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Common sleep habits can be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease

Common sleep habits can be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease


According to new research, common sleep habits may be a warning sign for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

A simple nap helps us charge and face all the stress and tension that accompanies that day and the life of an adult.As we get older, they are especially important, but longer and more frequent daytime naps can lead to higher risks. Alzheimer’s disease.

This can be a “vicious circle”, which can lead to more naps and worse symptoms of dementia. researcher, Release Their findings in the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Journal write: Alzheimer’s disease Accelerate this change by more than doubling the annual increase in nap duration / frequency.

read more:Alzheimer’s disease is associated with 10 common health conditions years before diagnosis

In this study, researchers looked at data from 1,401 people who had been followed for up to 14 years. The average age of the participants was 81, of which about three-quarters were women. For two weeks each year, I was asked to wear a watch-like device on my non-dominant wrist to calculate the length and frequency of naps, and each year I took various tests to assess my cognitive skills.

Three out of four participants had no cognitive impairment and only 4.1% had cognitive impairment Alzheimer’s disease, At the beginning of the study, there was a marked relationship between naps and state development. Participants who took a nap at least once a day had a 40% increased risk of developing the disease. Alzheimer’s disease Than those who took less naps Hull Daily Mail Report.

For participants who did not develop cognitive impairment, daily naps increased by an average of 11 minutes per year. After the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, the rate of increase doubled to 24 minutes and almost tripled to 68 minutes. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Peng Li, the lead author of this study, said:Inform of increased risk Alzheimer’s disease, However, they also show that the year-to-year increase in daytime naps can be a sign of exacerbation of the disease or adverse clinical progression.

“In our study, we need to pay more attention to 24-hour sleep patterns, including daytime sleep as well as nighttime sleep, to monitor the health of the elderly. When Alzheimer’s disease Provides a basis for a better understanding of the role of sleep in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease In the elderly ”

Senior co-author Dr. Yue Leng said: dementia It remained after adjusting the quantity and quality of sleep at night. This suggests that the role of the nap itself is important and has nothing to do with sleep at night.

“This study is about taking a nap Alzheimer’s disease It seems that they are promoting mutual change in both directions. I don’t think there is enough evidence to draw conclusions about causality. It is due to the nap itself. Cognitive aging, However, excessive daytime naps can be a sign of accelerated aging or a cognitive aging process.

“It will be very interesting for future studies to investigate whether nap interventions can help delay age-related cognitive decline.”

Published in March 2022 for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, the study was a collaborative study between Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, and the University of California, San Francisco.




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