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Avon Hospital experiencing a record number of patients, reflecting US trends


Avon Hospital, Avon-Cleveland Clinic, Ohio is experiencing a significant surge in patients, reflecting trends reported across the country.

Dr. Michael Taylor, Chief Medical Officer, took some time to talk about this issue on Sunday (December 19th). In his position, Taylor said, “I oversee the quality and patient safety efforts of the entire hospital.”

He was first asked to quantify the reported surge in patients.

“It’s bigger than in the last two years,” he said. “And it lasted longer from midsummer to late summer. There are more patients with COVID who have peaked a year ago and those without COVID who appear to be more ill than in the past. increase.”

Taylor added another statistic to the numbers because there are two major categories of people who are postponing care.

“They are people who have chronic diseases (two major diseases) such as heart failure and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and all variations of heart and lung diseases. (To postpone care). Others have small reasons, but they all add up. “

Hospitals usually have about 80-90 patients at any given time. But now, both COVID and non-COVID patients are on the rise, and the number has grown to about 126, he said.

Are the numbers alarming?

“Yes,” Taylor said. “The number of COVID patients accounts for about 25 to 30 percent of all patients, and sometimes even more. Over the days, we have seen an increase of 60 to 80 percent.

“In addition, the ER (emergency room) may be backed up and the hospital may not have a bed (available), which means that the patient may wait for the bed to open in the ER.

“We are known to have 15 to 20 patients waiting in the ER. This is more than half the capacity of the ER and is lined up in the corridor. Let’s move people safely. I am very sorry because it says. “

The change in numbers “has significantly reduced resources and made staffing more difficult. Nurses, respiratory therapists and all staff are picking up additional shifts to cover all of this. “

At the Disaster Management Conference prior to COVID, he said: But now all hospitals have reached capacity for a very long time. “

In other words, hospitals and clinics are all facing shortages and medical staff cannot be rented.

Taylor said there was a daily conference call at 7:45 am regarding the problem and possible solutions.

“We will consider these things. If a patient is waiting at one (Cleveland Clinic) hospital and the bed opens at another hospital, we will transfer the patient. In the past few months, we have We have applied it to all Cleveland Clinic Hospitals. “

He said the staff shortage was due to several factors: burnout, those who chose to retire earlier than planned, those who found a job in medical care not in the hospital, normal time and lower. For those looking for a level of stress, switching to temporary work.

Temporary work may include contracts with agents that pay higher fees if staff are willing to travel around the country to work in other cities or states.

Taylor has so far given the best advice to the general public so that he can leave the hospital. “Be vaccinated (for COVID-19), pay attention to family gatherings and wash your hands.”

Cleveland Clinic Avon Hospital is located at Richard E. Jacob Campus, 33300 Cleveland Clinic Boulevard.

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