hospital Association, said that both ICU and total bed statistics are important. These are likely to indicate the different ways in which this pandemic is affecting hospitals. But he said the system was at greatest risk of running out of critical care beds.
Data released by Northern Light Health from system-wide hospitalization on November 10 appear To confirm his suspicion: their hospital system had 30 COVID-19 patients and 16 patients who were not in the ICU. Unvaccinated people accounted for 43% of non-ICU patients, compared to 69% of those receiving intensive care.
“Now that the holiday season has arrived, we are calling on all Maine people to take steps to stay healthy. For COVID, get vaccinated,” said McKenna, Maine. I am.
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