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Like and Dislike Meals Related to Demanding Parents Restricting Food, According to Research-Keet


Are you frustrated by your child’s noisy meals? If you’re trying to solve the problem by becoming a food police, a new study that has tracked over 300 parent-child pairs for five years may have exacerbated the child’s habit of eating noisy foods.

According to a study published in Pediatrics magazine on Tuesday, requiring children to eat and restricting food is associated with some of the noisiest eaters.

“Eating is one of the few domains that gives children some control,” said senior author Dr. Megan Pesch, a pediatrician of development and behavior at the Michigan Medicine C.S.Mott Children’s Hospital.

Reduced levels of noisy diet in children were associated with parents Lack of eating pressure with almost no restrictions on food.

Families in this study were included in the US Department of Health and Human Services Head Start Program. That is, a family of four now living below the federal poverty level of $ 25,000. The researchers asked parents to complete a questionnaire explaining their child’s noisy diet levels and how they were handling the problem.

Parents answered the questionnaire Their children were 4, 5, 8 and 9 years old.

“What makes this study really unique is that we could map this behavior over a longer period,” Pesch said, but the study did not find that the child grew up from his or her noisy eating behavior within the last five years. Added. She said that if a child grows up, it will be an “important question for future research”.

Children were divided into low, medium, and high levels of food preference. Approximately 15% of the children surveyed were placed in the “high” noisy eating group, where they were less likely to accept vegetables or very nervous about new foods.

Nancy Zucker, an associate professor at Duke University School of Medicine, and Cheryl Hughes at Baylor School of Medicine, said these children were “ thousands of negative negatives about food, ” such as dietary conflicts, unexpected tastes and discomfort. I have good memories. “ In an accompanying editorial, Associate Professor of Pediatric Nutrition.

“It’s important that the caregiver eliminates the need for the child to taste something, and instead concentrates on building a fun experience,” they wrote.

“Do not force the children to clean the dishes,” Pesch said. “Do not let them sit down for dinner until they have eaten a certain amount of food, and avoid bribery with food.”

Peche admitted this was difficult for his parents and said he was struggling not to do the same for his three small children.

“It’s not surprising to say,” If you eat kidney beans, you can eat desserts, “but that can be counterproductive and can make an even bigger negative relationship with the food,” she said. Said.

The study found no difference in socioeconomic demographics among children, but found that children with problems adjusting emotions had a higher proportion of noisy diets. The children tended to change their mood excessively because they could become irritated and tempered.

“Some children are wired more carefully and a little more worrisome,” Pesch said. “I don’t think parents should feel any personal criticism of this. Some children will just be noisy.”

Try these “best practices”

“ Intervention should start at a younger age, as the noisy diet was apparent by age four and was not relieved in a five-year study, so the intervention should start at a younger age, ” Zucker and Hughes said. I am writing in the editorial.

According to experts, the best time to introduce a new food is when a baby starts a solid food after 6 months and then continues to provide different foods at different times during his infancy.

Dr. Tanya Altman, a pediatrician who is the author of Feed Your Baby, “11 basic foods” She believes in helping children learn to love healthy foods. “When a baby wants to eat, tilt the baby to open their mouths,” Altman told CNN in a prior interview. “Don’t force feeds or play airplane games. It doesn’t help.”

Expert tips that apply to almost all ages include:

Don’t give up on food One of the best practices for parents who like and dislike people is to expose their children to food over and over and not always be stressed.

“It may take multiple times until they are allowed to put it on their plate or are interested in taking a bite. But keep it on the dinner table Please, ”Pesch suggested.

If fact Nutrition Science Research Children have suggested that up to 12 exposures may be needed to say that they like the food, not just eating it, just exposing it to see it or help with preparation .. If you interrupt it with a negative experience, they are likely to prematurely put food in a “dislike” bucket.

A role model to enjoy a meal. Experts say parents, older siblings, and caregivers should set an example of eating and enjoying a variety of foods.

“When you see a loved and trusted person eating the food multiple times, it normalizes a little. This can increase food acceptance, especially for children with anxiety and alert disposition. It is shown, “said Peche.

Involve the children in choosing food and preparing it. When you go to the grocery store, have your child choose one or two vegetables and, if possible, help prepare the meal.

“It’s a bit easier to understand by seeing where the food is coming from and getting involved in cooking,” Pesch said. “They can strengthen their ties with food, become more proud of what they have done, and build more positive relationships with new food intake.”

Give options. According to experts, “green beans are the only vegetables that children eat.” Just teach your child that the time to eat is monotonous. Variety is, so to speak, the spice of life.

Make your meal enjoyable. Eat with your family without a TV or phone. Then tell the story, ask everyone about the day and play some fun music. The options to look forward to your meal time are endless. It also reinforces that food is for fuel, not for fighting, and breaks meal time into the following categories: Fun activities that build a sense of family unity.

Do not make another meal. If your child has a noisy concept of what to eat, don’t fall into the trap of cooking for yourself and for the whole family. According to experts, put something nutritious that she can eat on the table and then feed it.

People who like and dislike and weight

The good news about noisy meals Research shows It doesn’t seem to cause weight gain. This was also evident in this new study. In this study, a fussy diet was associated with lower body weight (BMI) scores. Is it due to lack of nutrition?

“Picky eaters generally tend to eat more high-carb, high-fat, super-tasty processed foods,” Pesch said. “But in developed countries like the United States, even if there are deficiencies of micronutrients in unbalanced diets, they are rarely seen.

“I go back to a picky meal like a Mac and Cheese Dinner — at least a picky eater because it’s rich in some vitamins and minerals, even if it’s not the healthiest food choice. Is not lacking in, ”Pesch added. “Overall, we’ve found these kids to be growing healthy. We hope this is really reassuring to our parents.”

More peace of mind: Giving up the power struggle for food can actually cut the child’s noisy eating behavior. If not, experts say it’s not embarrassing to seek detailed advice from a pediatrician or nutrition health expert.

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