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Masks are effective even if many people do not wear them.

Masks are effective even if many people do not wear them.


Californians seem to be taking off their masks at a rate not seen since June last year, just before the summer delta surge.

It is likely that at least one person will test positive for coronavirus on a busy flight. For example, the University of California, San Francisco hospital system had an asymptomatic positive rate of about 2% on Tuesday. That is, according to the university chair, Dr. Robert Wachter, one in fifty people was positive even though they showed no signs of illness. School of medicine.

Applying the same ratio to a flight with 150 passengers gives a “95% chance that at least one passenger will be infected with COVID”. Described on Twitter.. “The relatively low COVID rates can make odds for US flights even worse today,” added Wachter of San Francisco.

So what do experts say about when and where it makes sense to wear a mask?

Many stresses that facial coverings provide strong protection against coronaviruses, and covering them still makes sense, even if wearing them is no longer mandatory.

Unlike the early days of the pandemic, there are plenty of high quality respirators such as KF94, KN95, N95 masks when even the blue surgical mask was in short supply. Authorities say such masks provide an excellent layer of protection against infection, along with other means such as getting up-to-date information on vaccination.

Some health experts say the order was too early

Some people welcomed the cancellation of mask orders on public transport, but many health professionals didn’t like the timing and the decision was made. By the judge Rather than being considered carefully by public health authorities.

“It’s definitely premature,” said Dr. Peter Chin Hong, an infectious disease expert at UC San Francisco. “We were still in a very dynamic situation and suddenly happened and people were surprised.

“The most important thing is to set a terrible precedent for politics that invalidates public health,” Chin Hong said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wanted A few more weeks To confirm Recent moderate increase In the case of the coronavirus, it doesn’t threaten the hospital, and giving that time to the agency scientists “makes our hospital okay, especially given that we’re still out of spring holidays.” It helped to make sure.

Dr. Robert Kim Farley, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the fact that hospitalizations haven’t increased significantly despite a slight increase in cases has led the CDC to withdraw mask orders anyway. He said it suggests that it is quite close.

“But I think the real problematic view from my point of view is the underestimation of the CDC’s public health authorities,” said Kim Farley.

“Judges must not be the decision makers on public health issues.” Tweet Dr. Eric Topol, Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla. “Soon, masks should be an option, but not when we’re in the middle of it. BA.2 … waves.. “

Yifang Zhu, an aerosol scientist and professor of environmental health sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, said the decision to lift the requirement was not appropriate.

“If someone gets infected with COVID and the virus is released into the air of the cabin, it spreads throughout the cabin. There is no physical distance that can be maintained in such a limited environment,” she said. rice field.

Recommendations are still in place

The CDC still recommends wearing masks on public transport, and the LA County Public Health Service still strongly recommends universal masking in indoor public environments.

“Masks are respiratory (N95, KN95, KF94) or medical grade masks that provide better protection than cloth masks and continue to be one of the most effective ways to prevent diffusion,” said County. The Public Health Service said in a statement on Tuesday.

Mr. Chin Hong said he plans to wear a mask when boarding a plane or using other public transportation. For example, wearing a mask on a cross-country flight to New York reduces the chances of getting a breakthrough infection and infecting an elderly mother.

“I don’t want to get infected. I don’t want to be sentenced to more than five days at home,” he said.

Long flight advice

Many health professionals say it is still wise to wear a mask on a flight.

Air filtration systems are useful, but “the air isn’t filtered as soon as it comes out of people’s mouths,” said Zhu of UCLA Fielding School.

Also, there are moments of poor ventilation between the airport and the plane, such as when lining up on a boarding bridge, Chin Hong said.

Some travelers may avoid drinking and eating by plane, which may not be possible on long transcontinental trips.

Drinking food and drink quickly and putting the mask back on can reduce the risk of infection. Chin Hong said seeing someone sitting nearby could help him make the decision to eat. “Are they symptomatic? Of course, if they are coughing or hacking and not wearing a mask, they will be worried about it,” he said. It may be time to avoid eating.

It may also be helpful to sit by a window far from the aisle where people are walking.

Advice for people with immunodeficiency

People with immunodeficiency or those who are worried about the virus can get some protection by wearing an N95 or KN95 mask, but face covering is a particularly effective “source control” and is contagious. It’s a way to prevent sex people from spreading the virus. If she had only one mask for two people (one infected and the other uninfected), she said she wanted to give the mask to the infected person.

“It’s better than nothing” for vulnerable people not to wear masks, but “with a little extra effort, we’re protecting other people and the community as a whole.” “She said.

Chin-Hong suggested consulting a doctor about immunocompromised people navigating a world with less mask restrictions, but he also said that everyone stayed at home indefinitely and any protective tool. Said he didn’t want to travel without knowing if it was available.

People with immunodeficiency, such as those who have had an organ transplant, need to not only wear high-quality masks, but also know how to access them, such as what to do if they become infected. Anti-COVID treatment Paxlovid or monoclonal antibody, Chin-Hong said.

Chin-Hong suggested that it’s reasonable to worry a little, but not too much.

“This pandemic will last for a while, so it shouldn’t prevent you from engaging in life. But as long as you get the latest information on vaccines and protect yourself in the best possible way, keep people out of the hospital. There are many tools to keep you away, “says Chin Hong.

Kim Farley says that people with immunodeficiency Evusheld, A drug used to prevent COVID-19 caused by future coronavirus exposure. Evusheld is not given to those who have already tested positive.

The drug is given by two injections given in one sitting position for people over 12 years of age. It is intended to prevent COVID-19 among people who have not been exposed and whose immune system is weakened due to their medical condition or who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

Advice for infant parents

Children under the age of 5 are not eligible for the vaccine and children under the age of 2 are not allowed to wear masks.

It’s a difficult situation and parents and guardians need to assess the risks of travel. May be a vaccine for children over 6 months old Available In a few months.

“You determine how important a trip is. You determine who you live with,” Chin Hong said. If your young child lives with or plans to visit older, high-risk people, you may need to be more careful.

According to Canadian data, babies can effectively infect other household members with the coronavirus. “Because everyone loves around the baby, so be careful,” Chin Hong said.

According to Kim Farley, parents and parents want to wait for a trip if their child, parents, grandparents, or other close family members or friends are immunocompromised and the infection of the child can have serious consequences. You might think that.

According to Kim Farley, it may be reasonable for families who are not particularly vulnerable to continuing their trip, but it can reduce the risk of children over the age of two wearing masks.




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