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Most Canadians over the age of 50 are willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Most Canadians over the age of 50 are willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine


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In the fall of 2020, about 84% of Canadian adults over the age of 50 surveyed for vaccine motivation were more likely to receive injections when vaccines became available, according to new data.

Another 10% said they were uncertain and 6% said they were unlikely to be vaccinated. The results of the survey are similar to the current immunization rates in Canada. This may suggest that most people were confident about their choices for 2020, and that could continue as long as the pandemic lasts.

“The study found that older people in Canada were very motivated to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the end of 2020, even before the vaccine was available. It shows the first increase in confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines, and evidence of the safety and efficacy of these vaccines has been reported. ” Medscape Medical News..

“Unfortunately, a very similar percentage of individuals who reported that they were very or somewhat reluctant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine during the end-of-2020 survey was more than a year after the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine. He is still unvaccinated today. This age group in Canada. ” “This is annoying and shows how difficult it is to motivate vaccines.”

The survey results are Release Online February 15th American Journal of Epidemiology.

Age and motivation

Researchers at McMaster University and McMaster University surveyed approximately 24,000 adults who participated in the Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging from September to December 2020 to understand factors related to COVID-19 vaccination motivation. Did.

Participants were asked, “If a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is available, how likely is it to choose vaccination?” Then I was asked to choose why I would receive the shot and why I wouldn’t.

Of those aged 50-96 years, 84.1% said they wanted vaccination very or to some extent, and 15.9% said they were uncertain or very or somewhat unwilling. In addition, 72.7% said they were very likely to be vaccinated, 11.5% said they were somewhat likely, 9.9% said they were uncertain, and 1.8% were slightly more likely to be vaccinated. He said it was low and 4.2% said it was very unlikely.

Within all socio-demographic categories, most participants have shown that they are very likely to be vaccinated. Men aged 65 and over, Caucasians, higher education and income levels, and those who lived in urban areas were significantly more likely to report their willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

On the other hand, young (between 50 and 64 years old), non-white women, had low education and income, and those living in rural areas were unwilling to vaccinate.

Preeti Malani, MD, Chief Health Officer at the University of Michigan, said: Medscape Medical News.. Marani was not involved in the study.

“They are very’drilled’in that they are not vaccinated,” she added. “No one is shifting. Currently, there are few new first vaccinations.”

Desire for protection

Busta and colleagues received recently received adults after managing socio-demographic factors influenza Those who plan to get the vaccine, or those who plan to get the vaccine in the fall of 2020, are much more likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Approximately 30% of participants were vaccinated against influenza early in the 2020 season, and 51% were expected to be vaccinated against influenza.

In addition, those who believe they are not infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who have experienced the adverse effects of a pandemic are more likely to express their willingness to be vaccinated. Approximately 87% of participants believe that they are unlikely to have been infected so far, and 61% have reported an overall negative impact on their lives.

Of the 20,000 participants who said they were very or to some extent likely to be vaccinated, 37.5% said they wanted to protect themselves and 25.7% wanted to protect their families and loved ones. I chose. About 24% chose “I want to contribute to ending the outbreak of COVID-19”.

Of the 3775 participants who did not know or were unlikely to be vaccinated, about 64% said they were “concerned about the safety of the vaccine.” About 18% said they were worried about how well the vaccine would be protected, and 8% chose “other”.

As the pandemic continues, additional focus groups can shed light on why some of the population remains unvaccinated, Marani said.

“I don’t expect them to change their minds unless they can find a way to address the concerns of these individuals,” she said. “This is the time to stay on our radar and we should spend the summer months really talking about these concerns and delivering a message to them.”

Targeted outreach

Elderly people known to face an increased risk of severe COVID-19 continue to be a major group of targeted outreach to improve their intake of the COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. Researchers write that there is.

As of April 3, approximately 86% of Canada’s eligible population is considered fully vaccinated. This includes 89% of adults aged 50-59, 93% aged 60-69, and 96.5% aged 70-79. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, 97.5% are over 80 years old.

Multiple coordinated approaches can be used to reach the remaining groups in countries where vaccine intake has peaked, such as Canada.

“It is very important that the same level of investment spent on vaccine development is spent on vaccine delivery, vaccine equity, and vaccine epidemiology. This is the technical success of vaccine development. We can guarantee that it will lead to successful public health. The highest possible vaccination rate. ” “This is also very important in the third year of the pandemic, which will prepare us for future waves and prevent serious consequences, especially among the most vulnerable people.”

This study was funded by the Durabinsky Institute, McMaster University, McMaster Aging Institute, Novascosia COVID-19 Health Research Association, and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Basta and Marani have not reported any relevant financial relationships.

This is J Epidemior. Published online on February 15, 2022. Full text

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