What is right and what is wrong
This is the time when weight loss advertising is widespread.
Oh, take a look — there’s a former Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino shilling for a popular meal plan.
And hey, what do you know — Oprah Winfrey is honestly telling you how another famous diet plan changed her life.
And don’t forget the non-stop offer of deals on new gym membership.
In fact, according to CNBC, the weight loss industry as a whole has grown into a huge business of over $ 70 billion annually.
But such growth has also led to a myriad of false information about what works and what doesn’t.
His new book — “The Super Big Lie: How The Myths About Weight Loss Makes Us Fat — And the Truth About What Works Really” (EverwellBooks / $ 16.99 / Available on Amazon) — Veteran Health Writer Robert J. Davis (aka “Health Skeptic”) explores the science behind the health claims that have been popular for many years.
In chapter titles such as “The Calorie Fallacy,” “Exercise Illusions,” “Superfood Foolery,” and “Timing Isn’t Everything,” Davis explains how our bodies process and react to both food and exercise. Decompose the myriad of influential elements.
In addition, each chapter contains several “myths or truths”. Assumptions about food, diet, exercise, weight loss, etc.
Here are some of the “myths or truths”. Breakdown that I found particularly interesting:
Does Gluten Promote Weight Gain?
Avoiding gluten is popular in the diet and nutrition industry. Gluten is a protein found in rye, barley and wheat that can be harmful to people with celiac disease. But for people without celiac disease, there is no science behind avoiding this substance.
“Some people without celiac disease report symptoms of gluten (a condition known as gluten hypersensitivity), but weight gain has not been proven to be one of them,” Davis said. I am writing. “There is no evidence that a gluten-free diet leads to weight loss.”
Should I Avoid Carbohydrates with a High Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index (GI) (a number in the range 0-100) “ranks” carbohydrates based on how much they raise their blood sugar levels. Potatoes and rice are considered high glycemic foods, and nuts and beans are considered low glycemic foods. Those who advocate avoiding high glycemic foods do so because they believe that such foods promote weight gain.
However, Davis said, “The entire study could not show that a low GI diet is better at weight loss.” “Since we assume that food is consumed alone on an empty stomach, the concept of GI itself. Is defective. ”
Can fruits be fattened?
I’ve been told to eat fruits and vegetables since I was a kid, but how does fructose and glucose in fruits affect my waistline?
Most of the produce walkways have proved to be fairly safe for weight loss plans. Therefore, feel free to get the apple.
“Overall, studies have shown that fruits do not contribute to weight gain and are also associated with weight loss,” writes Davis. “And low-sugar fruits are not always better for the waistline than high-sugar fruits. In three large studies, high-sugar apples and pears are better than low-sugar fruits like grapefruit. It was strongly associated with weight loss. ”
That said, Davis also recommended avoiding fruit juice because it is rich in sugar and lacks beneficial fiber, and because drinking fruit juice is associated with weight gain.
Are there “minus” calories?
Foods such as cucumbers, lettuce, and celery have a reputation for requiring more energy consumption than they contain to digest. In other words, it is a food that actually consumes calories.
So what’s the old saying about when something sounds too good to be true?
This is true for foods with very few calories, such as celery and cucumber.
However, technically, there is one substance that burns more energy into the body than calories.
“Cold ice water has no calories. It consumes a few calories to warm up to body temperature,” writes Davis. “But that number may be too small to affect your weight.”
Is 3,500 calories really equivalent to a pound of fat?
The idea that creating a 3,500 calorie deficiency is equivalent to a pound of weight loss goes back to the study of overweight women in the 1950s — but Davis says this “simple formula” is “misleading… [because it] It is not possible to consider individual differences or how the body adapts to weight loss. ”
He cites a study of identical twins, and how calorie gains and losses are for certain people because there are so many genetic factors in how people gain and lose weight. It is virtually impossible to evenly predict how it will affect you.
Do drugs cause weight gain?
The unfortunate truth is that some drugs, such as antidepressants, beta blockers, mood stabilizers, and steroid hormones, are associated with weight gain.
As Davis explains, “Some drugs … can slow down metabolism, cause fluid retention, increase fat accumulation, and stimulate appetite, all of which can lead to weight gain.”
However, these effects do not necessarily occur in everyone, so if you are taking any of these, or other weight gain-related medications such as antihistamines, oral contraceptives, or antibiotics, you may have potential. Talk to your doctor about specific aspects of the effect.
Does high sweat training burn more calories?
Many of us associate sweating with the calculation of hard-burning calories, but the act of sweating alone is more related to other factors such as gender, age, genetics, temperature, and humidity than exercise intensity. I have. Sure, sweating a lot may drain a few pounds, but hydration restores the lost weight. In addition, low-sweat or non-sweat training does not necessarily mean that you are not exercising enough.
According to Davis, the rule of thumb for measuring workout intensity is “the so-called talk test. If you can speak and sing during an activity without breathlessness, your intensity level will be low. If you can, but you can’t sing, your intensity is moderate, and if you can barely speak, you’re exercising hard and you’re consuming more calories. ”
Does exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach promote greater weight loss?
This is something I’ve been doing for a long time — not because I think there’s a possibility of weight loss, but because I have no appetite first thing in the morning.
That said, many competitive bodybuilders vow to “fast aerobic exercise” when trying to lose weight and fat before the contest. The theory they agree on is that if your body runs out of carbohydrates before exercising, it turns into fat stored for energy.
This strategy works — some sort.
As Davis describes a number of studies on this topic, “There is some evidence that fasted aerobic exercise can promote fat burning, but only for a moment. The number is important. Fasting aerobic exercise for days or weeks generally does not appear to promote fat or weight loss. ”
Therefore, the decision to exercise on an empty stomach or have a light breakfast for energy should be based on what allows for personal preference and optimal performance, not on weight loss or fat burning goals. I have.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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