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Did the brain fog occur due to long clouding of consciousness? The reasons and remedies are as follows:

Did the brain fog occur due to long clouding of consciousness? The reasons and remedies are as follows:


If you’ve jet lag or pulled all night before going straight to work or school, you probably know that feeling. Maybe you had a hard time concentrating on the day, you were more frustrated and forgetful than usual, or you just felt depressed.

Brain fog, a term used to describe emotions of mental ambiguity, has different effects on everyone. And although there are many health conditions that are known to cause fog in the brain, COVID-19 seems to have a unique and serious impact on the clear thinking abilities of some people.

Scientists are just beginning to understand how COVID affects the brain, but even mild to moderate coronavirus infections can cause brain damage and cause memory, concentration, and executive function problems. There is increasing evidence of sex.

In most cases, this fog will resolve itself within a few weeks, but some people will develop a chronic fog that lasts for months or even years. COVID is still relatively new, so we still don’t know how long the fog in the brain can last.

Here’s what we know about COVID-related brain fog and how to deal with it.

Why does COVID-19 cause brain fog?

There are many health conditions and infections that are known to cause fog in the brain. Sepsis causes inflammatory changes in the brain that affect cognitive function and attention. Brain fog is an obvious sign of Lyme disease and cancer being treated with chemotherapy (“Chemotherapy brain“).Some people make a contract influenza Generates a mist in the brain — dubbed “Flu brain.. ”

According to, there is something unique about the brain fog that comes with COVID. James Giordano, Professor of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University Medical Center. In most of these other conditions, the fog in the brain usually disappears when the infection is resolved or treatment is stopped. However, COVID seems to cause a much stronger, sometimes long-lasting, widespread inflammatory effect — Brain fog can last from weeks to months.

The brain fog that people experience with long COVIDs is most likely the result of direct and indirect inflammatory effects on the brain, Giordano said.

COVID has been found to cause a large inflammatory response in some cases and can be the cause of many. Of tissue damage Whole body. evidence In addition, the coronavirus directly infects cells in and around the brain, Inflammatory reaction In the brain itself. In addition, even when the infection is resolved, the inflammatory response in and around the brain can persist and cause cognitive, behavioral, and functional problems. There is also theory The virus remains present at very low levels in some patients and can cause ongoing symptoms.

Early in the pandemic, researchers suspected that long COVIDs were primarily the result of severe infections, study Published in the journal Nature This month, we discovered that even cases of mild to moderate COVID can damage the brain and cause cognitive decline.

“”Now we are actually looking at inflammatory changes in the brain, and those inflammatory changes are functional in the way brain nodes and networks work to control certain aspects of cognition and behavior. Confuse the architecture“Giordano said.

Experts believe that COVID infections (even mild ones) can cause changes in the brain, causing fog in the brain.

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Experts believe that COVID infections (even mild ones) can cause changes in the brain, causing fog in the brain.

Brain fog varies from person to person.

COVID diagnosis does not mean that you will definitely experience a brain fog. Many people get rid of the infection and quickly bounce off. Some will gradually improve over time. But in others, the fog in the brain persists — and sometimes it can be chronic and debilitating.

“This is one of the very attractive points of this virus. Each body that the virus invades can have very different effects,” Dr. Mill-EtienneAssociate Professor of Neurology and Medicine, New York Medical College.

This makes it very difficult to predict who will generate the fog in the brain. Age seems to play a role. Older people are more at risk According to Giordano, for experiencing cognitive problems after COVID. However, even young and healthy people diagnosed with COVID have found themselves suffering from brain fog.

“You don’t have to be infected with severe COVID to develop this long COVID syndrome,” says Etienne.

Giordano said that certain symptoms of brain fog also vary from person to person. Some people experience fatigue after a small level of physical or mental exercise.

“Not only do they feel tired. They literally feel they can’t do this anymore. In other words, they have to stop doing anything and just take a rest.” Said Giordano.

Brain fog can also cause short-term memory problems and multitasking problems. Some people may find it more difficult to concentrate or stick to work, while others may experience coordination problems or become emotionally unstable. Sensory changes (especially smell and taste) are also under the umbrella of the brain fog.

Etienne, who routinely treats long COVID patients with brain fog, said he saw a highly functional adult suddenly suffering from multitasking and concentration. In severe cases, brain fog can sacrifice their livelihood, he added.

“Not only do they feel tired. They literally feel they can’t do this anymore. In other words, they have to stop doing anything and just take a rest. “

-Georgetown University Medical Center, James Giordano

Here’s how to manage COVID-induced brain fog:

In most cases, the fog in the brain will clear naturally over time, Etienne said. However, some people are infected early in the coronavirus pandemic and continue to experience brain fog two years later.

If you’ve been fighting brain fog after COVID, admit it and be aware of its impact on your daily functioning and quality of life, Giordano advised. Talk to your doctor and explain specifically how the fog in your brain feels to you. Doing so will help your doctor develop a coordinated treatment plan that will help mitigate the specific effects you are experiencing. In some cases, medications and anti-inflammatory medications may be recommended.

It may be difficult for those who are experiencing more moderate to severe cognitive symptoms, but it is a restorative mental task called cognitive crunch (playing games, making notes, lists, reminders, etc.) ), Keep your body active and your brain active.

“If you don’t use it, you tend to lose it,” Giordano said.

Some infectious disease experts recommend the following: Anti-inflammatory diet.. Avoid fried foods, saturated fat foods, and the addition of sugars that cause inflammation. For example, the Mediterranean diet is rich in antioxidants and is known to reduce the inflammatory effects of the brain and body, Giordano said.

Finally, get plenty of rest and continue to rehydrate. “People usually take these things for granted, but in this particular case, it’s pretty important because both rest and hydration can be very recovering to the metabolism of the brain. . ”

Experts are still learning about COVID-19. The information in this story is known or available at the time of publication, but guidance may change as scientists discover more about the virus.please Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention About the latest recommendations.




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