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Australian drug regulators file lawsuit to promote Church Bleach as a cure for Covid-19 Australian news


Australian drug regulator litigates against “the Church of Healing,” which advertised a solution that included industrial bleach as a cure for coronavirus after the church couldn’t remove the advertisement promoting the product from its website. Started.

May, Therapeutic Product Management Bureau Fined over $ 150,000 on the Australian branch of Genesis II Health and Healing Church To sell and promote solutions containing sodium chlorite, chemicals used as fiber bleaches and disinfectants. Named Miracle Mineral Supplements and Miracle Mineral Solutions on the Church’s MMS Australia website, this product claims to be able to prevent and treat a variety of ailments including Covid-19. According to TGA, the company violates multiple advertising laws.

At that time, TGA also notified MMS Australia that all ads should be removed immediately in violation of the 1989 Therapeutic Products Act, and legal action will be taken if the ads are not removed within two days. I warned that it might be done. However, MMS Australia did not remove the ad. Instead, the website has been updated to say that those who seek miraculous cures should also say, “Pray mainly for healing and guidance.”

There is no clinically or scientifically accepted evidence that the solution can cure or alleviate the disease. According to the TGA, the use of this solution “causes serious health risks and can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe dehydration and, in some cases, hospitalization.”

In April, United Church leader Mark Glennon Written to Donald Trump just a few days before the US President claims that bleach may be a cure for coronaviruses.. Glenon called the product “a great detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body,” and added that it “can remove Covid-19 from the body.”

TGA Federal court proceedings started Obtain an injunction prohibiting MMS Australia and its director Charles Burton from advertising or supplying the goods. It also orders MMS Australia and Burton to pay fines for alleged violations of law.

After the fine, the MMS Australia website is updated, and anyone looking for a bleach solution or other product can quickly add a $ 5 Express shipping voucher to their online shopping basket and jump to the top of the column. I said.

You must log in to the website to access the information. It also states: “By using this website you make a complaint, inquire, or notify regulatory authorities regarding information related to this website, including, but not limited to, the names of the items found on this website. You agree not to do so, or otherwise relate to any information related to or contained in any item on this website. ”

TGA’s court application states that MMS Australia must remove the login requirement “within 72 hours”. MMA Australia needs to confirm that “website access is not subject to usernames, passwords, phone numbers, or other similar sign-in requirements. Monitored by the applicant and the Director of Therapeutic Products Office ing.”

In a statement, the TGA said it was particularly concerned about the harmful effects that could be caused by the intake of MMS, Safety alert Warn consumers of claims about MMS for the treatment, cure, prevention or alleviation of disease, including Covid-19.

TGA’s application to court states that MMS’s advertising also made a “forbidden statement” about what the solution could do for cancer, herpes, and HIV.

Ministry Secretary health He said MMS and bleach were not registered in the Australian Therapeutic Product Register and could not be legally sold domestically as a therapeutic product.


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