A couple of Kansas recommend the COVID-19 vaccine after the virus has taken most of the foetation
Topeka, Kansas (WIBW)-Couple in Kansas is urging the community to be vaccinated against COVID-19 after being infected with the virus.
and University of Kansas Health System Monday morning medical update, January 3, KU said Thomas and Holly Ekeler from Wichita have joined Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steve Stetes and Dr. Dana Hawkinson, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Management. .. Ekeler hoped the baby would join the family in March and discussed the tragic experience of both being infected with COVID-19 after hating the vaccine.
Thomas said he resisted the vaccine and considered it “too new” and “.” After that, I caught a mild virus. He said he made a mistake waiting to be able to spread the virus to his pregnant wife.
Thomas warns Kansas that COVID-19 is more than just a cold or flu. He also called on those who are hesitant about vaccines to make decisions about facts and reliable sources of medical information.
Holly said she developed a much worse case of the virus at 23 weeks gestation. She even needed to be sent to KU Health Systems and eventually ended up on a ventilator.
Holly said she and Thomas almost lost their baby because of the COVID-19 infection.
Finally, Holly said she was released from the hospital around the corner. Ekelers said both were fully vaccinated against the virus and boosters were coming soon.
Holly said side effects such as asthma, kidney stones and voice problems still remain, but the boy Henry survives and is due to give birth in March.
Dr. Stites said pregnant women are at much higher risk of illness and death from COVID-19.
Stites also said a surge in current cases was expected after Thanksgiving, affecting 500 health system employees, but not all were positive. In South Africa, he said Omicron had led to a surge in cases and a subsequent sharp decline, and said the United States hopes to see the same trend.
Finally, Stites said that nursing homes are still at high risk due to the low immunization rates of staff. He said this could make it difficult to place discharged patients.
“If you’re not vaccinated, it’s not just about you, it’s about the entire community by straining hospital beds and resources,” said Dr. Stites.
Finally, Dr. Hawkinson said that one in 400 Americans died of COVID-19 infection. He called this a “unvaccinated pandemic” because the majority of hospitalized patients were not vaccinated with COVID-19.
Hawkinson said too much misinformation is preventing people from being vaccinated.
“COVID is becoming endemic,” said Dr. Hawkinson. “We can always be together, regardless of the season.”
For the latest information on current COVID patients, KU said on Monday that the number of COVID patients in hospitals continues to grow. According to the health system, 73 patients with active cases of the virus have been treated, up from 68 on Friday. Only 5 of those patients were vaccinated. Twenty of the inpatients were in the ICU, up from 15 on Friday. 14 of them are on ventilator, up from 10 on Friday. Finally, he said the other 35 patients were still hospitalized for the virus, but were out of the acute infection stage, which is increasing from 31 on Friday.
According to KU, this is a total of 108 COVID-positive patients, up from 99 on Friday.
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