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Experts say smokers are more vulnerable to coronavirus COVID-19 | Health News


Hyderabad: People with co-morbidities such as heart and liver illnesses, and smokers, are more likely to be the victim of Covid-19, doctors say. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists smoking as one of the major risk factors for coronaviruses that suppress the body’s immune functions.

Smokers are more susceptible to infections due to high expression of ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2), which signals inflammation, and more secretory cells.

ACE2, which is attached to the outer surface of cells in the lungs, arteries, heart, kidneys, and intestines, also serves as an entry point for coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

“Studies suggest that Covid-19 virus interacts with a specific human receptor known as hACE2 (human angiotensin converting enzyme 2) and infects the lung and nasal mucosa. It is highly recommended to avoid smoking because of this.” Dr. Rasa Sharma, respiratory specialist at KIMS Hospital.

Smokers are 1.45 times more likely than nonsmokers and non-smokers to have serious complications, according to a study at University College London.

Covid-19 patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) had a 63% risk of severe disease and 60% mortality, whereas severe patients without COPD had a 33.4% risk of severe disease. %, the risk of death was 55%.

“For more than 60 years, diabetes and hypertension have been seen as possible comorbidities in Covid-19 patients. Smokers,” said Dr. Nisant Singha, a senior consultant respiratory specialist at Continental Hospital.

“Smoking impairs the ability to fight ciliary damage, infections caused by small hair-like structures in the respiratory tract. Tobacco smoke is a major cause of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer and diabetes. Coronavirus infection can be severe in people with these illnesses,” he said.

“Smoking negatively affects lung health, suppresses the body’s response to infections, and suppresses immunity. Epidemiological evidence suggests that smoking increases the risk of viral lung and throat infections, researchers say. Claimed that Covid-19 was at high risk, smoking was associated with an increased risk of virtually all other respiratory infections,” said Astaprime Hospital Breathing. Dr. Ravindra Naragonda, Senior Consultant on Veterinary and Emergency Medicine.

According to him, smoking destroys important defenses such as airway cilia that help move particles out of the airways. Excessive and thick mucus will prevent splinters, germs and viruses from exploding. Over time, it degrades vital lung tissue that is vital to life.

“Many people suspected that there was a strong correlation between smoking and the effect of smoking on increased ACE2 receptors in the lung, second only to smoking and Covid-19,” he said.

Because smoking involves contact between your fingers (and potentially contaminated tobacco) and your lips, you increase the likelihood of viral transmission from your hand to the virus. Tobacco smokers (tobacco, water pipes, bidis, cigars) , Heated tobacco products) are more susceptible to Covid-19 infection. mouth.

According to a study published in February in the New England Journal of Medicine, smokers were 2.4 times more likely to enter an intensive care unit than nonsmokers, requiring mechanical ventilation or dying.

According to doctors, electronic and non-nicotine delivery systems, commonly referred to as electronic cigarettes, are harmful and increase the risk of heart and lung disease.


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