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CDC may extend the time between the first and second COVID shots: this is why

CDC may extend the time between the first and second COVID shots: this is why


  • Increasing evidence suggests that further spacing of COVID-19 doses can increase the effectiveness of shots for infection and hospitalization.
  • It may also reduce the risk of myocarditis, a rare side effect.
  • The CDC may extend the 3 and 4 week interval to 8 weeks.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is considering increasing the interval between the first two doses of the messenger RNA (mRNA) coronavirus vaccine.

The first two doses of the Pfizer vaccine are given every 21 days and the first two doses of the Moderna vaccine are given every 28 days.

Increasing evidence suggests that further spacing of doses can increase the effectiveness of shots for infection and hospitalization and reduce the risk of myocarditis.

Soon, the CDC may postpone the 3-week and 4-week intervals to 8 weeks.

This new dosing interval may ultimately improve the long-term efficacy of shots, but it also increases the time it takes for an individual to be fully vaccinated.

Currently, multiple regulatory centers are reviewing the data available to identify the safest and most effective vaccination schedule.

“Many institutions, regulatory centers and scientific groups are working tirelessly to ensure that these safe and effective vaccines are as safe and effective as receiving hundreds of millions of data points from around the world. I am doing it. ” Dr. Mark CameronInfectious disease specialist and epidemiologist at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

When the vaccines were launched in Canada and the United Kingdom, supplies were limited and many people had to wait 8-12 weeks for a second dose to be available.

Many were concerned about the consequences of extending the interval between the first two doses, but in the end, there was evidence that doing so improved immunity.

one paper It was found that extending the second dose to 11-12 weeks from the first dose resulted in a stronger antibody response than those who adhered to the 3-week dosing interval.

Cameron says the Advisory Committee on Immunization Implementation (ACIP) is reviewing data from Canada and the United Kingdom. There, due to vaccine supply issues, the time between two mRNA shots was extended to more than 8 weeks.

“They said that after eight weeks between mRNA shots, the risk of infection and hospitalization was reduced, and the number of already rare cases of myocarditis in young adult men after vaccination was reduced, resulting in an antibody response. We have found an increase, “says Cameron. ..

He said he followed the original 3-4 week dosing schedule to obtain sufficient data to obtain an emergency use authorization as soon as possible. Dr. Amesh AdalyaAn infectious disease expert and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Health and Security Center.

“There was no magic for 3-4 weeks [interval]”Adalja said.

It is known that increasing the immunogenicity at intervals between doses. It takes time for the immune system to initiate and maintain a sustained immune response.

“If it’s too close, we’ll truncate the maturity that occurs after the first dose,” Adalja said.

Changes to the dosing schedule have not yet been confirmed by the CDC.

According to Cameron, changing dosing interval recommendations requires a rigorous process of checking and balancing across many institutions, regulatory centers, and scientific groups.

“Before we approve and adopt changes, the vaccine schedule dataset that supports the changes must be large enough and ranged,” Cameron said.

At the original dosing interval, young men had a lower risk of myocarditis or heart inflammation.

Myocarditis due to the mRNA vaccine is thought to be associated with the immune system, which causes problems with heart tissue.

“By administering the vaccine in close proximity, the immune response from the first vaccine was not completely averted, and the second vaccine was able to beat it.

By separating shots over a longer period of time, allowing the mounted immune response to cool after the first shot and overstimulating after the second dose, putting someone at risk of myocarditis. there is no.

Adalja does not expect the 8-week interval to have a significant impact on other side effects commonly reported after vaccination, such as pain at the injection site.

By extending the dosing interval from 3 weeks and 4 weeks to 8 weeks, you can increase the immunogenicity provided by the shot and reduce the risk of myocarditis.

The CDC is considering increasing the interval between the first two doses of the messenger RNA (mRNA) coronavirus vaccine.

Increasing evidence suggests that further spacing of doses can increase the effectiveness of shots for infection and hospitalization and reduce the risk of myocarditis.

Regulators are still reviewing the evidence to identify the safest and most effective vaccination schedule.




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