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Meat Alternatives: Stress Test Sausages Can Give Vegan Products a Meat-like Mouth

Meat Alternatives: Stress Test Sausages Can Give Vegan Products a Meat-like Mouth
Meat Alternatives: Stress Test Sausages Can Give Vegan Products a Meat-like Mouth


Plant-based alternatives to sausages can lack the texture of meat products, and testing the mechanical properties of the food explains why.


April 12, 2022

Vegan sausage

Vegan sausages look like meat sausages, but they don’t always feel the same in the mouth

Dron G / Getty Images

By mimicking the mechanical properties of the mouth in the lab, we can explain why plant-based sausages do not feel exactly the same when eaten like meat-based sausages. It also provides tips on how to make the texture more meaty.

Despite recent improvements, plant-based sausages are still very different from the meat version of the eyes (and mouth) of many people. However, the way sausages interact with the mouth and taste buds is so complex (not to mention the molecular complexity of the sausage itself) that it is difficult to find a way to make plant-based alternatives more meaty. It’s a lot of work.

Thomas Birgis Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and his colleagues measure different physical properties of three sausages from the same manufacturer, one meat, one egg white vegetarian, and the other purely plant-based. Then I got a better understanding of how the underlying structure affected. -It’s called mouthfeel. They applied various mechanical forces to the sausage samples to simulate the oral environment such as compression, stretching, and rubbing.

“Large proteins [present] of [meat] Sausages behave differently on a molecular scale compared to plant-based proteins, “says Vilgis. “This is always a problem with plant-based foods, because it never resembles meat products on a molecular scale.”

Birgith and his team found that meat sausages were slippery under friction than the plant-based and vegetarian versions. He suggests that this is because meat has a lot of available fat that is not bound by its molecular structure. Meat sausages were also more elastic under compression due to the different protein structures, Vilgis says.

These findings can lead to a variety of ingredients used in plant-based sausages. Solid vegetable fats already added to some meat-free products can be used more widely to mimic the rubbing properties of animal fats in meat sausages that are solid at room temperature. Sunflower protein, on the other hand, is relatively elastic among plant proteins and can be used to mimic the elasticity of meat sausages.

“Because plant-based foods are very complex materials, both compositionally and structurally, advances in this area have been advanced by basic polymer scientists applying technology and knowledge to plant-based foods. It’s important to understand. ” David Julian Mavunga At the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Journal reference: Fluid physics, DOI: 10.1063 / 5.0083730

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