Can I use the expired Home Covid-19 test?
But as manufacturers change the expiration dates of some tests, many wonder if it’s that simple.
Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has joined.
CNN: What exactly is a rapid antigen test?
Dr. William Schaffner: Rapid antigen testing detects trace amounts of protein in the virus. Therefore, it actually detects the virus itself. These diagnostic tests use swabs to test samples collected from the nasal passages to quickly detect protein fragments found on or within the virus. One of the main advantages of antigen testing is the speed of the test. This will give you results in minutes. However, not all active infections can be detected because antigen testing does not work as well as PCR testing.
CNN: How do FDA and test makers determine expiration dates and when to extend them?
Schaffner: Due to the time it takes for test makers to perform stability tests, the FDA usually bases its initial findings on Covid at home with an expiration date of approximately 4-6 months from the date the test was manufactured. -19 Approve the test.
When the test maker gets more stable test results, such as 12 or 18 months, the test maker can contact the FDA and request that the FDA approve a longer expiration date. If a longer expiration date is approved, the test maker may send a notification to the customer to provide a new approved expiration date. This allows customers to know how long they can use the tests they already have.
CNN: Can I use expired tests?
Schaffner: A word of background: When the test was first given a green light, when it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, one of the things the FDA asked the test developers to do was “OK, if you have a test, stay at home.” , I put it on a shelf or bookshelf, how accurate is it? ”A completely rational question. And, of course, when the test was first developed, the manufacturer waited, for example, three or six months before going to the Food and Drug Administration and saying, “Here’s the data.”
They showed that they were still working after 3 months, the FDA said “good”, and for those early tests, you have a 3 month expiration date. But that was the period it was tested.
Currently, the same manufacturer has put the tests on the shelves for 6 months, went to the FDA to show that they are still working, said they “work for up to 6 months”, and the FDA said “great”. I am. Now you can put 6 months in your box when you sell it.
Now, if you have a test that expired last week, is it accurate this week using it? And the simple answer is yes. Unless you’re misusing the test in some way, put it in a deep freeze or keep it in the sun. of course. You can trust the test results.
CNN: Can people still access free tests elsewhere?
Schaffner: lots of [testing sites] It will be closed or available during a much more restricted time zone. And that’s obviously for availability. Quick inspection is possible. It is not available much wider and faster, as it removes a lot of pressure from the test locations where PCR tests were available. Your doctor can continue to send the PCR test to your healthcare provider, but it may take up to a week for the results to come back and you will be paid a premium. But if you’re looking for free tests, I think those test sites are much more restricted than before.
CNN: What is the most important thing people need to know to get accurate results with a quick test?
Schaffner: Instructions. I found it when I saw them-and I didn’t pretend to see all the test boxes out there-but I saw some of them. The instructions are really very clear. They have illustrations, and my suggestion is to do it exactly. It’s not complicated, but as instructed, do it exactly without deviation. That way, you can be quite dependent on the results.
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