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Scam alerts for NHS test and trace issues-these are important signs to note


A warning sounded health A series of phone and text fraud bosses-all claims are from NHS testing and tracing services.

Last week, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jenny Harry’s in the UK said, “It’s going to be very obvious,” when members of the public are called by the new contact tracking program.

What is the NHS test and trace program?

NHS test and trace programs are designed to limit the spread of infection. CoronavirusIt works by finding infected and contacted people and instructing them to quarantine by phone, email, or text message.

However, security professionals and philanthropists may find that some people, especially vulnerable people and senior citizens, may be vulnerable to fake phone calls and messages from criminals seeking access to personal information. I warn that there is.

The UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) has previously confirmed that many scams have emerged since the outbreak of Covid-19, which attempted to harness concerns about pandemics.

Last month, the Chartered Trading Standard Institute (CTSI) flagged a fake text message claiming to come from a contact tracer, but instead tried to get the details of a bank account or other personal information. Included a link to.

At the end of April, NCSC launched a new suspicious email reporting service. This service allows you to report suspected fraud emails directly to the center.

Since then, more than 600,000 emails have been forwarded to the service and NCSC claims to have removed more than 1,000 frauds.

This is how official tracers get in touch with people

The Health Department will never ask NHS test and tracking employees over the phone to ask for financial details, PINs, or bank passwords to clarify how official tracers interact with people, The tracer says he will not visit his home.

According to the scheme’s government website, when a contact tracer contacts someone, it will be in the form of either text, email, or phone.

Calls are made from one phone number – 0300 013 5000 Or via a text message sent from’NHS’Requires users to sign in to the official NHS test and trace website, verify their full name and date of birth, and verify their identity.

According to the guidance, the tracer never For example, ask them to dial premium-rate phone numbers starting with 09 or 087, request bank details, or ask for any kind of payment or purchase.

Also, the tracer never Require a social media ID or login, password, or PIN, or require users to download software or access websites that do not belong to the government or NHS.

“Be smart, pause and consider each communication you receive”

Parthi Sankar, a cyber solutions consultant for U.S. security firm Anomali, said this information is “knowing exactly what to expect and what to expect is the key to being a victim of fraudulent messages.” Said it is essential.

Ben Tuckwell, UK and Irish district manager for cyber company RSA Security, said: “Scammers are known to thrive in times of crisis.

“Millions of people across the country work from home and are often distracted by toddlers, but the truth is that they are sitting on ducks for a wise and timely phishing attack. is.

“Consumers can protect themselves by acting wisely, pausing and reviewing each communication they receive.”

“If you think your phone is a scam-please hang up now”

Caroline Abrahams, a charity director at Age UK, said people who suspect that the phone was a scam, especially older people, should hang up and contact Action Fraud, the UK’s fraud and cybercrime reporting center. ..

“Older people will want to play a role in slowing the spread of the virus. This includes enrolling in testing and tracing services,” she said.

“Like other systems that process personal data, people will be concerned about how the information they provide is used and protected, and whether criminals can abuse it.

“The Government, NHS and Public Health England need to reassure the public that tracers will never ask for bank details, payments, PINs and passwords by phone.”

What to do if you suspect fraud or if the call is not genuine

If you suspect fraud, or if you’re worried that your phone isn’t authentic, say call and hang up. Official NHS test and tracking number 0300 013 5000..

You should also contact Action Fraud immediately, either online or by phone. 0300 123 2040..

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