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This blood test detects cancer in dogs. But do you want to know?

This blood test detects cancer in dogs. But do you want to know?


This algorithm is designed to find these genetic indicators across many breeds of dogs with different forms of cancer, such as bloodhounds with lymphoma and golden retrievers with hemangiosarcoma. When the PetDx team began the study, they used the blood of 224 dogs (dogs known to have cancer) to improve the algorithm. This “training set” helped PetDx determine the threshold for each genomic mutation, defining what should be called a signal, not just noise.

Then they unleashed the algorithm on data from 876 other dogs. For each, it will give an alternative answer: yes cancer, or no cancer. (For most cancers, it is not specified what form it is.) Pet owners and veterinarians already knew if the dog was diagnosed with cancer, but PetDx researchers analyzed. I knew not to affect. The team then compared their results with the veterinarian’s previous diagnosis.

Overall, the algorithm captures about 55% of all cases and represents 30 types of cancer. It was most accurate when identifying late-stage cancer, or any stage of the aggressive type. OncoK9 has an 85% chance of giving the correct answer for the three most aggressive cancers. For all metastatic cancers, that number was over 80 percent. The eight most deadly cancers were 62%. “All of these numbers are a significant improvement over the current paradigm,” says Flory. She estimates that it is between 3 and 10 percent for early stage cancer.

Cici Pepperoni turned out to be one of the positive tests. This was a surprise to Inserra and his veterinarian. The company has notified the veterinarian. The veterinarian plans to scan in May 2021 and reveals lung growth and a heart mass in the dog. “Oh, not only did she have cancer, she realized she had cancer. many “For cancer,” says Insera.

It turned out to be a hemangiosarcoma, a death sentence. Angiosarcoma is commonly known as an emergency when the tumor suddenly bleeds into the space around the dog’s heart. “They are collapsing. They have anemia. They are bleeding,” Flory says. Their family must be in a hurry to get help. “Suddenly they have to come to the ER clinic and really make this life-and-death decision.”

However, OncoK9 caught Cici’s case months earlier, so Inserra’s family had a choice. They can try palliative care to reduce the risk of bleeding or chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. They chose the former to keep Cici more comfortable. By July, she had unmistakable symptoms. Weight loss. cough. “She’s starting to get a little more spacey,” says Insera. The vet noticed the water in her chest. Insera’s family was preparing to say goodbye.

They took Cici to San Diego’s Dog Beach, so she could run around and enjoy as much as she could. They, of course, brought the most desirable treats you can find, including Peparoni Pizza. She didn’t eat much anymore, but Cici wasn’t disappointed. “She ate a little,” says Inserra. “It was our happy last moment.”

The Cici case presents a nasty ethical debate over early cancer diagnosis in dogs. Dogs do not have as many treatment options as humans. And since blood tests still need to be confirmed by images and biopsies, pet owners who can’t afford further tests may just choose to wait and see. “If that works, it will be great for dogs,” says Elinor Karlsson, a computational biologist at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. Study genomics Of a dog’s illness. (Karlsson is not involved in PetDx and is an unpaid scientific adviser to dog cancer analysis startup FidoCure.) But be careful, Karlsson said:




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